The Final Victory By Al-Hadi Margan

The Final Victory By Al-Hadi Margan

04-13-2019, 01:13 AM


Post: #1
Title: The Final Victory By Al-Hadi Margan
Author: Al-Hadi M. Margan
Date: 04-13-2019, 01:13 AM
Parent: #0

01:13 AM April, 12 2019

Sudanese Online
Al-Hadi M. Margan-NC, USA
My Library
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Since December 19th, 2018, the youth of Sudan has demonstrated the will of the people, and finally are victorious because of their determination in reaching their dreams of freedom, justice, and peace. We have all beared witness to what has happened in Sudan over the course of the last few months; the youth of Sudan have sacrificed their lives and blood for today’s victory. They stood firmly in what they believed and they fought very hard against the Islamic regime of Sudan. Even after Bashir and his regime tried a second time to gain back power through ​Awad Mohamed Ahmed Ibn Auf they were unsuccessful because of the powerful forces of the youth of Sudan that was strongly against them. ​This regime badly mistreated our youth by any means in an attempt to stop them; fortunately, they did not succeed. The youth of Sudan, however, were not the only ones responsible for this victory; our win is in great part due to the efforts of people in places like the United States, Australia, Canada, Europe, and even some places in Africa. Their collective efforts and participation in providing the resources necessary to achieve this victory helped us succeed our goal of driving out Omar al-Bashir from public office. Now, the future has begun, and a new chapter of history is being written.
Despite this great victory, the country of Sudan is in shambles because of the countless decades under Omar al-Bashir. Not only did Bashir opress refugees, but he also condemned our people to a life without proper education and services related to health. In addition, the Islamic regime lead by Bashir has hurt the women of Sudan greatly through their violent and oppressive laws against them. Now, more than ever, it is time to unite the people of Sudan to focus on rebuilding our nation. It is important to rally our youth to help build a healthy economy that will support poverty-stricken areas in Sudan. We must also focus a great deal of our efforts on the infrastructure of sectors such as education and the equal distribution of land, which have been below average for several years. In addition, Sudan must take steps to improve sectors such as mining and agriculture, which will provide the people of our country with sufficient jobs.
None of these dreams will be accomplished if the war is not stopped, however; in Southern Khardurfan, the Blue Nile, and Darfur, the war has been raging for a very long time, hindering any form of progress that we have to tried to implement. We owe it to the people in these areas to end the war that has plagued and terrorized them for so long. The road ahead may be one that is long and hard, but with the people of Sudan on board, we can accomplish anything we set our minds to.
Ladies and gentleman, mark the date April 12th, 2019, for it is the day that we got back our freedom.