Sudanese people are making their revolution ushering in a new era of democracy and freedom

Sudanese people are making their revolution ushering in a new era of democracy and freedom

12-30-2018, 04:52 PM


Post: #1
Title: Sudanese people are making their revolution ushering in a new era of democracy and freedom
Author: خالد حسن سملتود
Date: 12-30-2018, 04:52 PM
Parent: #0

03:52 PM December, 30 2018

Sudanese Online
خالد حسن سملتود-الخرطوم-السودان
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Khalid Hassan Mohammed Samiltoud
I hereby want to deliver simple message to the Sudanese folks, simple admonition to the entire political parties in general and the opposition factions in particular.As we all have seen the recent serious developments in our country, where all people took the street calling for the resignation of the regime of Omar Albashir who has been ruling our country with complete iron fist since 1989. His tenure witnessed many calamities and fragmentation of the key public services and the governmental utilities. His era witnessed one of the blatant human rights violations in all corners of the countries. Wars raged, people got sick, prices of key foodstuffs have doubled and our economy ominously crumbled while the international community remained reticent, while poor Sudanese people displaced and large numbers of undergraduate students fled the country seeking better life and bright future. Today, our revolution has erupted and swiftly morphed into popular uprising to change the current situation. Our country has been grappling with all these sufferings since 1989 and now it is time to reverse this situation once and for ever. We can never sit idle while our beloved young people are exposed to risks in the streets. The security forces are wielding their guns and rifles as snipers to shoot anyone who tries to protest peacefully. We can never let this happen again.
Sudanese regime led by Omar Albashir is recruiting sinister mercenaries and hitmen to sniper protesters in the streets.
Sudanese people with their entire affiliations are taking the streets to oust this despotic regime which stole our wealth, our values and dignity. The Sudanese people have powerful voices that should be reckoned with and the uprising will continue to overthrow this rogue regime once and forever.
We will never abide by the draconian rules that were coded by this rogue regime that has resorted to use force to mute our voices.
Uprising should proceed to redeem our usurped rights and democracy. All Sudanese people should pursue the footsteps of all our fallen martyrs.
Dear Sudanese people;
As our country Sudan is grappling with crumbling economy and political turmoil due to the faulty policies pursued by the regime of Omar Albashir which has been drafting faulty policies and strategies for 30 years and resulted in a complete destruction of identity, our country has been ruled by iron fist and human rights were conspicuously suppressed.
The regime of Omar Al-Bashir in Sudan created an atmosphere of apparent suppression against the raising voices of the dearest revolutionists who called for demonstrations to rid the country of barbarism and arrogance. As we have seen that the animosity between the Sudanese people and the regime of Al-Bashir is mounting in the light of a conspicuous resentment.
The regime is ghastly leading our country into an abyss and unknown future. Posterity will vindicate these facts. The government recruits out-law gangs and mercenaries to shoot and sniper Sudanese protesters in the streets using batons and gassing them everywhere. The regime is using excessive force against the protesters in clear suppression and challenge.
Sudanese people should never waver or abandon their cause. President Al-Bahir should leave immediately and consequently a transitional government should be reinstated. Despite the great progress that our uprising has achieved, the Sudanese people have tackled the insuperable difficulties and nothing will preclude our heroes from attaining the last solution that will redeem our freedom and dignity. The regime should clearly understand that the entire Sudanese people and the posterity will never tolerate this military regime which had plundered our resources for the sake of solidifying the security apparatus and the military installations while poor citizens suffer from hunger and starvation.
To all Sudanese campaigners, I would like to convey simple message: Our country is facing real transformation and political turmoil. We should remain persistent and committed to toppling this despotic regime by all means in our hand
Long live for Sudan
May God bless our people