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A call for Imposition of Sanctions on the rebel leader in Darfur Comrade Abdel Wahid Nur by Jeremia

10-31-2018, 00:33 AM
Mahmoud A. Suleiman
<aMahmoud A. Suleiman
Registered: 01-13-2014
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A call for Imposition of Sanctions on the rebel leader in Darfur Comrade Abdel Wahid Nur by Jeremia

    00:33 AM October, 30 2018

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    A call for Imposition of Sanctions on the rebel leader in Darfur Comrade Abdel Wahid Nur by Jeremiah Kensley Mamabolo Head of the UNAMID Mission is nothing but a Blame of Somebody Else or a BSE!
    By Mahmoud A. Suleiman
    United Nations–African Union Mission in Darfur, (UNAMID) for short is the African Union/United Nations Hybrid operation in Darfur is a joint African Union and United Nations peacekeeping mission formally approved by United Nations Security Council Resolution 1769 on 31 July 2007, to bring stability to the war-torn Darfur region of Sudan while peace talks on a final settlement continue.
    This article comes against the backdrop of the News media reports that the Leader of the UNAMID tried to exonerate his master of grace the Genocidal Criminal Omer Hassan Ahmed al-Bashir in lieu of the African Union (AU) formula of “Scratch my Back while I Crutch Yours” while the regime’s Atrocious Crimes in Darfur are in sight and as the International Community Radar remains off, dimmed in Darkness.
    It seems that the Leader of the United Nations - African Union Hybrid Operation Mission in Darfur (UNAMID) has tried hard to exonerate his master of grace the Genocidal Criminal Marshall Omer Hassan Ahmed al-Bashir in lieu of the African Union (AU) Recipe Formula of Scratch my Back and I Scratch Yours while the regime’s Atrocious Crimes in Darfur are out of the sight of the International Community Radar and remains Dimmed.
    While the Leader of the UNAMID tried to exonerate al-Bashir from his perpetration of the atrocious crimes, the people of Sudan in Darfur and elsewhere are living under oppressive laws and targeted by the same Janjaweed militias that committed the most heinous crimes in Darfur and now given the cloned nickname of Rapid Support Forces (RSF) led by the militia and Mercenary General Mohamed Hamdan Dogolo – aka- Hamiditi the right hand supporter to Omer al-Bashir who remains fugitive from the international justice and chased by the toothless Correctional Institution at The Hague in the Netherlands Known by its formal name of International Criminal Court (ICC).
    The recent Call of Mr. Jeremiah Kensley Mamabolo, head of the UNAMID Mission for Imposing Sanctions on the rebel leader in Darfur Comrade Abdel Wahid Nur is nothing but a clear shameful bias in support of the ruling regime in Sudan and a reflection of dishonesty and lack of diplomatic ethical code. Thus, the International Community remains repeating the same mantra of the former South African President Thabo Mbeki who chronically calling for the Sudanese Opposition Factions of both Armed and Civil for his Round Trips to the Ethiopian Capital of Addis Ababa to repeat the same failed Scenario Knowing as Roadmap that leads to nowhere other than the waste of time and more suffering to the Sudanese people in the War Zones and the Prolongation of the War with more killing, Displacement and the Refugee Status for the survivors of the wars of Attrition. This scenario seems to continue forever because in the end, the longer the issue of Sudan in the Darfur region remains unsolved the better for the chairperson of the AU high-level panel on Darfur (AUPD), Mr. Mbeki had the opportunity to receive the US Dollar Currencies in return to remaining a supporter and an advocate of the war criminal Omer Hassan Ahmed al-Bashir, the member of the African Union (AU) Dictators’ Club in the Ethiopian Capital Addis Aba ba, for the so-called negotiations that will not lead to any tangible results that will solve the issues of the people of Sudan in Darfur, Nuba Mountains and Ingassana under the arbitrary rule of three decades under the grip of iron and fire led by the mafia terrorists disguised under the slogans of hypocrisy. One of Thabo Mbeki's clear orientations in helping and supporting Omer al-Bashir's crimes is to work hard to enable al-Bashir to run the so-called 2020 elections and to succeed in it to counterfeit their already known results. The end result would be a rebirth of a neo war criminal in its cloned format but remains as the same Dictator Omer Hassan Ahmed al-Bashir, the fugitive from the international justice and the vicious cycle goes on unabated to the detriment of the rights of the people of Sudan who have no tangible support from the international community. And at such a junction, then there would be no escape or exit from the re-commission of the previous crimes in a more severe way and there will be no solutions for the people of Sudan from the exit of the quagmire, but the popular uprising as great as the Glorious October 21 1964 Revolution to overthrow the arbitrary ruling regime of the National Congress Party (NCP) and throw it into the dustbin of history and beyond and Move forward to the long-awaited Democratic rule in which all the citizens of Sudan are equal on the basis of the identity of citizenship.
    The call of the head of the UNAMID mission to impose sanctions on Comrade Abdel Wahid Nur is part of the neverending series of the falsification of the facts on the ground in the Darfur region, where the Sudanese civilian citizens who have survived the crimes against humanity, war crimes and genocide continue to live in Makeshift Camps as Internally Displaced Persons (IDP) or as refugee camps in the neighbouring countries for more than 15 years and suffer all forms of brutality of the Khartoum government and allied cloned Janjaweed militias codenamed Rapid Support Forces (RSF), along with preventing them from receiving humanitarian aid and relief and imposing all kinds of repression and humiliation on them.
    Head of the UNAMID Mission remained mute, does not talk about all those crimes that continue to be committed by the government of the genocidal criminal Omer Hassan Ahmed al-Bashir, the fugitive from the international justice and wanted to be arrested by the International Criminal Court (ICC) since 2009.
    The observation of the behavior and hearing of the statements of the President of UNAMID was not surprising or strange considering the amount of support the ruling regime of Omer al-Bashir receives from the African Union (AU) entity, which is considered the Club of the Presidents of the dictatorships in Africa, where everyone supports the other without thinking about the rights of the people they rule.
    The call of the head of the UNAMID mission to impose sanctions on Comrade Abdel Wahid Nur is no more than travesty of justice.
    The head of the UNAMID mission should be honest when trying to defend the regime led by the genocidal perpetrator, utterly incompetent Omer Hassan Ahmed al-Bashir. The irony of this bad time and era in Sudan, ruled by the arbitrary regime, led by the dictator Omer Hassan Ahmed al-Bashir who has been quoted as saying that one of the best decisions he has ever made in his life was the establishment of the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) militia, basically the notorious Janjaweed militias he used in Darfur to commit ethnic cleansing, crimes against humanity, war crimes and genocide against the civilian Sudanese citizens as revenge for the armed rebel movements of Darfur, which were demanding the rights of citizenship to share wealth and power of the country and remove the effects of systematic marginalization across the periods since the so-called Independence of Sudan from the Anglo-Egyptian colonialism on January 1, 1956. Bashir’s statements have proven beyond doubt the degree of indication of his abject failures over the past three lean decades of his oppressive rule.
A further claim surfaced in some media outlets run by the security entity of the National Congress Party (NCP) of the so-called National Intelligence and Security Services (NISS) is that the indictment of al-Bashir would have the effect of destabilising the regime and pushing Sudan into anarchy. This is extremely doubtful, and in fact the opposite case scenario is more plausible. The present regime in Khartoum has lied repeatedly and has never honoured any of the documents it has signed - whether the comprehensive peace agreement (CPA) with the south, the DPA, or eastern peace agreement (EPA, signed in October 2006 with the eastern-front guerrillas) nor the notorious outcome of the Doha Document for Peace in Darfur (DDPD). Mr. Jeremiah Kensley Mamabolo, head of the UNAMID Mission should recall the fact that the Khartoum regime Chaired by Omer al-Bashir is renounced for reneging the foregoing peace agreements signed with the parties in the dispute. Al-Bashir did that through default on, fail to honor the agreements witnessed by the observers from the international community who appointed Mr. Jeremiah Kensley Mamabolo, to head the UNAMID Mission! Shame will be on you, Mr. Jeremiah, for your injustice to Comrade Abdel Wahid Mohamed Ahmed El Nour. In doing so, Mr. Jeremiah Kensley Mamabolo Head of the UNAMID Mission tried to bring a résumé with the least appropriate background imaginable for the National Congress Party (NCP) regime which is seeking to whitewash a record of corruption, repression, genocide, terrorism, and discrimination, as John Prendergast the Founding Director of the Enough Project and the Co-Founder of The Sentry said at the arrival of General Mohamed Atta, former Chief Spy Leader of the notorious National Intelligence and Security Services (NISS) to Washington DC carrying a Diplomatic Passport as a Sudanese Ambassador to the United States of America. https://www.thedailybeast.com/this-terror-sponsor-just-got-i...-diplomatic-passport
    Quotes about Blaming somebody Else:
“Blame is the demonstrated lack of self-respect choosing to deposit one's negative actions onto others to reinforce one's view of being of good, fair, and approved”. Byron R. Pulsifer
    Kate Summers has been quoted as saying; “If you are looking to inspire people, then blaming is the last thing you want to do”.
    Comrade Abdel Wahid Mohamed Ahmed El Nour who has been struggling for the legitimate rights of his Sudanese people in the region of Darfur who have been subjected by the National Congress Party (NCP) regime to all kinds of oppression, murder, subjection to chemical warfare in the Jebel Marra territory and genocide since 2003 will not be deterred by threats of sanctions. Thus, Jeremiah Kensley Mamabolo Head of the UNAMID Mission needs to understand this and reflect on it once again thoughtfully. The UN estimates as many as 300,000 people have been killed in the Darfur genocide. According to the best available estimates, there are between 300,000 and 400,000 Darfurians have been killed since the violence began in early 2003. This is along with the 3.3 million displaced persons (IDPs) in Sudan as of 2016 despite the invisible catastrophe, international complicity. http://sudanreeves.org/2017/05/22/displacement-in-sudan-and-...eless-or-inadequate/
    Regrettably, UNAMID commander in Darfur recommended to the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) to reduce the size of the UNAMID force because the war has now diminished its effects have lessened in the region and then its final departure from the region soon to be determined!
    Jeremiah Kensley Mamabolo Head of the UNAMID Mission needs to take into account his inflammatory statements based on the whims of the genocidal criminal who is a fugitive from the international justice Omer Hassan Ahmed al-Bashir.
    George Washington, who was one of the Founding Fathers of the United States of America and served as the nation's first president have been quoted as said:” Observe good faith and justice toward all nations, Cultivate peace and harmony with all”.
Read more at: https://www.brainyquote.com/topics/justicehttps://www.brainyquote.com/topics/justice
     The International Community inaction on Darfur and rapprochement with Sudanese regime in lieu of The EU’s flawed $200 million migration deal European Union (EU) –Sudan agreement to curb migration from the Horn of Africa Countries, better known as the Khartoum Process which has effectively given the (NCP) regime government a green light to use brutal tactics to dismantle the IDP camps in Darfur, displacing once again the nearly 3 million people forced to flee their homes. The end justifies the means, the famous doctrine of Niccolò Machiavelli, the Prince has been applied by the (EU), the major player in the international community. Thus, the Khartoum Process works to stem migration from the Horn of Africa. https://www.wikitribune.com/article/28592/
    Last and not the least, that there is also clear and a strong link between what the UNAMID commander is saying and what the international community represented in the European Union (EU) and in the United States of America (US) according to the interesting intersects with the ruling regime of the National Congress Party in Sudan. They say that getting rid of the arbitrary regime is difficult, but it is possible no matter how long it takes to travel to achieve that Wish.
    Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi the Indian activist who was the leader of the Indian independence movement against British rule has been quoted as said: “You must be the change you wish to see in the world”. Gandhi led India to independence and inspired movements for civil rights and freedom across the world.

    Dr. Mahmoud A. Suleiman is an author, columnist and a blogger. His blog is http://thussudan.wordpress.com/http://thussudan.wordpress.com/

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