Condolences to the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society and its President By Saeed M. Adnan

Condolences to the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society and its President By Saeed M. Adnan

10-27-2018, 09:16 PM


Post: #1
Title: Condolences to the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society and its President By Saeed M. Adnan
Author: سعيد محمد عدنان
Date: 10-27-2018, 09:16 PM
Parent: #0

09:16 PM October, 27 2018

Sudanese Online
سعيد محمد عدنان-UK
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– London – UK
I have read a lot in Faith dialogue activities and opinions. I strongly believe in that, as the faith of people of the book that’s Judaism, Christianity and Islam are the one and same Message of God, and it is up to us to search (just to convince ourselves) we understand that and reconcile the differences between them and decide build on that which one to relate yourself to. As there are many like myself in all these religions, the faith being one, I started opening my eyes and managed to witness many examples for each of the other two religions, mine being Islam. I wrote about those wonderful experiences and took my hat for their improvised charity and goodwill.
Today, Mark Hetfield, CEO President of HIAS, the Jewish Refugee agency for immigrants, which was formed to cater for Jewish immigrants of Russia and Nazi Germany, expressed his deep sorrow at the behaviour of one of their parishioners who is the Pittsburgh synagogue shooter. The latter was fighting in words in social media complaining about the agency helping all refugees fleeing prosecution and helping them come to the USA. He was claiming that that HIAS was only made to rescue the Jews. He then declared on the Social Media “Enough is enough; I am going in” then went to slaughter his own people who are parishioners of the same agency, our brothers in the Virtuous Faith.
I take my hat to you Mark Hetfield, Sir, and to the Parishioners of your agency, and I pass my condolences to you, to them and to families and loved ones of the victim, and may God receive those victims in His Eternal Presence.

Post: #2
Title: Re: Condolences to the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society and its President By Saeed
Author: Saeed Mohammed Adnan
Date: 10-28-2018, 01:07 AM

Sorry I am not able to log into my domain to correct. I reported that and I was given these Login particulars, but it only allowed me to login as a guest
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I now would like to apologise and ask to use the word "persecution", in place of the word "prosecution" which slipped my pen