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Articles and ViewsMajor Free Iran Gathering By Hassan Mahmoudi
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Major Free Iran Gathering By Hassan Mahmoudi

06-29-2017, 10:29 PM
Hassan Mahmoudi
<aHassan Mahmoudi
Registered: 06-29-2017
Total Posts: 5

Major Free Iran Gathering By Hassan Mahmoudi

    09:29 PM June, 29 2017

    Sudanese Online
    Hassan Mahmoudi-USA
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    Major Free Iran Gathering By Hassan Mahmoudi

    On July 1st, Hundreds of distinguished political personalities and lawmakers from the United States, Europe, and the Middle East, will join the annual Free Iran gathering in Paris to discuss the solutions to the problems of Iran and the broader Middle East.
    Inline image 1

    Unprecedented in size, the gathering, organized by Iranian communities outside Iran, comes as the Tehran regime is engulfed in domestic and international crises, and as the activities of the organized opposition have expanded in Iran and abroad.

    This gathering is especially important as in the past months, Iran has become a source of escalating tension with the United States and the countries of the Middle East region. In the recent Riyadh Summit, participants underscored the need for an international alliance to counter Iran’s meddling in the region as well as its ballistic missile program.
    In the Free Iran rally, in addition to tens of thousands of Iranians from across the world, hundreds of politicians and parliamentarians from dozens of countries representing a wide range of political perspectives will participate and many will deliver speeches.
    Also attending will be human and women rights activists and religious leaders and dignitaries representing various faiths.
    Last year more than 100,000 people took part in the Free Iran rally, and the event garnered the support of US politicians from both sides of the aisle and the Middle East countries

    Hassan Mahmoudi : Graduated from California State University, Sacramento , a human rights advocate who is up to date with all Iranian current affairs, including political and economic issues, and critics, with informative reports on Iran and the Middle East. writes for American Thinker He tweets at @hassan_mahmou1.


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