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Youth and realizing dreams beyond the seas and oceans By Abdulziz Al tom Ibrahim

09-02-2014, 04:09 PM
عبد العزيز التوم ابراهيم
<aعبد العزيز التوم ابراهيم
Registered: 12-09-2013
Total Posts: 80

Youth and realizing dreams beyond the seas and oceans By Abdulziz Al tom Ibrahim

    The question of the destiny is one of the fundamental
    matters that warring a million of young youth in Sudan, they have been crippled by poverty and other obstacles and hinders which paralyzed them not to follow up or pursue their social function in the community, therefore the youth is taking very marginal position within the deprived and forgotten sectors in the society, most of them are dreaming and working day and night to be outside Sudan in order to satisfy their own needs and to meet their aspirations. The youth matters are no longer considered one of political system priorities, but more over the political system is putting some restrictions so as to minimize their role in having shares in public affairs! at same time when all walks of life are dominated by elders, the prevalence of patriotic culture in Sudanese political arena is a phenomenon requires deep consideration toward the political reformation, the polical authority always put down the efforts of youth under the claims and justifications that they are not quite enough mature to bar the burden of running public affairs! , this mentality imposed itself in different social institutions including political parties, religious cults. For all these very complicated problems the youth found themselves relinquishing in corners the Sudanese community. And most of them are no longer satisfied of living in such circumstances and particularly those who have good fortune of having very qualified education through which they adopted the new theories and doctrine that do not cope up with such practices! Therefore they are alienated and strangers in their own society! ,The only way out of their problems is to seek for the long journey of immigration ! In the first world countries where they can find everything came to their imagination! However the journey is surrounded with so many dangers and difficulties but they scarify to meet their hopes at the cost of their life!, and the tales of the immigrants toward the the first world is very bitter to narrate ! a million of them have become a delicious food to the fish and wale in the oceans! And others have fallen deed under police bullets! , as a result of such operations we lost our dear youth if we used their abilities we would have granteed the betterment of the future of Sudan! , and there will be no more terrible! But those youth have no choice or alternative whether to step the road of death or to live meaningless life in Sudan! But another question looming ahead what after immigration, will they meet and satisfy their dreams or there are unknown matters waiting them forward?!! Indeed it's very tragic and bitter to give proper answer to this question! For no one think about the new life ahead when he decided the journey! No one will take the matter of age in to the consideration! The gloomy future, no clear and obvious objectives! Staying long period for identity card! , the native citizens are fed up of immigrants for they sharing them in support and subsidies that are granted them by their states! And the matter of integration to the society is one of the core issues that warring the western communities , most of the immigrants are sticked to their own cultures and demanding their rights on this basis , so this will create a new pattern of life that will not be accepted by the native citizen! .
    So let as work together to stop the immigration and this will not happen unless we takeout the root causes that make Sudan as hill for youth, together let us dream for better Sudan that all people are equal regardless of their color or ####### or age.

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