From a heart doctor to a friend in need

From a heart doctor to a friend in need

08-24-2014, 04:15 PM


Post: #1
Title: From a heart doctor to a friend in need
Author: Abdul-Aziz Ali Omer
Date: 08-24-2014, 04:15 PM
Parent: #0

Abdul-Aziz Ali Omer
Gaza is a test of the humanity conscience , thus saw Ali Osman , the former first vice-president saw the accumulation of abuses in Gaza .We will always remember that olive –colored girl, Reem Osman from Khartoum . She put on a typically elegant Palestinian long-sleeve dress . She climbed to the little stage in Beirut humming in a sweet voice. Reem couldn't stop her beautiful un-feigned tears as she sung for a brave mother in Gaza, a city yearning to be like the land of free.
I went to Al-azhari University where the bulletin board near the deans' office announced the arrival of Sulieman Khorshied , the Indian foreign minister . He had obviously paid a visit to the university to follow a paper by Dr. Salah Ad-din Al-karib on the analysis of his novel :Sons of Burbar: a search for India. Dr. Abdularahim Hamid from the African and Asian studies Institute had the responsibility of supervising the translation of the respective novel.
Prof. Muhamad Saiedi is cardilogist-that is a heart doctor . he is the vice-chancellor of Al-azhari University. He was on leave to give that learning tower another dimension of excellence: The value of care to other other fellow humanbeings. He is not a traitor to voluntary work in Sudan. He visited Darfur refugee camp once before .At that time he acted as a rapporteur for national reunion campaign. Two days, afterwards, I bumped into him in the crowded Airport of Khartoum. He had just returned exhausted from a trip to Gaza. In the evening of that day, his story was on my table.
Prof. Muhammad Saied led the delegation of Sudanese Red Crescent Society on intermittent medical missions to Gaza. The first time had shown the initiative was in 2009. I learned from him that this year the delegation was made up of 24 personnel mainly physicians and other non-medical persons. In a press statement, Prof. Muhammad Saied indicated that they were escorted by an armored car upon their arrival in Sinai. "It was an exceptional crossing to be as fair as possible' he said. He appreciated the strenuous efforts exerted to ease their travel on the part of Palestinian Red Crescent Society, its Egyptian counterpart and foreign ministries of both Sudan and Egypt .
The visit of Prof. Muhammad Saied coincided with the ruthless bombardment in Gaza where as he estimated 120 families were left stuck, 4,000 were mad homeless and 150 injured . The representatives of Sudanese Red Crescent immediately joined the ambulances crew to look after the wounded ,then took part in dispensing charity and a press conference to expose Israeli atrocities. Mamon Humeida, the minister of Health lifted the phone and called Prof. Muhammad Saied the chief of Sudanese medical mission in Gaza to demonstrate the readiness of Khartoum hospitals to receive war injured at the parliament's command.
Prof. Muhammad Saied wandered past Khozaa , entirely wrecked area and newly dead bodies stored in food and ice-cream refrigerators ."It was a tragic and an intolerable situation" he said. A pregnant pause. Then, he hastened to add" It is so hard that I can't describe it to the press. ".
According to Prof. Muhammad Saied , for the return of an agreeable life , much need to be done considering the lack of safe passages that limit an access to relief and the entry of humanitarian agencies.
One of things that struck Prof. Muhammad Saied as strange was the children who frequently argued against the sort of any fighter plane ignoring an impending death and ruin. He reported that three factors conspired to the strength of people in Gaza and portends much better in the future. First, their defiance of fear . Second, their ability to keep their grit and their perseverance. Third, the jump-ward in the rate of youngest children birth. As far as the over all rate of new births was concerned, he claimed that it was found to be one thousand new infants. Prof. Muhammad Saied remarked that the war did not bend their steely resolve or stemmed the flow of life. Prof. Muhammad Saied urged us not to stray from love and charity. Be with people, share their feelings and needs. Please don't say Hollywood and the rain don't mix.