Smile , you are Syrian

Smile , you are Syrian

02-03-2014, 04:48 PM


Post: #1
Title: Smile , you are Syrian
Author: SudaneseOnline
Date: 02-03-2014, 04:48 PM
Parent: #0

Smile , you are Syrian

Tayeb Salih, the internationally Sudanese acclaimed writer travelled to Newyork as a correspondent of B.B.C to cover the meetings of U.N General Assembly . There he described the words of Qatar representative as shining tears in the eyes of Palestinian children in refugee camps. His description gave me a flavor of what Robert Harris wrote in the tongue of one of his character:Tiro addressing Cicero” what was left to us is the supremacy of eloquence. The Arab eloquence is based on reflecting history and heritage in which they find pride and mitigation of defeat especially in the war of 1967.
Khalid Muhy El-ddin wrote a play called ‘’The ghosts of Sinai” in a reference to Israeli occupation of that town. Sinai was freed in April,1985. But without a drop of blood that poured a river in the suburbs of Damascus and Kuwaiti oil fields. Israel withdrew exchanging land for peace with Egypt. Now, the Arabs suffer from their own ghosts. Yahiya Jabir wrote a play named “ Smile, you are Lebenanese” it criticized the sectarian political factions in Beirut where Fairooz sung. The play began with describing the mistrust and fears among people of Lebanon. “I still sleep wearing my day-dress with an open ear in an anticipation of a sudden bombing . The war is not yet over. Whenever someone argue with me , I raise my voice and feel my lost pistol around my waist. David Lamb, a journalist from California visited Damascus before the new millennium .” Damascus is a lovely city with babbling fountains” he wrote. Now, Damascus turned into a troubled city where the sound of splashing water have become small echo of the pains of president Bashar victims.
Look! This is Abbas Khan , a medical doctor , a British of Iranian origins and the father of two children. The Syrian officials announced that hanged himself in prison. He didn’t come to Syria to strangle himself and to be a prisoner overnight . He came after being stirred by the cries of children who suffer from the shell fire and destruction. Look! This is a n imprisoned Syrian father touching the cheeks of his son lips and heart and then turns towards his for a last hand-shake . finally , look! This is a Syrian mother. While nursing and binding the wounds of war, she found him among the dead. Ah! These scenes are un-written plays that express the deplorable situation of mankind under the pressures of losing security, freedom and power lust.