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Connecting Kmt First Dark Period and the Expulsion of Akkadians from Sumer with the Hyksos

07-15-2021, 04:59 PM
Tarig Anter
<aTarig Anter
Registered: 03-24-2015
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Connecting Kmt First Dark Period and the Expulsion of Akkadians from Sumer with the Hyksos

    03:59 PM July, 15 2021

    Sudanese Online
    Tarig Anter-الخرطوم-السودان
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    In 2334 BC, bandits on horses conquered Sumer. The horses were unknown in the whole region. There are no fossils to prove the existence of domesticated horses. The first mention of horses in the Sumerian antiquities appeared in the period of the Third Kingdom of Ur in 2000 BC, after the expulsion of the Akkadians in 2154 BC. The Sumerians called horses mountains donkeys. It is certain that the origin of the horse came from East Asia and appeared with the Akkadians only

    Kmt First Dark Period is the period between the end of the Old Kingdom of Kmt in 2181 BC and the advent of the Middle Kingdom in 2055 BC. In that First Dark Period ruled the Seventh Dynasty, the Eighth Dynasty in Memphis (2181 BC - 2160 BC), and the Ninth Dynasty and the Tenth Dynasty Herakleopolis (2160 BC - 2050 BC). The First Dark Period ended by the victory of the Eleventh Dynasty of Thebes.

    In the First Dark Period, Kmt central monarchy and institutions collapsed and until the reunification of the country at the hands of the Eleventh Dynasty. Foreign arrivals from the East, the Amorites, who are Shasu Bedouins, brought down the state and divided the country. Shasu destroyed the monarchy by fomenting unrest, violence, conspiracies and chaos against their rule. After 126 Kmt expelled the Amorites. The expelled Amorites fled from Kmt in 2055 BC, to find in their lands the Akkadian Turkic gangs who used horses and were more powerful than they were, despite their small number. The presence of the Akkadian Turkic Mongolians in Amorites lands began in the year 2154 BC, during the occupation of the Amorites for northern Kmt in the First Dark Period.

    There are no books, researchers and studies relating the First Dark Period with the period of cooperation between the Amorites with the Turkic Mongolians, until the beginning of the period of the invasion and occupation of Kmt by the Hyksos in 1670 BC. 400 years of regional history is missing, despite its paramount importance, and the devastating consequences of this alliance between the infantry Amorites and the Turkic Akkadians on horses on the peoples of Kmt and Ebla, Ugarit and Sumer since that time until today. This shortcoming and omission in history is undoubtedly a major flaw and a clear complicity in falsifying history against all the peoples of the region.

    The formation of Akkadians-Amorites alliance continued from 2055 BC until 1670 BC. During which they developed joint raiding bandits, to loot convoys, and cutting off trade routes between the Arab kingdoms in Dilmun, Magan and Meluhha, and the outskirts of the neighboring Ebla, coastal Ugarit, Sumer and Kmt. At the end of that period, the Turkic Akkadians with the Amorites copied and learned the technique of using arrows from Kmt, as well as the use of the horse-wheel technique that was Sumer invented for transportation. Akkadians-Amorites gangs turned what they saw in Sumer and kmt into war chariots

    The Turkic Mongolian Akkadians expelled from Sumer, along with the Amorites expelled from Kmt, decided to invade Kmt again as a soft target. They relied first on the remnants of the Amorites inside Kmt who remained behind after the end of the First Dark Period. Those Amorites multiplied for 400 years and knew Kmt’s language and customs well. The second invasion plan was the introduction of more Amorites to Kmt, under the pretext of asylum, trade, and peaceful migration. The government and the people of Kmt did not notice their plan and allowed them to enter and live with them. The penetration of the Amorites into the north of Kmt was a prelude, espionage and preparations for the military invasion of the Turkic Mongolian Akkadians on horses.

    It was necessary to put an agreed sign on the homes of the Amorites before the day of the attack, in order for the Turkic Mongolian Akkadian invaders to recognize them and avoid attacking their collaborators, and spies. “The blood will be a sign for you on the houses where you are, and when I see the blood, I will pass over you. No destructive plague will touch you when I strike Egypt.� (Exodus 12:13). “Then they are to take some of the blood and put it on the sides and tops of the doorframes of the houses where they eat the lambs." (Exodus 12:7). This is a similarity to what the Amorites residing in Kmt and secretly collaborating with expecting arrival of the Turkic Akkadian invaders did to avoid the planned attacks. Thus, the targets were the people of Kmt only.

    With the conquest and occupation of the Turkic Mongolian Akkadians, Kmt entered the Second Dark Period (1670-1550 BC), in which the Amorites were partners, while the rulers were Turkic Mongolian Akkadians. They took Avaris in the eastern delta as their capital and ruled under the 15th Dynasty. The people of Kmt called the Turkic Mongolian Akkadian invaders on horses Hekka Shsut, meaning the rulers of Bedouins, while the Amorites were known as Shsut only, meaning the Bedouins. Hekka Shsut became Hyksos after several centuries in the time of the Ptolemies. Kmt called the Hyksos rulers Pharaohs, while the title of indigenous king was Nesso. Therefore, the term Pharaohs points to Turkic Akkadians violent invaders only

    The people and rulers of Kmt in the 17th Dynasty expelled the Hyksos in 1523 BC under the leadership of King Ahmose I, his mother and his family and founded the 18th Dynasty. The majority of the Turkic Akkadian fled to the Levant, along with some of the Amorites. A minority of stranded Turkic Mongolians and Amorites remained in Libya, unable to connect to the bulk of Akkadians-Amorites in Levant.

    When Kmt expelled the Hyksos in 1523 BC, the Hyksos branched out into Hebrews, Mitannis, Kassites, and Mukarribs. After the victory of a coalition between the Hyksos and other Turkic bandits in the Battle of Carchemish over Assyria and Kmt in 605 BC, the expelled Hyksos called themselves Jews, Kurds, Babylonians and Sabaeans. This explains the relationship between the Tanakh (Hebrew Bible) written in 580 BC in Babylon and the four main off shoots of the Hyksos who were expelled from Kmt in 1523 BC

    Amorites who cooperated and paved the way for the Hyksos conquest continued to live in Kmt. They caused Kmt Third Dark Period (1069-664 BC), and which led to Kmt total collapse in 343 BC to remain in 2295 years of continuous occupation that ended in 1952 AD. However, Akkadians-Amorites remnants still live in Kmt today.

    Therefore, it is obvious that the first Jews only appeared in 580 BC in Babylon and were renaming for the Hebrews, and the Hebrew were one group branched from the expelled Hyksos. The Turkic Mongolian origin of the Akkadian is a very important clue to reveal the true history of Sumer and the origin of the Hyksos.

    Certainly, the first Jews and the Hebrew Bible both appeared 880 years after Moses and more than 1300 years after Abraham, Jacob and the Israelites. The traditions and history of Abraham, Jacob and the Israelites link them to the western part of Punt Lands, with Arabia as the eastern part of Punt Lands.

    Egyptians and the World must search, know and verify who were Thutmose III, Amenhotep II, Thutmose IV, Amenhotep III, Amenhotep IV/ Akhenaten. There are many evidences to discover the truth of their dealings with the expelled Hyksos against all the peoples of Kmt, Ebla, Sumer, Ugarit, the Arabs, Kerma, and Punt

    Stranded Hyksos in Libya carried out the final attacks on Kmt together with Berber-West African Kush bandits to re-colonized Kmt. From my personal long research, I found that the Hyksos are alliance between Turkic Mongolian Akkadians expelled by Sumer in 2154 BC together with Amorites who invaded Kmt and caused the First Dark Period 2181�2055 BC, before Kmt expelled them by the 11th Dynasty.

    Kerma and Kush are two totally different and opposing entities. Kerma was indigenous civilization while Kush is colony crafted by Hyksos stranded in Libya with Berber and West African slaves and mercenaries appeared in 1500 BC and caused the collapse of Kerma in 1000 BC following the collapse of the Modern Kingdom of Kmt in 1070 BC. The mixed bandits called themselves Kush in 780 BC and a kingdom replaced the destroyed kingdoms of of Kerma civilization.

    I ask all those who are interested in ancient history and politics to start group work centered on three specific topics. 1. The Turkic Mongolian origin of the Akkadians 2. The Akkadian-Amorite origin of the Hyksos 3. The offshoot groups of the expelled Hyksos since 1523 BC.

    I consider the four offshoots of the Hyksos are 1. The Hebrews, 2. The Mitanni, 3. The Kassites, and 4. The Mukarribs. These groups turned to Jews, Kurds, Babylonians and Sabaeans after the Battle of Carchemish in 605 BC. Another fourth topic of extreme importance is the disguised and devastating alliance between Thutmose III and the Hyksos offshoots, which characterized the rest of the second half of the 18th dynasty until general Horemheb ended that dynasty

    The Kushite were West African mercenaries and slaves for the Berber and the Hyksos in Libya who Kmt cut them off from the expelled majority Hyksos who fled to Levant. The Hyksos of Libya took two alternative routes to reach Levant. The first on land by attacking Kerma with West Africans and Berber and threatening Egypt from south that led to creating Kush in 780 BC.

    The Hyksos-Berber-West African bandits went further, invading and defeating the 24th Dynasty and colonizing Kmt by the 25th Dynasty to rescue the defeated 23rd and 22nd colonizing Dynasties. The second route by crossing the Mediterranean to Anatolia. Paintings depicted them in Trojan Wars as black West African mercenaries

    The people of the kingdoms of Kerma Civilization along the six Cataracts were allies and kin to Kmt and Punt, and trade partners with Dilmun, Magan and Meluhha Arab regions, Ebla, Sumer and Ugarits. The Hyksos-Berber-West African bandits attacked Kerma since 1500 BC and the first half of the 18th Dynasty supported and protected Kerma.

    Suddenly, the second half of the 18th Dynasty switched sides and supported the Hyksos-Berber-West African bandits. This led to the fall of the southern part of Kerma up the Fourth Cataract, and rest of Kerma was helpless. This situation continued until the arrival of the 19th Dynasty that put full protection on the remaining northern Kerma.

    As soon as the 20th Dynasty fell and the New Kingdom ended in 1070 BC Kerma faced the Hyksos-Berber-West African bandits alone and was defeated in 1000 BC

    Kerma and all the regions were in chaos, looting and total disorder. The Hyksos-Berber-West African bandits arranged themselves in 780 BC under a single leadership and declared the colony’s name as Kush to attack the 24th Dynasty and colonize Kmt.

    In addition, the second half of the 18th Dynasty suddenly switched sides and supported the expelled Hyksos in the Levant against Ebla, Ugarit and Sumer. Historians wrongly describe the alliance between the second half of the 18th Dynasty and the expelled Hyksos as a formation of a great Kmt Empire by Thutmose III and his successors



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Connecting Kmt First Dark Period and the Expulsion of Akkadians from Sumer with the Hyksos Tarig Anter07-15-21, 04:59 PM

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