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Articles and ViewsEgypt could complete the school year .. Little did it. Written by Dr. Adel Al-Saadani
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Egypt could complete the school year .. Little did it. Written by Dr. Adel Al-Saadani

05-09-2021, 07:23 PM
عادل السعدني
<aعادل السعدني
Registered: 04-11-2021
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Egypt could complete the school year .. Little did it. Written by Dr. Adel Al-Saadani

    07:23 PM May, 09 2021

    Sudanese Online
    عادل السعدني-مصر
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    Dean of the Faculty of Arts, Suez Canal University
    Since the dawn of the third millennium, the higher education system has been undergoing unprecedented important changes and a new climate characterized by diversity and modernity, in light of a technological knowledge revolution whose scientific and development dimensions have been confirmed, and its multiple reflections have grown in most areas of life.
    The above has resulted in countries formulating future visions and alternative scenarios for teaching and learning policies required to keep pace with these recent changes, which can be crystallized in key directions related to the objectives of "availability, quality, equal opportunities and learning sustainability" representing the desired educational characteristics.
    Since the Corona pandemic, the Egyptian Ministry of Education has taken a series of measures in the field of education, so as not to stop studying and waste the school year on its students - although this is what many other countries have done - including the expansion of e-learning mechanisms and platforms after the invitation of President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi during many and long meetings with Education Minister Tarek Shawky.
    In addition to supporting digital technology for education, and its use in academic institutions in general, which is not only due to the lack of absorbing energy and the lack of investment in the face of the increase in the size of the population and its youth nature, and then the accumulation of students In classrooms and lectures, which requires alternative means of availability, and the repercussions of crises such as the current Corona pandemic, and even more importantly, because it is a means of achieving educational goals and keeping pace with the new educational climate in the third millennium, digital technology contributes to overcoming On the obstacles of "distance and time" in the provision of educational service.

    The expansion of the use of e-learning applications and the teaching methods, with the evaluation of the results with the experience of the Corona pandemic, and the imposed use of modern communication platforms and the use of technology to promote the educational process, with the aim of supporting the state's efforts to make a qualitative shift in the education system, has been Last year, the high school exams were fine with about one and a half million students and half a million educational staff, taking into account the careful and integrated precautionary measures taken by the government, which included providing preventive supplies to students and observers, Organizing the process of entering and exiting students from committees, applying social spacing within them, and daily sterilization of committees before and after examinations.
    Egypt aspires to repeat this experience with its high school children and university students this year, despite the spread of the third wave of Corona.
    Egypt has become one of the few countries in the world to complete the academic year at all stages under the Corona pandemic, as evidence of the efficiency of the current educational system with its modern technology for education in Egypt.

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Egypt could complete the school year .. Little did it. Written by Dr. Adel Al-Saadani عادل السعدني05-09-21, 07:23 PM

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