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THE LAST DAYS OF THE JUNTA IN SUDAN by Haider Mohammed Ahmed Elnour

05-12-2020, 08:36 PM
حيدر محمد احمد النور
<aحيدر محمد احمد النور
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THE LAST DAYS OF THE JUNTA IN SUDAN by Haider Mohammed Ahmed Elnour

    08:36 PM May, 12 2020

    Sudanese Online
    حيدر محمد احمد النور-السودان
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    Mr. Abdullah Hamdock must be honest to view that Peace cannot and will not come from the already failed Juba platform, on which he based his uncalculated discomfiturous requests to the UN Security Council unless Dr. Hamdock is trying to confuse us that ‘peace restoration� is by way of doses!!!!.

    First of all we want to show our sad feelings towards what is happening between Nuba and Al-Bani Amer in Kassala then between Rizeigat and Fallatah in South Darfur. We know that you have lived together for so long as friends and we humbly call upon you to stop fighting each other because you have a big goal to achieve. Remember together we can achieve anything we need but when we are divided and fighting each other, we are going to lose everything that we have been struggling for, for very many years. Don’t let anyone divide us; our big and common enemy is the junta that is imposing its self on us.
    Abdullah Hamdok’s junta will soon face its unpropitious days if it continues to follow its path and shall consequently join the list of wanted by the international justice if it does not nullify the military and political coup in the country. Actually Hamdok’s Cartel/ de facto government will be the most failed government in the history of Sudan and the world if they continue with their reproaching attempts against the ‘’WILL’� of Sudanese people and this is evident at the scenes.
    We the Sudan Liberation Movement (SLM) would like to advise Abdullah Hamdok and his ostracized, unpopular group to step down and give a leeway to the “WILL OF PEOPLE� to hover over Sudan and also seek forgiveness which be granted to him as result of respecting people’s will.
    As a professional in law, mass communication, international relations and diplomatic studies for the past two decades, I have keenly and closely followed and as well as involved the Sudanese question and with experience I can vehemently assert that Dr. Hamdock, has neither the ability, the competence nor the understanding to solve any of the country's complex problems and people’s grievances.
    Seriously speaking, there is no peace until the situation is seriously preserved in Sudan in general and Darfur in particular, and Mr. Abdullah Hamdock must be honest to view that Peace cannot and will not come from the already failed Juba platform, on which he based his uncalculated discomfiturous requests to the UN Security Council unless Dr. Hamdock is trying to confuse us that ‘peace restoration� is by way of doses!
    UNAMID forces are a red line in Sudan and must remain in Darfur under Chapter VII and honestly be provided with equipment and as well as delegating them with full powers to intervene and repel any attack or violation that occurs against non-combatants or civilians in Darfur as per Chapter Seven of the UN charter. So we want to warn UN Security Council and everyone not to eat Mr. Abdullah Hamdock’s peanut on the trap through the Juba peace colloquy in which they are, with mala-fide uniting to keep and consolidate their infamous totalitarianism.
    I think it is unbecoming to forget that the deployment of international forces in Darfur was based on prudent decisions issued by the UN Security Council, especially Resolution No. 1706 of August 31, 2006, which stipulated the deployment of joint forces in Darfur, in order to support the peace agreement signed in Abuja On May 5, 2006 the N'Djamena Ceasefire Agreement, by monitoring the implementation of the signatory parties on the ceasefire, final security arrangements, investigating violations of the signatory parties, preventing attacks and threats targeting civilians, and assisting in the voluntary return of refugees and internally displaced persons, and humanitarian assistance by, to create the necessary security conditions in Darfur. The resolution granted UN forces in Darfur to act under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations and authorized them to use all necessary means to protect their personnel, installations and humanitarian workers, and to prevent armed groups from disrupting the implementation of the Darfur Peace Agreement and as well as protecting civilians. This decision remained in force and expanded to also include the Doha Peace Agreement signed in 2010.
    It is also evident that the presence of the United Nations Joint Mission (UNAMID), has faced obstacles and intense resistance from the government of ousted President Omar al-Bashir, before and after its formation and exercise of its powers on the ground. Government pressures, in light of new international alliances with the Sudanese government, escalated international conflicts on the surface, and decreased financial support for the UNAMID mission, forcing the United Nations to adopt the exit strategy from Darfur, which is supposed to take place in the middle of 2020. According to what was planned recently, the withdrawal will be in October of this year. In light of these developments, comes the request of de facto Prime Minister Abdullah Hamduk.
    The mission's exit strategy from Darfur, Nuba mountains and blue Nile ignored imperative issues on the ground, including the issue of security in Darfur Nuba mountains and blue Nile, and the need to protect civilians, in light of the failure of the previous peace agreements in Abuja and Doha to achieve peace in Darfur and in Sudan in general.
    Therefore, we the Sudan Liberation Movement, commend that the situation in Darfur is still fragile and wanting despite the preparations of signing the already failed peace agreement between some of the revolutionary fronts and the government in the near future in Juba regardless of innumerable attacks and violations in Darfur by armed militias against innocent and defenseless civilians in several areas in Darfur. A case in point is what happened in Al-Geneina on December 31, 2019, where armed groups attacked the displaced people in Camp Krending, which left dozens of wounded and dead and burned hundreds of houses, and displaced thousands to El Geneina and many others to Chad.
    The same was done to the citizens in the Hajir Tunjo area of Belail in South Darfur, which resulted into death of 14 citizens and the wounding of others. The last of these attacks took place in the Tamr Paul Jamil area in a central Darfur district, which resulted in the killing and wounding of about 20 citizens and as well as displacing many residents to the Hamidiya camp in Zalingei, after the militias burned homes and occupied the police station in the area.
    The looting of the UNAMID headquarters in El Geneina in May 2019, by civilians and regulators, cannot be neglected one day before handing it over to the government. Likewise, the similar looting that led to the looting of more than $ 99 million in assets, from UNAMID headquarters in Nyala in late December 2019, after it was handed over to the Sudanese government on November 19, 2019. All these incidents and others clearly indicate that the security situation in Darfur, Nuba mountains and blue Nile is worse and wobbling thus remaining outside the control of the Sudanese government, and its inability to provide security in the region and I therefore resolve that any positive reply to Sudanese junta, constitutes a threat to the safety and security of the displaced and vulnerable defenseless citizens in light of the continued unscrupulous, devious, depraved militia’s activities in the region.
    Actually, tensions have increased since the people learned that the political gluttons were preparing through the juba peace agreement to completely legitimize their authoritarianism and machinations against the Sudanese people. The political, economic, social, and security arenas have not and will not be alleviated if Mr. Abdullah Hamdock doesn’t relinquish power to the people who fought the despotic Basihir.
    Mr. Abdullah Hamdock, the comprehensive and just peace that the Sudan Liberation Army and Sudanese people pursued is a kind of peace where all the people of Sudan enjoy in each and every a inch of the land of Sudan. . And all parts of Sudan will prevail without exception like ‘Peace of the brave� .. Peace of the masses, No peace of people .. No peace of the elite and merchants of war .. No peace of ‘elites� and leaders stationed in the heart of the empire of the three cities Khartoum, Bahri and Omdurman ... No peace of jobs and positions.
    We the Sudan Liberation Army (SLA) entirely want to refurbish and revamp peace that allows the ‘WILL� of people to hover Sudan which shall resultantly redeem the rights of war victims, guarantee for their security, safety and as well as subjecting all perpetrators to book.

    Haider Mohammed Ahmed Elnour.

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THE LAST DAYS OF THE JUNTA IN SUDAN by Haider Mohammed Ahmed Elnour حيدر محمد احمد النور05-12-20, 08:36 PM

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