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An open letter to His Excellency Gen. Salva Kiir Mayardit, the President of the Republic of South S

04-10-2020, 00:45 AM
Kuek Deng Kuek
<aKuek Deng Kuek
Registered: 01-21-2018
Total Posts: 5

An open letter to His Excellency Gen. Salva Kiir Mayardit, the President of the Republic of South S

    00:45 AM April, 09 2020

    Sudanese Online
    Kuek Deng Kuek-Kampala- Uganda
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    An open letter to His Excellency Gen. Salva Kiir Mayardit, the President of the Republic of South Sudan and SPLM's ruling party Chairman.
    Why is the community kept in confusion by some greedy politicians؟
    By Kuek Deng Kuek, Warrap State Kuajok.
    I hope this letter will fine you well your Excellency, it is my second time to write to you on things that matters our nation building. I want to take this golden opportunity to appreciate your efforts in ensuring that the country is at peace by having signed the revitalized peace agreement on the resolution of conflict in the republic of south Sudan.
    You have also been able to timely establish revitalized transitional government of national unity with five vice presidents and cabinets in place, it is now upon the cabinets to ensure services are delivered to our communities.
    Your efforts to negotiate with hold groups of south Sudan opposition movement alliance of those of Gen. Paul Malong, Pagan Amom and Gen. Thomas is a clear manifestation and good gesture for total peace in the country.
    You have also formed the high level taskforce headed by yourself and your deputy, so that the precautionary measures that the population can use to protect and combat covid 19 are spelled are made public and to make public awareness on what should be done for the public to protect themselves from world's pandemic deadly disease. You have declared or imposed curfew, discouraged social gathering like churches and funerals.
    Your Excellency, the reason of writing this letter, is to enlighten you about the letter addressed to you by the so called Aguok Community chiefs rejects the reappointment of Hon. Victor Atem Atem Angok. This is not true, Aguok Kuei up to date has not written such an open letter.
    To tell you quite frankly, your Excellency, Aguok Kuei is up to now following the orders of high level taskforce on covid 19, which calls on public to follow the precautionary measures of social distancing and avoidance of public gathering. Where can the community have the gut to sit down and come up with such a resolution since social gathering is no more؟
    This is a big lie, the community did not meet in anywhere to make such a resolutions. And what you need to do as a President is that you have the right to appoint anybody whom you want to work with.
    Sudan People Liberation Movement as a party has the right to nominate any SPLM member to be the Governor of Warrap State, like SPLM national liberation council, SPLM political bureau and national convention has the right to endorse or nominate any person to be decreed in to appointment by you, your Excellency. It is not have to Aguok community to suggest who to or not to be appointed as a governor.
    The fact is that you are a capable President with powers to appoint person like Victor Atem Atem if SPLM recommends him to work with you our president. Security is number one policyour government and the only person to maintain and stabilize security is Victor Atem Atem. Therefore you need to appoint him your Excellency.
    Victor is the best leader for the governorship of Warrap state for he is the only leader who has managed to contain the communal conflict that has been on for many years, he brought stability during office tenure, he ensured freedom of movement among our communities, he has also free the population from the life of taking each other property by force or by not knowing, I mean theft work.
    I look forwards to seeing you appointing state governors as timely as possible in order for such a confusion to cease.
    The writer is a south Sudanese national and he can be reached at [email protected]

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An open letter to His Excellency Gen. Salva Kiir Mayardit, the President of the Republic of South S Kuek Deng Kuek04-10-20, 00:45 AM

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