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Articles and ViewsOur Earth: Matelda Journal (2), By Mohamed Yousif
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Our Earth: Matelda Journal (2), By Mohamed Yousif

10-14-2014, 06:48 PM
محمد يوسف
<aمحمد يوسف
Registered: 09-20-2014
Total Posts: 22

Our Earth: Matelda Journal (2), By Mohamed Yousif

    Matelda flew to a distant Galaxy.
    Earth words went lame;
    Couldn’t grasp the intensity,
    Greatness and extremity.

    To enrich her observatories,
    She put to use intelligent Robots,
    To decipher Earth words,
    And add dimensions to the analysis.

    Crystal screen spread before her,
    Reflecting Earth land, rivers and seas,
    Revealing, horrific scenes,
    That made celestial beings suffer.

    Skies are aflame.
    From a ruin a Wailing she heard,
    The shelling scattered,
    No escape.

    Adding dimensions to the crystal screen
    To focus deeply in parts,
    And get to the roots,
    And capture any phenomenon.

    Her screen reflected human shapes,
    Marching shoulder to shoulder,
    Demanding liberty from fetter,
    Tyrannical, authoritarian rulers.

    The screen registered Earth words,
    Like Songs:

    Beware Basheer,
    We are precious
    And one day the death and suffering,
    You inflicted upon us,
    Will turn into wonders,

    Have you, after your murderous deed,
    You brought to our peaceful land,
    Have you watched the masses singing in one tone?
    That September day,
    Have you seen the beautiful young faces full of hope,
    Have you heard that peace will prevail,
    Have you seen despite the pain,
    We are able to sing and dream sweet things.
    That September day,

    You waged war on our beloved South,
    That led to detestable separation
    You caused a split of a family,
    That lived along the Nile for many generations.

    Mark our words
    We are a nation well deep rooted in history
    Through thousands of years we came
    Through thousands years we delivered Wisdom and Hope.

    We Learned from History,
    Tyrants never prevail
    With all of their deadly machinery,
    One day they shall fail.

    That September day,
    Engraved in our hearts,
    In memory of the glorious September,
    O righteous youth
    The Sun shines again
    For Dignity of the hungry and the insulted
    We cherish your honourable struggle
    Against the humiliation and obnoxious governance.
    O heroes of September
    O martyrs
    We swear by your blood that you shed,
    Won't waste your revolution
    And plundered all the traitors,
    And remnants of the assassins.

    Tribute to the martyrs
    I fly with the wings longing to you
    Sing to you for encounter,
    Launched the scent memories
    Rain pours
    And cruising lanes seasons
    And feel all our wounds.

    Matelda understood,
    Despite the terror among Earth people,
    They are some, who stood Firm and loud.
    Her screen reflected yet more.

    We shall follow her observation next ………
    Mohamed Yousif
    mailto:[email protected]@yahoo.com

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