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Quranic Scientific study BOOK THREE By Saeed M. Adnan

07-04-2020, 03:41 PM
سعيد محمد عدنان
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Quranic Scientific study BOOK THREE By Saeed M. Adnan

    03:41 PM July, 04 2020

    Sudanese Online
    سعيد محمد عدنان-UK
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    – London – U.K.
    The Miracle of formation in our galaxy:
    Let’s start with God words “And He had His throne on water” Sura 11, verse 7
    We said before, the hydrogen atom is the lightest and simplest atom in the creation, and is taken as the unit of weight for atomic physics. It has one proton (attracting only one electron to orbit it) of one photonic weight. Before it is ionized, that is, before its electron is struck off by ultra violet rays, it would remain smokey and impenetrable by light.
    Ionization was discussed in Book two of this study, and happens in the birth of the cosmos at the start of motion of the cosmic radiations in extra-large waves. Cosmic waves are longer than gamma rays adjacent to them, and have the lowest frequency, lower than radio waves, almost equal to zero. Gamma rays in turn are longer than the ultra violet rays of light.
    Ultra violet rays of light are the ones responsible for knocking free the electronic quark from the hydrogen atom in its primitive formation of quarks (fractures of electronic parts of an atom, which do not exist on their own in nature), arresting the electronic quark as an electron to orbit the remaining quarks of the photon, i.e. the hydrogen proton (this is the process of ionization). That proton only then, with an orbiting electron around it, assumes the third dimension created by the orbital diameter, thus giving birth to the atom family (creation of matter). The ionization removes the fog and allows light to travel, with a speed starting from zero, gaining more momentum the more ionization happens, opening way for the light rays, and of course a reduction of the proton matter to light energy, leaving only whatever matter that had managed to chemically combine with one another before, to form elements. Light speeds up till it reaches its steady speed according to Einstein’s relativity equation:
    Total energy (E) = created mass (m) X light speed (c)2
    HENCE: light speed (c) = √ [E ÷ m]
    {It is a simple equation as you see. As energy is constant, matter will be highest when light speed c is least, e.g., at the creation with c = 0, (and vice versa, it is maximum (infinite) at the black hole when matter “m” is devoured to zero)}. Then, matter starts forming and actively reacts, forming elements claiming from the neutron their gravity as densities, after part of the matter, m, had changed to light at moment of volume creation, and is consumed by it at attaining its terminal speed. The light rays that are freed to travel revealed they had shone for 380000 years from creation, which we explained as: 300000 years are 6 days of the creation and resurrection, each equalling 50,000 years of our days. Two more lesser days were used to split skies to seven according to the Quran:
    “So, He deemed them seven skies in two days and Revealed to each sky its order and We decorated the lower sky with lamps and preservation, such a design by the Great and Most Knowing12”, sura 41, verse 12
    That makes it 380000 days, slightly less than 400000 by calculation (bearing in mind the days were shorter at the very beginning of the creation as light speeds did not start from their steady speed, but in gradient gradually increasing from, zero, which gives first shorter days).
    Sura 93, verses 1, 2
    We don’t exactly know the reason for the verse 3, other than God’s address to the prophet (PBUH), of the revelation having stopped from him for a while, [around which several stories were spread that God had deserted Mohammed (PBUH)]. Care requires us to only assume that he was worried, as the verse clearly pacifies him, but desertion is too much for an assumption; thence came the Lord’s assertion that “Your God had not left you nor spited you”. God made that with an oath on the sun-yellowish morning, which is also the first part of the day of creation, and by the night when it dominates, and that is at the end of the creation.
    Science discovered that an old part of the universe before our creation, did not have constriction to it to prevent it widen up or slow down, while after our creation it had that constriction, which had slowed it down and constricted it not to run away.
    The diagram below from NASA, in the shape of an inverted bell, shows how this matter of creation is seen: the bell circumvents all the activities of the Big Bang or Bangs for the past 75 billion years. It shows that, most galaxies were created 75 billion years ago, the time of creation of all the seen cosmos, and are they form the upper skies. They appear at the top of the diagram, where they spread out in a reflex bend to the outside, with the early fast acceleration, allowing a runaway of such heavenly bodies. Later, from the time of 15 billion years ago at the creation of our galaxy, the Milky Way ~ 13.4 billion years ago, the creation was held tight in th bell’s narrow inverted cap, by a slower expansion and by an external pressure on it (tagged: the Dark Power) and it matter (the Dark Matter), not yet deciphered. Towards the topside of the inverted bell are the newer creations, nearer the source of the Big Bang, and is where the lower skies are, bright with their fresh activities of supernovae and forming constellations.

    Science is puzzled how to explain and mentally weigh out the system of creation of life. Scientists braced to investigate if it was at all possible to build up life compounds from inorganic matter, and how it is possible for life compounds to acquire intelligence they need to draw their composition program and organize through it their own existence. Scientist placed a cell from a piece cut off the ribonucleic acid (RNA), a strand from the (DNA), in a test tube, in the Skripps Research Institute in San Diego California in April 2001, and in one hour they were surprised to see a formation of constellations of important proteins and active organic activities, then an issuance of multiple copies to themselves, where the copies made more copies of themselves, and it all continued multiplying – it is the symptom of the intelligent matter, contrary to an inorganic matter.
    With that in mind, and knowing that the Universe had been created 15 billion years ago, that the evidence the Milky Way is the oldest of the galaxies in our skies, having formed 13.5 billion years ago (the solar system where we are now having formed 4.6 billion years ago in one of the tentacles of the Milky Way), they stooped to relate all happenings leading to the creation and sustenance of life. The sun was formed of a mass of burning gases shaped into a ball, via nuclear reactions equalling millions of atomic bombs, added to that, hits from the nearby supernova and its immense heat, and the breath from planets devoured by the black hole in the Centre. With the pressures adding, the sun broke down and collapsed to a concentrated burning matter, parts of its leftovers gone forming spherical bodies orbiting it at different distances, which is the birth of the solar system, of which earth is a planet. Other scientists who agree to that concept are differing in one thing, that the sun originally spun to the milky way from another galaxy by a speeding meteorite that struck it off its galaxy to our galaxy. In both theories the earth creation was distinguished from those of other planets, crediting from delicate timings in the serial developments of it and around it, to a life hosting planet. In both cases, earth’s life is 4.5 billion years, the sun’s remaining life is 7.5 billion years (and we shall describe the process of the end of life within one billion years in Book 4 of this research), and those years are part of the design of the start and end of life on earth.
    Creation of Earth:
    During its lifetime, early earth was a ball of inflamed lava, spinning at high speed (at the rate of less than 3 hours a whole day), and that was before the moon colliding with it. Its closeness to the moon caused huge oceanic lava waves of temperatures higher than that of the sun. Throughout the cooling process, starting of the cooling of the highest melting point elements, iron and diamond (at 1538 and 5000 degrees Centigrade consecutively) and about ten atmospheric pressure of ours, Diamond solidified, and spread like a refractory wall (heat shielding wall), and was given the name of the Outer Core. It is estimated to weigh up to a quadrillion ton of diamond. On further cooling, the next to solidify was iron, forming the Centre of the globe. The molten core of earth, composed of hardest materials, is called the Lower Mantel (or Inner Core); it spun inside the outer core (the Diamond Refractory wall) consisting mainly of magnesium and iron bearing silicates (that is the iron delivered by steroids, and it remains spinning (sheering its way through the not-fully-solidified lava, slowly losing part of its speed in that process) around the Iron Centre of the Earth, inside its Outer Core – the diamond refractory wall – with the lava). That spin of iron around the Centre iron is the source of the magnetic field of the earth, vital for its protection.
    Outside it is the Lower Mantel, composed of mechanically strong rocks of basalt and silver, precipitated from the Upper Mantel. It contains the deposits of diamond, gold and other inner material of exploding steroids on earth from the past, food for the mining industry. The Upper Mantel, known as asthenosphere, is a plasticly frozen matter before solidification, mainly formed of viscous Basalt. Being next to the crust, cooling is faster, and in cooler spots, like mountains anchors, gold deposits from molten to form extended inverted mountains of gold under there. It is jittery to seismic activities, mostly caused by loose solidified stretches of sheets called tectonic plates, where earth crust and oceans beds are seated. That layer is the former of earthquakes, volcanoes and hot springs. On top of it is a solid layer forming the earth crust and oceans beds.
    As had been said, the delivered iron spinning around the stationary iron created with earth, creates a magnetic field, which is the one protecting the earth from life threatening lethal cosmic rays and waves, reason why God depicted iron with the term ‘Might’, in the verse 25, sura 57: “and We delivered iron having strong might and other uses for man”. Strong might is this huge shield against the lethal cosmic visitations, not weapons. Weapons and other uses are what He referred to as other uses.
    Discovery of first Traces of life:
    In 1993, William Schopf of the University of California, Los Angeles, discovered traces of fossilized bacterial group in between rocky layers of 3.5 billion years of age. In Iceland, traces of bacterium older than those by approximately 300 to 400 million years were discovered too. All these suggest that earth in the first billion years of its age as a planet, had hosted such bacteria. Scientists were certain no other planet or heavenly bodies had any units or traces of these life blocks, only planet earth does.
    Those discoveries discredited Darwin’s theory in his address of 1871, that life began through nurturing in a warm water pond, staying in it through several cycles for such life blocks to come together to trigger life and make it evolve. Exactly the opposite is proved to have happened, from the discovery by William Schopf that bacteria formed in a hostile environment in planet earth, from extreme heat, continual explosions, showers of continuously shooting asteroids and poisonous Incendiary fumes, that no chance for life threads to cosily form. It is rather more like being in a hot pressure cooker under extreme pressure. They concluded that those materials must have come in in comets and asteroids from the remaining cosmic constellations spun into the new universe, where only planet earth was credited with It. They embarked on searching for it in comets and asteroids shooting on earth, and in large rocks in the rocky belt left from the formation of the solar system at the folding of the sun. They also knew nothing of its presence in other universes parallel to ours in their own times which are different and outside th time reference of our universe. It may exist especially Quran God stated references, not only to our universe, but to more than one universe. Other than that, there is no theory but that of atheists disbelieving in a presence of a God, and they are searching heaven and earth for how non organic materials could host life.
    Si it potter’s clay mentioned in the Quran؟ Had those comets come from Heaven when our mother and father, Adam and Eve, descended to earth؟ The search continues, but until we find out more evidence we may contemplate in that Adam and Eve were made from some kind of potter’s earth when they were descended to earth (Glorify Almighty God).
    Those life blocks known as ribonucleic acid, or DNA, are stored inside the earth globe, whilst creatures created from it got subjected to cycles of disasters that extinguished them, but never sterilized them; then it take millions of years to evolve again, creeping from the inside of earth pockets rich in ribonucleic acid blocks. The last one of those disasters is the impinging of a huge steroid in the Gulf of Mexico, which extinguished the giant animals, the families of the Dinosaurs; another is the impinging of the moon on planet earth. The ribonucleic acids were activated after securing the magnetism of the rotation of the descended iron around the iron at the Centre. Life then evolved until the levelling of Man with his privileged ten characteristics, crowned with his sharp mind, which also is envisaged to be the very cause of his extinction (whether by his own deeds (destructive wars) or his expensive cost of existence (ecological destruction).
    The seven Earths:
    From what is said earlier, the seven layers of earth (seven earths) are:
    The Centre: which is the lump of earth’s own iron from creation
    The Inner Core: the molten metals and rocks inside the Outer Core, where also silicates of iron received from impinging steroids
    The Outer Core: a spheroid wall of diamonds (refractory)
    The Lower Mantel: which is the deepest of the layers,
    The Upper Mantel (asthenosphere): formed of plasticly set materials before their solidification, of Gold and viscous Basalt
    The Crust (continents’ crust and oceans’ beds): it is supported in the asthenosphere on the floating stretches of solid plates called tectonic plates carrying the Crust. The motion of the tectonic plates causes them to impinge on one another, sometimes having edges overlapping. The overlapping creates the rift mountains chains. Impinging plates with no overlap, spews magma upwards causing Volcanic mountains. The plate is anchored in the slow-moving asthenosphere via inverted mountains beneath at the bases of earth’s mountains, formed from the speedier cooling caused by these mountains, like the motor fins, speeding up cooling of the motor; this way, solidifying the adjacent layers below the molten lava to build inverted mountains. All this system speeds up the cooling even further, that faster heat conducting materials, like gold from burst asteroids, solidify first. So, the inverted mountains become gold clad inverted mountains.
    The hydro atmospheric Layer: and is formed of air and water vapour (clouds) and sea water.
    And we shall start the Fourth Book on ‘The Laying of the Seven Skies’, and ‘The Nature of Birth of The Universe and its Death’ in the Holy Quran.

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