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Articles and Views The Sudanese peace signed in Juba will definitely triumph despite the sinister plots of the Sediti
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The Sudanese peace signed in Juba will definitely triumph despite the sinister plots of the Sediti

10-21-2020, 00:48 AM
Mahmoud A. Suleiman
<aMahmoud A. Suleiman
Registered: 01-13-2014
Total Posts: 198

The Sudanese peace signed in Juba will definitely triumph despite the sinister plots of the Sediti

    00:48 AM October, 20 2020

    Sudanese Online
    Mahmoud A. Suleiman-UK
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    السلام السوداني الذي تم توقيعه في جوبا سينتصر بالتأكيد على الرغم من المؤامرات الشريرة لمروجي الفتنة
    By Mahmoud A. Suleiman
    From the outset, we the people of Sudan from the peripheral regions say in a loud voices NO and NO to the Call for Wednesday the 21st October 2020 MASS Demonstration behind which Malice and Satanic Plot to eventually Bulldoze the Sustainable Peace Finally Achieved in Juba. We know more than many of them that the twenty-first of October of every year reminds us of the glorious revolution of October 21, 1964, which erupted for many reasons, the problem of the southern Sudan region at the top at the time, in addition to the presence of the coup military government led by General Ibrahim Abboud, who led the military coup with the orders of the Master Abdullah Khalil who was the Prime Minister and he was from the Umma Party and the Ansar sect. It is also noteworthy to say that the 21st October 1964 Revolution was led by all the Sudanese masses, especially students from the University of Khartoum and other Higher Education Institutions. Therefore, no one Political Party should claim to have the monopoly of exploiting it for the satisfaction of its personal instincts and his exploitation against opponents. We have mercy on the souls of the martyrs of the glorious October 21, 1964 popular Revolution. But it should not be used for personal or partisan purposes as is happening now.
    This article comes against the background of the false propaganda raised by groups calling themselves the sons of northern Sudan that the Sudanese peace agreement, which was finally signed on Saturday October the 3rd 2020 in the city of Juba, the Capital of the sisterly state of South Sudan, as deficient at best and injustice at worst to the citizens of Sudan in the Northern Region, and that they have decided to resist it, with sacrifices whatever it costs them. Those agitators know for fact that the peace had found local and regional support –from the Arab league countries and the African Union, as well as International blessing represented by the European Union (EU), the United States of America (USA) and the Troika countries (the United Kingdom, United States and Norway), and the blessing of the Secretary-General of the United Nations Organization, António Guterres. Importantly, the Final Juba peace agreement has been endorsed by the components of the Sudanese people in all the regions that have suffered from the ravages of the futile wars that have fueled by the defunct ruling regime of the hateful National Congress Party (NCP) and its International Muslim Brotherhood Movement (MBM) � Khartoum branch affiliate, the ousted genocidal President Omer Hassan Ahmed al-Bashir who is currently incarcerated in a reformatory institution for the elderly infirm criminals for corruption charges. He as well awaits his appearance before the International Criminal Court (ICC) at The Hague in the Netherlands before the Chief Prosecutor, MS. Fatou Bensouda, sooner or later. 
    It is noteworthy to point out that the Sudanese Peace will surely triumph No matter how much the agitators including the remnants of the ousted regime of the accursed National Congress Party (NCP) tried their desperate attempts to undermine the provisions of comprehensive, just and sustainable peace that were built in Juba because it is protected by the will of the people of Sudan at first and by the world powers continuously. The masses of the Sudanese people remain the guardians of the peace agreements signed in Juba are able to protect it, supervise it to keep pressure on the implementation of the agreements. Nobody thinks that these agreements are merely ink on a bundle of papers that have no place on the ground, but rather are burdened with hopes, aspirations and the future of the great majority of the people of the country, and even though it was a part of the transitional government’s representatives. Some who calling themselves the ‘sons� of the “Northern Region� are still thinks about the same mentality of the remnants of the National Congress Party (NCP) which tended to abrogate the previous peace agreements through manipulation mere tactics to gain time or buy some elements among the signatories and the ultimate result of which led back to square one, according to political manipulation, enveloped with queer intelligence that resulted into more suffering of the citizens in the marginalised territories of SUDAN. Such tactics were the underlying factors that led the former southern region of SUDAN to secede. Thus, all the previous peace accords signed between the different armed rebel groups and the defunct NCP regime abjectly failed and unable to stop the war in Darfur, but rather fueled the fighting in other regions, including the Nuba Mountains and Blue Nile. It is noteworthy to point to the fact that the crowds which lined-up around the peace agreements did not come in vain, but they fully realized that the continued state of war in the Sudanese country is a reason for its benevolent citizens to bid farewell to the winds of the neverending warring to go away and dispersed under the determination of the loyal sons and daughters of Sudan. Accordingly, the Sudanese country's intractable problems that take each other's necks would become something of the bad past times. It seems needless to reiterate the fact that you do not find a comprehensive solution to the chronic catastrophies of Sudan except through the gateway to the long-awaited Peace and stability. Obviously, we don’t want to go again to the square one in response to the political manipulation covered cunningly by pseudo intelligence leading to more suffering of the Sudanese people in the marginalized regions.
    Peace denials are poisonous creatures; Hype and purposeless criticism of the peace agreement signed for Sudan in Juba from some racists will lead to the loss of the benefits gained by Sudan and more suffering for innocent disenfranchised citizens in the marginalized regions such as Darfur, Nuba Mountains, Ingassana of South Blue Nile and the Beja people in Eastern Sudan and those in the far Nilotic North of the country. The Opponents of the Sudanese peace signed in Juba and currently shedding crocodile tears now some of them belong to the remnants of the ruling regime of the defunct National Congress Party (NCP) and their ousted president Omar Hassan Ahmed Al-Bashir and his criminal entourage, let them now know that the woman who hunts tyrants Ms. Fatou Bensouda, the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, has come to try the fugitives from international justice in their backyard den Khartoum. As they say in the Sudanese heritage popular proverbs that the world is rotating; time is patient, and the fugitive criminal must one day fall into the network, regardless of whether the time taken is long or short!
    Stark Warning against the statement of the Sudanese Communist Party calling on the Sudanese people to go out in a major march on the twenty first of October 2020 to celebrate the October Revolution. This warning stems out from the reality of the hidden agenda behind it which are came public as follows:� �
    Unfortunately, the Sudanese Communist Party (SCP) is trying to create strife by inciting the people of Sudan against the Sudan Peace Agreement signed in Juba on Saturday October the 3rd, 2020. Moreover, the Sudanese Communist Party (SCP) has disclosed its hidden agenda behind the rally it calls for; is the attempts of “halting the legitimacy of the Juba Agreement to impose its alternative so-called the constitutional document and further impose its parties as an alternative to the forces that made the unprecedented change in Sudan. Those political elements are working tirelessly in preparation for bringing about a comprehensive opposite alternative to the National goals of the December the 19th 2018 Glorious Revolution and working ain their trial to confiscate the gains of the revolution which the marginalized peoples of Sudan unanimously agreed to protect by all means.
    The time has come now, if it were not overdue, for us to cite some facts that seem forgotten at times, and that is whether the Northern Region is deprived of rights compared to the rest of the regions of Sudan. Here one can say without reservation or hesitation that:
    The Northern Region in Sudan continued to have Lion’s share of Sudan’s Power and Wealth solo over the ages hence shouldn’t have neither to complain nor to protest. Those who are stirring up strife and sedition at this juncture in the march of Sudan are, as expected, they are some of the remnants of the ousted (NCP) regime led by its accursed former President, who remains fugitive from international justice at The Hague since March 2009 for allegedly directing a campaign of mass killing, rape, and pillage against civilians in Darfur.
    Let us reiterate the fact that the Sudanese citizens in the northern Sudan region are sufficient for what they have had separately acquired of Power and Wealth over the ages taking into account the historical deprivation in which the marginalized people continued to suffer in and remained continuously languishing in all forms of deprivation. The Sudanese Citizens in the Northern Region of Sudan shouldn’t complain of Feelings of injustice and deprivation regarding the sharing of power and wealth in Sudan, because they had previously taken it all and along with the share of their compatriots in an ongoing lion's share leading to the state of the existing imbalance of distribution of power and wealth in the other regions of the country leading to the ongoing armed struggle in Darfur, Nuba Mountains, South Blue Nile’s Ingessana, Eastern Sudan in the Red Sea region and of course the Southern Sudan region whose citizens were forced to declare secession after a decades-long war, establishing their separate country, South Sudan at the end. Honest, impartial observers would frankly say the Sudanese Peace Agreement finally signed in Juba is a Fair Deal. Therefore, the Sudanese citizens in the Northern Sudan Region should feel sufficient for what they have separately acquired of Power and Wealth over the ages and need to accept the outcomes of the Peace Signed in Juba because they have been Taking More than their share along with the Share of the Rest of Sudan’s population continuously over the past 65 years since the independence of Sudan from the Anglo-Egyptian Condominium that declared Sudan as an independent republic with an elected representative parliament on Sunday January 1, 1956. https://www.britannica.com/place/Sudan/The-growth-of-national-consciousnesshttps://www.britannica.com/place/Sudan/The-growth-of-national-consciousness
    As they say, satiety or over-fullness is likely to lead to indigestion and other gastro-intestinal troubles, accordingly one would think that our compatriots in the Northern region of Sudan should come back to their senses and reflect on the plethora problems their country continues suffer from the legacy of the lean three decades of the oppressive dictatorial National Congress Party (NCP) regime and support the outcome of the final Sudanese peace agreement inked at the City of Juba, the Capital of South Sudan. Moreover, we the Sudanese people believe that the wise people in the Northern Region of Sudan - and they are the majority without a doubt - will accept the outcomes of the meetings that were held on the peace agreement without fanfare or turmoil. Similarly, we might not need any more to keep repeating the very theme; but our supplications continue that May God Almighty grant us success in implementing the outcomes of the Sudan Peace signed in Juba on Saturday the third of October 2020. However, to be more honest and fair one would like to direct the attention of the reader to some important historical facts.
    The group calling to demonstrate against the transitional government, headed by Dr. Abdullah Hamdok, knows well that they had previously monopolized all power and wealth in Sudan since the independence of Sudan until today, and it is fair in the rights of the marginalized majority not to try to undermine the peace that was signed in Juba with the support of the whole world. Rejecters of Sudanese Peace Agreement Signed in Juba are nothing but hatred Mongers. They now for fact that most of the post-independence Sudanese government, with their decades-long failure, we still continue to see more failures with our own eyes and trying to rectify by plans and better means of the Transitional Government led by Dr. Abdalla Hamdok which the agitators have been calling for its bulldozing. Those peace agreement refusers are the elements who have never tasted the woes of war and its serious consequences of internal displacement, migration and above all mass-killings in the form of genocide as in the Darfur region.
    Those who reject the peace of Sudan, which was signed in the capital of the sisterly state of South Sudan, Juba and continue to protest, are people who can be described as hatemongers who do not like anything that is good to their Fellow compatriots civilians citizens of Sudan. One wonders about the extent of their envy ingrained in their murky blood, that make them suffer from a psychological disease called the syndrome of feeling inferiority complex, which is a condition of a disease that has no treatment because it is a personality disorder that remains with the person like his body color, which is impossible to change by using all kinds of powders that are used by some for their skin!
    Now let us delve again into the ongoing protests of some of the Sudanese citizens in Northern Region of Sudan against the outcomes of the Finally Signed Sudanese Peace Agreement in Juba the Capital of our sisterly Country on Saturday the 3rd of October 2020 in regard to the distribution of Power and Wealth are unjustified because their share since the independence of Sudan from the Anglo-Egyptian Colonization –aka- Condominium in Sunday January the first 1956 was the largest despite its small population size in comparison to the rest of the population of Sudan; In fact, they took the rights of other citizens, especially the citizens of the regions in western Sudan, such as the Darfur region in the far west of Sudan who have tasted the bitterness of marginalization under the governments that came after independence, whether they were military coup d’etat or civilian Sectarian religious Ansar or Khatmiyya Sect regimes. To give an example of the most appropriate and the best proof of that is the contents of the important document that proves this; and the most important of which is a document known as the notorious “Hamdi Triangle�. For those who do not remember or never new who was Hamdi, Mr. Abdul Rahim Hamdi was the former Finance Minister of the Islamic Salvation Front (ISF)/ National Congress Party (NCP) aka the International Muslim Brotherhood Movement (MBM) the Khartoum branch.
    At this particular juncture, it is noteworthy to bring in statistics of the population sizes in every region of Sudan along with the pattern of the distribution of power and wealth in Sudan incorporated in the important document known as The Black Book: Imbalance of Power and Wealth in the Sudan. That Document shows as to how the share of the Northern Region of Sudan has been huge both in Power and Wealth through the ages despite their small population size compared to the other vastly populated regions of Sudan. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Black_Book:_Imbalance_of..._Wealth_in_the_Sudan
    We can now recall among the most important documents is the disastrous racist-driven document called the Hamdy Triangle; referring to the then Muslim Brotherhood / the National Islamic Front (NIF) FINANCE Minister Abdelrahim Hamdi.
    People hardly remember Mr. Abdul Rahim Hamdi the former Finance Minister of the Islamic Salvation Front (ISF)/ National Congress Party (NCP) aka the International Muslim Brotherhood Movement (MBM) the Khartoum branch, unless they remember some bitterness with him. The Finance Minister Hamdi described by his affiliation with the father of Islamic economics is considered the true founder of our current crisis. Mr. Hamdi was violent against his opponents. One of the simple people asked him: What is the justification for increasing the price of sugar؟؟ Mr. Hamdi answered him in the language of trade: The price difference went to liberate Aljko, Lyria, and Roll!! Perhaps the questioner does not know that those cities were venerated by the programme of sacrificial squares are located within the Sudanese soil, this is for the sake of the south, for which the Islamic Front fought the SPLM for two decades, the city of Juba was called “Saigon� in the south, and the number of forces reached the armed forces, the people's defense, and the police had more than a million soldiers in the city of Juba, the trade of Mahogany and timber flourished, even the Islamic banks took their luck of share from the southern cake, and the word Faisal Bank, the Royal Branch of Juba, means that money is present, in the role of a thief played by actor Mac Havman the Bank robber؟؟ Havman laughed and replied, "I'm not robbing banks."
    When Israel withdrew from southern Lebanon, Hezbollah was mocking its soldiers because they left their clothes on the clips, and the withdrawal order reached them and they implemented it before their clothes dried up, I do not know what exactly happened in the capital of the south, Juba, from a million soldiers and a large number of martyrs, the Sudanese army withdrew From the city of Juba, all that society disappeared, including banks, sheikhs, clerics, students, police, public defense, the Secretariat of Women and the nation’s youth. They even left until the medical corps crews that are supposed to remain by virtue of their humanitarian work. All the civil society institutions established by the Islamic Front in the South evaporated in The air, this society was false and it took advantage of the opportunity of war to achieve trade gains, so I say that no matter how many experiences across the south in the days of peace, it is much better than the days of the rule of the National Congress Party, and people should be aware that war projects are no longer acceptable in Sudan, yes The National Congress Party opposed the Juba conference and underestimated it, just as it underestimated the Asmara Conference on issues Al-Missiriya, Major Yunus Mahmoud used to attack the two conferences in Asmara, describing them as opposing hotels and friends who enter the brain at night and leave it in the morning, but after that conference the armed opposition launched in eastern Sudan, so the SPLM regained Kurmuk and Gaisan and threatened the city of Damazin again, while the coalition forces, led by Brigadier General Abdel Aziz Khaled threatened the city of Port Sudan, the leaders of the Islamic Front in Khartoum panicked and became distressed, and hearts reached their throats. The late Zubair Muhammad Salih left Khartoum on a surprise visit to Egypt, when the slanders showed them; civilians retreat and the military took over. Perhaps history is repeating itself now, but we have lost the voice of Major Yunus Mahmoud. He cannot say that the conference in Juba are from the opposition of hotels, among whom is Dr. Al-Turabi, and he cannot say that they are friends of the soul that sweeps the minds, nor can he say that he gathered them together with falsehood and their passion, and the reason is because the popular movement It is also tied With a relationship with the National Congress Party as it is linked to the National Row parties in the city of Juba, this conference may come in the absence of the Democratic Unionist Party, a closely related ally of the late Garang, but this will not affect the results of the conference because the Federal Party led by Mr. Muhammad Othman Al-Mirghani is lost “in Al-Gazuzah “In the language of our Egyptian people, it lost its seats in the North, while the people of the East preferred nationalist tendencies over the old-fashioned political ideology, so the National Congress Party is watching the Juba conference as it kills it, and has set out to attack the conference, Dr. Kamal Obeid, and Dr. Obaid lives a level of luxury The intellectual who makes him far from the political reality, and he is a diplomatic imprudent man who speaks in the tone of the civilized project in the days of the nineties, a project that was assassinated by Dr. Al-Turabi for the second time when I apologized to the southerners for the horrors of that war. It is taken over because the man himself represents a party. The number of its members does not exceed fifty members, all of whom are government employees, and Abdullah Massar is one of the phenomena produced by the Darfur crisis, and it is an emergency situation that could end, such as the phenomenon of Abdullah Muhammad Ahmed and Abdel-Qader Abdel Latif, who left the womb of the Umma Party and joined the Salvation Government, And after their role ended, they went to an unknown place, the Juba conference revealed the isolation of the National Congress Party inside Sudan, and because I think that his bet on Dr. Lam Akol will restore his power that he lost in the south, Lam Akol's agenda is fluctuating like world stock prices, but he can do it, he is a man My arrival and he does not care about making his tribe an offering for the next war, but he will not win while he lives in Khartoum, basking in the money of the National Congress Party. The Darfur crisis, which is an emergency situation that could end, like the phenomenon of Abdullah Muhammad Ahmed and Abdel-Qader Abdel Latif, they left the womb of the Umma Party and joined the Salvation Government, and after their role ended, they went to an unknown place, the Juba conference revealed the isolation of the National Congress Party inside Sudan, and because I think His betting on Dr. Lam Akol will restore his lost power in the south, Lam Akol's agenda fluctuating like world stock prices, but he can do it, as he is a man of my arrival and he does not care about making his tribe an offering for the next war, but he will not win while he lives in Khartoum blessed with party money The National Congress, the environment for war is the jungle, and living among crocodiles and snakes, and what the NCP lost in the south will not be returned by any forces present in Khartoum. The Darfur crisis, which is an emergency situation that could end, like the phenomenon of Abdullah Muhammad Ahmed and Abdel-Gader Abdel Latif, they left the womb of the Umma Party and joined the Salvation Government, and after their role ended, they went to an unknown place, the Juba conference revealed the isolation of the National Congress Party inside Sudan, and because I think His betting on Dr. Lam Akol will restore his lost power in the south, Lam Akol's agenda fluctuating like world stock prices, but he can do it, as he is a man of my arrival and he does not care about making his tribe an offering for the next war, but he will not win while he lives in Khartoum blessed with party money The National Congress, the environment for war is the jungle, and living among crocodiles and snakes, and what the NCP lost in the south will not be returned by any forces present in Khartoum. He revealed the isolation of the National Congress Party in Sudan, and because I think that his bet on Dr. Lam Akol will restore his power that he lost in the south, Lam Akol's agenda is fluctuating like global stock prices, but he can do it, as he is a man of my arrival and he does not care about making his tribe an offering for the next war, But he will not win while he lives in Khartoum, enjoying the money of the National Congress Party. The environment for war is the bush, and living among crocodiles and snakes, and what the NCP lost in the south will not be returned by any forces in Khartoum. He revealed the isolation of the National Congress Party in Sudan, and because I think that his bet on Dr. Lam Akol will restore his power that he lost in the south, Lam Akol's agenda is fluctuating like global stock prices, but he can do it, as he is a man of my arrival and he does not care about making his tribe an offering for the next war, But he will not win while he lives in Khartoum, enjoying the money of the National Congress Party. The environment for war is the bush, and living among crocodiles and snakes, and what the NCP lost in the south will not be returned by any forces in Khartoum. In the south, it will not be returned by any forces in Khartoum In the south, it will not be returned by any forces in Khartoum. The foregoing part of the article in italics has been written by the author calling herself with a penname!
    Some Sudanese fear that some factions will cause the peace agreement, which was signed in Juba, to collapse, and to repeat past experiences. As for the Sudanese Prime Minister Dr. Abdullah Hamdok during his proposal to form his government, he previously affirmed that his government's priorities are to stop the war first and build peace in areas that have been witnessing years of conflicts that erupted during the rule of former President Omar al-Bashir, which lasted for three decades until his ouster in April 2019, after popular protests that lasted for months.
    Many Sudanese believe that stopping the war and achieving peace in the various regions of the country is one of the most important gates of building a democratic state and transforming into a democratic civil state in which the rule of law, equal citizenship and good governance are achieved to achieve security and economic development.
    NO and NO to the Call for the 21 October 2020 MASS Demonstration behind which Malice and Satanic Plot to undermine the Sustainable Peace Finally Achieved in Juba
    By Mahmoud A. Suleiman
    Some traditional Sudanese political parties have grown old and are crying out to demand that the Sudanese people go out on October 21, 2020 in a major demonstration to bring down the government of the transitional prime minister, Dr. Abdullah Hamdok, so the Sudanese people must not respond to this strife that was calling against the Sudanese peace that was signed in Juba the capital of the sisterly country South Sudan, on the third of October 2020.
    On the other hand, the masses have realized that the establishment of the institutions of the current transitional period falls short of the tasks of the Revolution, and that a group of people of new empowerment trembles their preference whenever there is a glimmer of hope to gather the parties of the country on one level ,, and fear To lose some of what they have gained through theft for so long. Peace has become a reality. So what do the forces of apostasy do except to set fires here and there to distract people from peace and its momentum؟ However, the time of playing on the acumen and knowledge of the citizen is over. Whoever stirs the events of the East at this time is aiming for peace. We do not excuse the Hamdok government that it implements the agenda of the open and open enemies of peace, and those who work in secret and behind the guise of regional and international intelligence. Otherwise, why did I dismiss the Wali of Kassala, who has not yet taken over his job؟ While all the governors will be dismissed, according to what we understood from the agreements and the prudent political groups and those who read the events correctly about the state of the country and the problems that causing suffering to the majority of the population due to the failure of the government in all fields and the despair of all people, that calls for the dissolution of the transitional systems of government immediately and the Finally signed agreements and re-assigning them to run the wheel of work until the formation of the new systems. This is especially true since half of the government is appointed ministers that brought coldness and peace to the angry masses and helps to absorb some anger. This government in its current form and behind it its miserable incubator � Forces for declaration of Freedom and Change (FFC) will lead the country to dangerous pitfalls and junctures from which it does not know how to get out. We are counting on the wise people of the country and on our brothers in the Armed Struggle Movements (ASM) who came to peace under very delicate conditions and they are fully aware of it. With the situation in us and outwardly, and with that they accepted the peace, but they accepted the challenge, so they must accelerate the implementation of what was agreed upon as soon as possible according to the timetables drawn, and any talk by the sedition mongers who remained horrified by the outcome of the peace signed in Juba about patching the existing institutions means scrambling to the quota system and moving away from the starting platform. The new, right start is to bring about the foundations of the transitional period by dislodging but rather destroying, and establishing a new foundation on solid foundations with the broad participation of the general population and its political, union, youth, women, and refugee forces, etc.,, This is the only way that leads us to safety,, Oh God, We do not ask you to answer the judiciary, but we ask you for kindness; اللهم لا نسألك رد القضاء ولكن نسألك اللطف statements made by Mr. Baroud Sandal Rajab the attorney.
    Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi-Mahatma Gandhi, for short- the Indian lawyer, anti-colonial nationalist, and political ethicist, who employed nonviolent resistance to lead the successful campaign for India's independence from British rule, and in turn inspired movements for civil rights and freedom across the world has been quoted as saying: “When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and love have always won. There have been tyrants and murderers, and for a time they can seem invincible but in the end, they always fall, thank of it –always.� https://www.pinterest.com/pin/423408802441419487/https://www.pinterest.com/pin/423408802441419487/

    Dr. Mahmoud A. Suleiman is an author, columnist and a blogger. His blog is http://thussudan.wordpress.com/http://thussudan.wordpress.com/

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