Crackdown on Sudanese rights, cultural groups

Crackdown on Sudanese rights, cultural groups

01-03-2013, 07:49 AM


Post: #1
Title: Crackdown on Sudanese rights, cultural groups
Author: بكرى ابوبكر
Date: 01-03-2013, 07:49 AM
Parent: #0

(AFP) – 10 hours ago

KHARTOUM — Sudanese rights and cultural groups said on Wednesday they are under attack after the closure of four non-governmental organisations last month, adding to concerns over freedom of expression.

But a senior ruling party official said the government is keen for NGOs to help people as long as they do not follow a political agenda.

"There is a crackdown on Sudanese NGOs and cultural centres, and freedom of expression," a coalition of NGOs said.

A statement said authorities suspended the Sudanese Study Centre, a human rights training and cultural group, on December 24.

State intelligence officers intervened when activists held a sit-in outside the government's human rights commission to protest the decision, "and some of the journalists covering it were beaten," the coalition said.

At about the same time, authorities revoked the registration of the Al-Khatim Adlan Centre for Enlightenment and Human Development, another human rights training organisation, the coalition said.

"And its properties were seized after an armed person came with an order," it added.

Al-Khatim is accused of receiving foreign donations without permission, its director, Al-Bagaer Al-Fiaf, told reporters.

"The government well knows that all the Sudanese NGOs receive foreign donations because they aren't able to get financing (locally). Even pro-government NGOs got foreign funding," Fiaf said.

The NGO coalition said another rights group, Arry, which worked in insurgent-hit South Kordofan state, was banned and its members detained last month.

In addition, the arts group Beid Al-Fonan has been suspended.

"This all indicates an intensified campaign against NGOs and freedom of expression. We will struggle against this for our rights," the coalition said.

Moyez Hadara, a lawyer, said members of his profession have mobilised to fight against the crackdown.

Rabbie Abdelatti Ebaid, of the ruling National Congress Party, said "actually our government is very keen for the NGOs to work for society and to help people."

But there is a difference between NGOs working under their mandate and those following "a special agenda," he said, mentioning 13 major international humanitarian organisations expelled in 2009 from Sudan's Darfur region.

"Instead of providing aid they help the rebels and they instigate also the people to... do some work which is against the government," he said.

Post: #2
Title: Re: Crackdown on Sudanese rights, cultural groups
Author: Asma Abdel Halim
Date: 01-03-2013, 12:39 PM
Parent: #1

salam Bakri:
It makes one think of the objective/s of this sudden attack.
Is this government so uneducated to the extent that it thought that all the services provided by these organizations were without funding?
or is there a big political failure that needs a big human rights breach event to cover it up?
will women's organizations be next?
what about schools that are mainly funded from outside funders, will we see them closing?
Just asking!!