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Aftermath for GAFYW Annual Event...

12-29-2012, 07:12 AM
عائشة موسي السعيد
<aعائشة موسي السعيد
Registered: 07-10-2010
Total Posts: 1638

Re: Aftermath for GAFYW Annual Event... (Re: عائشة موسي السعيد)

    5- Writer from Khartoum:

    How hope found me.
    A story by Dinan Alasad

    I awaken, in a room that would have been pitch black if it wasn't for the wisps of light that came in through the ajar door and the uncurtained windows. I sense a figure next to me. I am not sure if it is a human or an object. I remain frozen for a moment, trying to make sense of the place I am in. I slowly try to move, but my body is stiff and sore and I only manage to move my head. I try shouting but all that I can manage is a dry pathetic croak. Nevertheless, it is enough to alert the figure next to me, who I now notice is a nurse. She stands up with a start, dropping the novel she had been reading. She smashes a red button next to my bed and hastily walks out of the room. Turning on every light on her way out. I look around and everything is white, a doctor arrives and asks me to lie back down but I refuse to do so, I resist his and the nurse's orders, and he injects a needle into my arm and before I can make sense of what has happened I slip to slumber once again.

    I wake up again with a headache and dizziness. The white room I am in keeps spinning and I hear voices speaking quickly in worried tones. They stop abrubtly when they see that I am up. Someone walks to my bedside and tampers with the machines and suddenly everything becomes clearer. I sit up slightly and before I can speak I am given a cup of water, I take the cold drink in my hand. "What is going on. Can someone please tell me?!" I say, my annoyance clear in my croaky voice. The people who have been talking gather next to my bed and I take in their faces. One is my mother, the other is my father, they look so different, gray and old. The other two are a young man who looks terribly familiar and a kindly middle aged man with black hair streaked with silver in a labcoat who must be the doctor. He speaks in a slow voice, looking me straight in my eyes "This might come as a shock to you Miss Mai. This is 2032. You have been in a coma for 20 years." "You're kidding." I say with a humorless laugh, eyes wide. He gives me an apologetic look. It wasn't the drug that sent me sleeping this time, it was the shock of the news.

    I open my eyes and notice that the scene hadn't changed much since I had fallen asleep. My parents are still gathered around my bed, in chairs now, there is no sign of the doctor or the young man though. I feel much better now and I sit up. "Hello." I say awkwardly, in a little voice. "MAI, YOU ARE AWAKE AGAIN." shouts my mother, she surprises me and looks like she immediatly regrets over reacting. "How do you feel?" she says in a less hysterical tone. "Good. I'd be much better if I understood what happened!" I say angrily. My mother and father explain to me how I was involved in an accident when I was 18 and was sent in a coma. I am taken aback by the story. I sit there with my eyes wide and my mouth slightly open. "So I am 38 years old now? That can't be. My whole life is gone, down the drain. All my plans are ruined! Its too late to go back to Medical School now, and I can forget about being a surgeon!" I say frantically. "Don't say that, Mai, its never too late to do anything. If there's a will, there's a way." says my Father. I sigh and smile at him. He has always known what to say. "Where is Mohamed?" I ask him, not wanting to discuss the accident or my future anymore. Mohamed is my brother, he was 5 when I went into my coma. "He went to get us all some things from home, he'll be back soon." he replies.

    After minutes of catching up and learning all about my old friends' achievements, the young man I hadn't recognized from before walks in, carrying a suitcase. His eyes shine brightly when he sees me. I know those brown gleaming eyes. "MOHAMED!" I shout. He smiles and walks over to my bed. After a tearful greeting he pulls a chair and sits next to my parents. He tells me all about his life now. How he has a wife and a little girl named after me and how he has become the youngest architect to ever design a building in Khartoum's Skyline. Just as he finishes off the story of how he met his wife, a nurse walks in, ordering my family to go home and leave me to rest. I don't argue as I am exhausted. They shuffle out of the door and leave me in the dark room alone. Trying to figure out what to do with my life and slightly wishing I had never woken up from my coma.

    I rise the next day feeling a lot better, a nurse helps me up and I walk around my big room. I regain my ability to walk, though I am breathless quickly. I look in the mirror and I like what I see. For a person who had been sleeping for the past 20 years I don't look so bad, give or take a few wrinkles, of course. All in all, I am doing well and rapidly recovering.

    Mohamed visits me a few weeks later and he asks the doctor if he can take me out to see the Khartoum of 2032 and his building and the doctor approves as I have been doing well in my physiotherapy. Excited, I get ready and storm out out of the hospital.
    I step out of the hospital gates and I gasp. Woah. Oh My God. I am breathless, not because I'm tired or dizzy but because of the beauty of Khartoum. The streets are clean and reflect the moon's light. The futuristic cars on them are of all colours. The buildings are most astonishing. The most creative pieces of architecture stand where dirt piles used to. Skyscrapers stand in the place of old Souqs. Humongous beautiful mosques stand where small ones once stood. I walk around in total awe and I am so angry when I have to go to the hospital. I return to the hospital with my will power strengthened and hopes high. Which is a great improvement since I had been wishing I had never gotten up just last month. I lay in my bed and think. I'll do it, I decide. I'll go back to school, I'll make it through Med School and I will try to make all my dreams came true. If this great city rose from what used to be an undeveloped place, then I can continue my life. If there is a will there is a way, right?


    6- Writer from Kkartoum
    By: Mazin Elshazali

    In Eurasia, there was a city called Fioron where a boy changed history. The young boy, Leonard lived with his parents. They didn’t believe in the existence of any higher power. Leonard has known no other way for all his life. The existence of Allah to them was impossible.
    One day, he was simply coming from a long day of school with his friend, Sarah. He couldn’t wait to come back home to see his family, but what he saw didn’t cheer him up at all. To his Sadness, he found his father was lying on the floor helplessly. Leonard’s mother was crying over her husband’s body. Then Leonard, stepped into sadness.
    Next day, he went to the hospital with his mother to check on his father. The doctor said that his father is suffering from cancer, one that is fatal and incurable. Leonard still hoped for his father’s health to be restored, but he did not pray.
    One day, something happened that would change his life forever. When he went to sleep, he saw a strange-looking man in his dreams. With white hair and light clothing, but for some reason his face wasn’t visible.
    “Who are you?” demanded Leonard.
    “Who I am of no concern”, replied the man in white, “I am here to give you a proposal spread the word of the existence of Allah to Fioron and your father’s life will be spared”.
    “I don’t know you! “Shouted Leonard, “who you are and what you do you want.” But before he could get a reply, he woke up. Was that real? Anyway, he needed to do whatever that man said regardless of who he was.
    During the week, he tried to tell his friends about God, but they didn’t believe him and said that a world made by one God was impossible. Leonard told everyone he knew, including his mother, but no one believed him. He kept trying to inform the people that he was not lying; his father’s life depended on it. He decided to go visit the Islamic community to get advice from the Sheikh. As he entered, people looked at him awkwardly. He went to talk to the Sheikh.
    “Pardon me, sheikh, but could you tell me how to convert to Islam”, he asked politely.
    “It might be a little hard for someone like you,” replied the sheikh.
    “Please”, begged Leonard, “I am determined to learn more about Islam”.
    “I sense potential in you; I believe you could become a great Muslim.”
    He sat down for hours being told about the wonders of Islam. He listened to the history, the rules and regulations, the Qur’an and even the Hadith. He was truly fascinated. After learning more about the wonders of Islam for 2 hours, he went back home as it was time to go to bed.
    On a new day, after the rebirth of Leonard, he decided to enjoy the day as man of freedom. He woke up with joy.
    “Would you like some toast,” said his mother
    “No thanks,” said Leonard, “I am fasting.”
    His mother became very confused and wished to ask what that was, but decided to call it a boy matter, and went to do some laundry. At school, Leonard became a great topic for students and teachers.
    “Hey Leonard,” said Sarah when they were going to class, “I sense something different from your, is that a new tie.”
    “Ha ha, no,” replied, “I have simply become a Muslim.”
    “What’s a Muslim?”
    “I am glad you asked.”
    Leonard told Sarah everything in his knowledge in a sum of an hour. She was so amazed that she herself took up the Islamic oath. She told her friends about her new sense of love. Then they too converted and told many others about the joy of Islam. Leonard felt a sort of happiness knowing that his father’s life might be saved.
    But in the middle of the night, the President had caught wind that a large percentage of people converted, causing problems for Eurasia. While he was discussing the matter, he demanded that the problem must be dealt with as soon as possible. For the good of Eurasia, he would move mountains.
    Leonard was returning home. He went to bed after a long tiring day. But little did he know, the man in light clothing was waiting to tell him some dark news in his dream.
    “At 10:00, the government is going to capture you, take all you can and leave”.
    Leonard suddenly woke up shocked and scared. He wanted to run as far away as possible, but he knew it would do no good. He prayed desperately to God for protection. Quickly, he went to create a plan. He needed to act fast, where would he go? But then he had an idea, he decided to run as far as he could, before the government got to him or his loved ones. No one could know where he is, even his mother or Sarah. He packed his bags with food and clothing and left without a trace.
    His mother went to his room in the morning to wake him up, but she found his bed empty. She was in a state of shock. First she was about to loose her husband, now her son. This was a week of sorrow, although a great week for many. She feared Leonard might have been kidnapped, and felt guilty for not being there to protect him. Why wasn’t she there? She just sat down and cried; now she had nothing.
    The day just kept on getting worse for the President, despite his best efforts he had failed to capture Leonard. He had enough; he decided to settle this once and for all. Meanwhile; Leonard was running where his legs took him. He needed to get as far away as possible. But then he had a second thought, would a true Muslim run from his problems, NEVER. He decided to go with his heart, and he ran all the way back to Fioron. As he sprinted past the TV shop, he saw that the President was broadcasting a live address.
    “I wish to send a message to the delinquent known as Leonard Vanterra”, said the President “I challenge him to a duel in Town square at sunset to settle this dispute once and for all, show us all what a coward you are.”Leonard had to think this through; he would rather die than live in a life of lies. He was going to accept.
    At sunset, the President was waiting, and so was the large crowd .They had waited long enough. The President declared Leonard to be a coward. But then he saw someone, Leonard, coming from the distance. The President was surprised.
    “He actually came”, he thought, “does he have a death wish”. Leonard walked through the crowd to the duelling ground. The referee gave them both pistols.
    “Remember the rules, shoot only after instructed. “The two men took their positions and waited patiently. Suddenly, the referee gave the command .Leonard drew his gun at light speed and aimed it directly at the leader’s head. The President dropped his gun in fear, the game was settled.
    “What are you doing? “Shouted the President, “kill me quickly, and make it painless”. But suddenly, Leonard dropped his gun. This caused great confusion for the crowd
    “If I killed you, I wouldn’t have the right to be called a man.”, Leonard replied, “Death is not the answer. Islam is about finding true peace, not destroying it.”
    “But I tried to kill you?”
    “I understand that you are guilty, but your death will not set it right, I won’t be killing anyone.”
    “I am your enemy, why can’t you kill your enemy.”
    “Because in Islam, there are no enemies; Even if you are a Muslim or an atheist, we are still human and that is what counts.”Suddenly, tears streamed from face of the President and the crowd. Even the referee was crying. No one could fight the tears of joy. The President thought; is this the resolve of a true Muslim? If it was, he wished to see more of it. He wiped off his tears and reached for his microphone.
    “After witnessing this touching event of honour, I hereby declare Islam to be an honorary religion in Fioron. Now we shall dedicate a lot to Islam.”The crowd cheered and chanted as the young boy’s wish came true. His destiny was completed.
    Over the years, the number of converts had increased almost tripled. Most of the famous Eurasian names converted. Even the President converted. Thanks to a certain boy, Eurasia became a better place. Now he lives a normal, unassuming life with his mother and father (who had miraculously recovered). Islam had begun to spread like a wild fire throughout the world. This story is now at its end, but a bright new era had only begun.


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Aftermath for GAFYW Annual Event... عائشة موسي السعيد12-27-12, 09:36 AM
  Re: Aftermath for GAFYW Annual Event... عائشة موسي السعيد12-27-12, 09:50 AM
    Re: Aftermath for GAFYW Annual Event... عائشة موسي السعيد12-27-12, 10:02 AM
      Re: Aftermath for GAFYW Annual Event... عائشة موسي السعيد12-27-12, 10:13 AM
        Re: Aftermath for GAFYW Annual Event... Raja12-27-12, 05:01 PM
          Re: Aftermath for GAFYW Annual Event... عائشة موسي السعيد12-27-12, 09:33 PM
            Re: Aftermath for GAFYW Annual Event... عائشة موسي السعيد12-27-12, 09:41 PM
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                Re: Aftermath for GAFYW Annual Event... عائشة موسي السعيد12-29-12, 07:32 AM
                  Re: Aftermath for GAFYW Annual Event... عائشة موسي السعيد12-29-12, 07:46 AM
                    Re: Aftermath for GAFYW Annual Event... عائشة موسي السعيد12-29-12, 08:03 AM
  Re: Aftermath for GAFYW Annual Event... عائشة موسي السعيد01-06-13, 08:48 AM
  Re: Aftermath for GAFYW Annual Event... عائشة موسي السعيد01-28-13, 11:10 PM
  Re: Aftermath for GAFYW Annual Event... عائشة موسي السعيد01-28-13, 11:15 PM
    Re: Aftermath for GAFYW Annual Event... Asma Abdel Halim01-28-13, 11:44 PM
  Re: Aftermath for GAFYW Annual Event... عائشة موسي السعيد01-29-13, 03:34 PM
  Re: Aftermath for GAFYW Annual Event... عائشة موسي السعيد01-29-13, 11:43 PM
  Re: Aftermath for GAFYW Annual Event... عائشة موسي السعيد01-30-13, 02:14 PM
  Re: Aftermath for GAFYW Annual Event... عائشة موسي السعيد03-11-13, 09:08 AM
    Re: Aftermath for GAFYW Annual Event... Siham Elmugammar03-31-13, 12:16 PM
  Re: Aftermath for GAFYW Annual Event... عائشة موسي السعيد04-04-13, 07:04 PM

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