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Opponents of democracy and secular democratic

12-22-2012, 12:58 PM
Asim Fageary
<aAsim Fageary
Registered: 04-25-2010
Total Posts: 7810

Opponents of democracy and secular democratic

    Opponents of democracy seek freedom and secular democratic abort freedom!

    The usual and familiar to our opinion is that opponents of democracy shall fight democracy by all means, they shall never accept democracy to prevail in their communities based on the

    fact that they are totalitarians and/or dictators, in contrast we may find them in many occasions seek democracy and freedom, but in fact they seek democracy for short tactical period of

    time in order to use it as a bridge to grasp up all the state authority & power and retrieve to their first block area by applying their totalitarian regimes.

    In the other hand, we may find that, some secular democratic groups abort freedom and democracy by following unacceptable practices which are defined clearly as something against

    rules of democracy.

    The both above examples are the main problem creators in the world of today and we have to be fully aware of their roles either planned or unplanned.

    This issue teases my mind for a long period of time; I tried to think in it in Arabic and write about it in Arabic as well, but unfortunately I couldn’t find the best phrases that may attract

    the reader, I mean the reader herein www.sudaneseonline.com ; so I found it better to write this issue in English because the articles in English are fewer and this may give my short paper

    a chance and opportunity to be read by some who may be concerned and enrich the topic with some useful opinions and discussion.

    Sincerely yours

    Asim Fageary

    People who are not members please contact me through: [email protected]


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Opponents of democracy and secular democratic Asim Fageary12-22-12, 12:58 PM

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