Top 10 smartest countries in the world

Top 10 smartest countries in the world

03-05-2012, 01:44 PM


Post: #1
Title: Top 10 smartest countries in the world
Author: الطيب رحمه قريمان
Date: 03-05-2012, 01:44 PM

Now, we know there's all kinds of smarts: street smarts, book smart and E.Q. or emotional intelligence. And, yes, we're well aware that the ability to quote from memory great works of classic American literature or name drop obscure and even irrelevant philosophers hardly makes one person smarter than another. But there's no denying that having a degree, diploma or certificate to your name has become rather essential to entering the job market.

In many cases, educational attainment is proportional to people's incomes. In our list of the top 10 smartest countries in the world, based on the latest figures from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development released last year, we give you the countries with the highest percentage of university- and college-educated populations in the world. And you may be surprised at who comes in first.

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Post: #2
Title: Re: Top 10 smartest countries in the world
Author: Abdlaziz Eisa
Date: 03-20-2012, 04:32 AM
Parent: #1

Dear brother Graiman


assumed there could be ten top countries, or say one hundred smart countries, or more..
we couldn't rather think positively about our country some time ago prior to current totalitarian regime.
the only way that is extensively put us to the reality we are trailing the world in everything.

people globally talking about debut of creation and development, while we under Inghaz, the drainage that is never seep
