Game Is Over......a poem

Game Is Over......a poem

10-20-2009, 10:13 AM


Post: #1
Title: Game Is Over......a poem
Author: adil amin
Date: 10-20-2009, 10:13 AM
Parent: #0

In land of braves
At time of cowered
Lie a big lie
Of false mortal religious state
Of aggression and hate
Destroying people, animals and plants
Souls are enslaved
Under mass graves
In south and north
With east and west
So try your best
And understand
Who deserve your vote and election
Where ever you at exile
Or in sickle home land and nest
Because your registration and election
Will put an end
For this terrible hell
Of hunting dogs and well
Then lively up
One powerful nation
Of thoughts and creation

Post: #2
Title: Religious gauge
Author: Suliman Tibin
Date: 10-20-2009, 02:04 PM
Parent: #1

Hi Ustaz Adil,
I like the poem, quote:"...religious state of aggression and hate". What a weird world we're in now. Our country used to be one of the most tolerant on earth. But now, imagine a place where they invented a "religious gauge" to check 'the religious pressure' of the individuals and their tribal affiliations among other things prior to any consideration of their status as equal partners in the land. It reminds you of George Orwell's master piece Adil, doesn't it?. In Orwell's 'Animal Farm' "All animals are created equal but some animals are more equal than thee others" and in Sudan, "some Sudanese are more Sudanese" than the rest of us.
Do you think there will be any sort of transparency in the upcoming elections? I doubt. Democracy is an alien critter to them. They know how to cook the books, THEY ARE MASTERS IN THE FIELD, AREN'T THEY?

Post: #3
Title: Re: Religious gauge
Author: adil amin
Date: 10-21-2009, 12:29 PM
Parent: #2

Quote: Do you think there will be any sort of transparency in the upcoming elections? I doubt. Democracy is an alien critter to them. They know how to cook the books, THEY ARE MASTERS IN THE FIELD, AREN'T THEY?

Dear Suliman Tibin
Even though,election is the only scape or we will face the worst,
which is the resolutions of The Securty Council under the 7th Chapter and ICC.
thanks for your opinion

note:are you a relative of Mr. Hamid Adam Haroon from Manliet North Darfur?
if so can you send me his adress
my phone is in my profile

Post: #4
Title: Re: Religious gauge
Author: adil amin
Date: 10-22-2009, 10:03 AM
Parent: #3

thanks suliman
for contact

my e.mail
[email protected]

Election in sudan is just a wicked kind of rat race

Post: #5
Title: Re: Religious gauge
Author: Suliman Tibin
Date: 10-23-2009, 00:47 AM

Ustaz Adil,
I got your email address and saved it. Thank you so much for the song by the prophetic and legendary artist Bob Marley. His songs always plug a sensitive tune that radiates seismic-like waves through the conscious and subconscious of freedom lovers everywhere. Remember his song for liberation of Zimbabwee and his 'war everywhere' song? What about Sudan (War in the West, down South, in the East..everywhere there is war"
"Rat Race" is typical of almost all our past and possibly future?! elections. What a joke. In Africa, our high school dropouts, with the most mediocre academic records and intellectually-barren mentalitties topple our democratically-elected governments and run the poor nations with despotic, megalomaniac, blood-thirsty and corrupt juntas.
You don't have to be smart or intellectually and politically savvy by the way to be a head of state in Sudan; especially for those generals who boot their way into the presidential palace, abolish the constitution and rule with a decree. You don't need a degree to run the affairs of one of the most complex nations in Africa: the sword, or I should say the gun is mightier than the pen in Sudan. With an I.Q of a chicken, and referrals from some connected relatives, those who flunk their exams and fail to perform and lead a class of thirty students academically would often end up in military academies and later lead a nation of 30 million or so to the ultimate 'rat race' and mirage chase. To add insult to injury, they stage their own elections to gain legitimacy (after rigging of course). Well, let's wait and see Adil...we're the bored audience of this classic tragedy.

Post: #6
Title: Re: Religious gauge
Author: adil amin
Date: 10-23-2009, 05:13 PM
Parent: #5

brother suliman
thanks again for your addition
and vision about our sick country sudan ,but
dumn them is not enough for changing

rat race bigan since 1956 and the false endependance under the brobagnada of a fake main sheat"Sudan for the Sudanese".Without giving a scientific difinition for"who is the sudanese??!!"
and till know we have nither propar political party nor sudanese vision or project.
oh what rat race?!!
Quote: especially for those generals who boot their way into the presidential palace

a very good excepration
yes they are the bad,but who is the ugly?
I think those post graduateS from U.K spcialy those graduate from Fuculty of Medicine&Political Science(what jock!!LOOK HOW MUCH PHCICTION IN INGASS REV.)I think in Sudan we need to saparate medicine from politics rather than religion from politics!!!