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Discussion Board in English Egyptian Efforts To Postpone The Doha’s Summit
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Egyptian Efforts To Postpone The Doha’s Summit

03-11-2009, 11:30 PM
Hashim Badr Eldin
<aHashim Badr Eldin
Registered: 12-28-2005
Total Posts: 1716

Egyptian Efforts To Postpone The Doha’s Summit

    The clock is ticking. The Arab summit is scheduled in Doha, Qatar, this month. And with all the hoopla at home, Field Marshal Bashir will soon have to face the music: if he decided to fly to Doha (not likely), he might not return; and if he stays home, that will not only reveal his isolation, but also will deprive him from the ostentatious Arab support he is now proclaiming and open the gates for aspiring army officer who might cease the moment.

    Sick worried by the prospect of the demise of their stooge in Khartoum, Egyptians rulers are doing their utmost to convince pivotal Arab countries to postpone the coming summit to save Mr. Shoe the double-jeopardy.


Arabic Forum

03-12-2009, 06:56 AM
Al-Sadig Yahya Abdall
<aAl-Sadig Yahya Abdall
Registered: 05-01-2006
Total Posts: 485

Re: Egyptian Efforts To Postpone The Doha’s Summit (Re: Hashim Badr Eldin)

    Hi Mr. Hashim
    Your post explains why Doha was not invited to the Riyadh mini-summit this week despite its relevance.
    Thanks for this informative post.

Arabic Forum

03-12-2009, 09:32 PM
Hashim Badr Eldin
<aHashim Badr Eldin
Registered: 12-28-2005
Total Posts: 1716

Re: Egyptian Efforts To Postpone The Doha’s Summit (Re: Al-Sadig Yahya Abdall)


    Egyptian invited, almost, every opposition group on Cairo to discuss an alterative for Bashir. Ironically, the choice has to be from within the NCP.

Arabic Forum

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