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Discussion Board in English Hi Khawajat.. It is so quite and peaceful here!!
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Hi Khawajat.. It is so quite and peaceful here!!

02-24-2009, 04:59 PM
سيف النصر محي الدين محمد أحمد

Registered: 04-12-2011
Total Posts: 0

Re: Hi Khawajat.. It is so quite and peaceful here!! (Re: Gaafar Ismail)

    Salam Ayman
    Quote: Do you really think it is because of the language that others tend to be more hostile in their mother tongue?

    I think it is far easier to quarrel with others in your native tongue.
    I remember that once we were in Egypt and as usual we had a fight with
    a taxi driver whom we hired to take us to Alhussien, our leader in the
    battle was a Nubian from Halfa who at one point started to shout at the
    driver in (Rotana), he explained to us later that he found it easier
    That way.

    Quote: Side Note:SOOO Many Sudanese are working in the field of Behavioural Modification & Treatment in Philadelphia.... I always say may be we (as sudanese)need some behavioural analysis
    I have been to Philadelphia last October to visit my dear friend Hassn Wardi, he is in the same business.....when they return back to Sudan they should do somthing to
    help us modify our behavior.

Arabic Forum

Title Author Date
Hi Khawajat.. It is so quite and peaceful here!! سيف النصر محي الدين محمد أحمد01-31-09, 09:37 PM
  Re: Hi Khawajat.. It is so quite and peaceful here!! Ayman Ahmed02-16-09, 11:05 PM
    Re: Hi Khawajat.. It is so quite and peaceful here!! سيف النصر محي الدين محمد أحمد02-19-09, 04:11 AM
      Re: Hi Khawajat.. It is so quite and peaceful here!! عزان سعيد02-19-09, 12:57 PM
  Re: Hi Khawajat.. It is so quite and peaceful here!! Gaafar Ismail02-22-09, 12:17 PM
    Re: Hi Khawajat.. It is so quite and peaceful here!! سيف النصر محي الدين محمد أحمد02-23-09, 08:26 PM
      Re: Hi Khawajat.. It is so quite and peaceful here!! Gaafar Ismail02-24-09, 07:01 AM
  Re: Hi Khawajat.. It is so quite and peaceful here!! Ayman Ahmed02-24-09, 01:00 AM
    Re: Hi Khawajat.. It is so quite and peaceful here!! Gaafar Ismail02-24-09, 06:00 AM
      Re: Hi Khawajat.. It is so quite and peaceful here!! سيف النصر محي الدين محمد أحمد02-24-09, 04:59 PM
  Re: Hi Khawajat.. It is so quite and peaceful here!! Ayman Ahmed02-27-09, 06:07 AM
    Re: Hi Khawajat.. It is so quite and peaceful here!! الطيب رحمه قريمان04-18-09, 12:16 PM
      Re: Hi Khawajat.. It is so quite and peaceful here!! Al-Sadig Yahya Abdall06-15-09, 09:24 AM
        Re: Hi Khawajat.. It is so quite and peaceful here!! malamih06-19-09, 07:52 PM
          Re: Hi Khawajat.. It is so quite and peaceful here!! رانيا قاسم08-27-09, 11:23 AM
  Re: Hi Khawajat.. It is so quite and peaceful here!! أمين فاروق09-02-09, 08:53 AM
    Re: Hi Khawajat.. It is so quite and peaceful here!! سيف النصر محي الدين06-26-11, 05:17 PM
      Re: Hi Khawajat.. It is so quite and peaceful here!! سيف النصر محي الدين06-26-11, 05:58 PM

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