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sudanese orphans care

12-07-2008, 02:16 PM
الطاهر عثمان
<aالطاهر عثمان
Registered: 03-09-2007
Total Posts: 141

sudanese orphans care

    a charity non for profit organization which coordinate between sponsor and orphans

Arabic Forum

12-07-2008, 02:18 PM
الطاهر عثمان
<aالطاهر عثمان
Registered: 03-09-2007
Total Posts: 141

Re: sudanese orphans care (Re: الطاهر عثمان)

    The Idea of the organization emerged from the lack of information about orphans detailed and direct contact in sudan.

    We started officially on 18 January, 2008 and a lot of sponsorship is already done and a direct contact between sponsors and orphans is insured..

    The executive committe of the organization and all other staff were doing the work to run the organization volunteerly and they are not having any salaries or entitlments from any partiens..

    We are struggling to reduce the administrative cost of runing the work to the minimum level...

    Al-Taher Osman
    [email protected]

Arabic Forum

12-07-2008, 02:20 PM
الطاهر عثمان
<aالطاهر عثمان
Registered: 03-09-2007
Total Posts: 141

Re: sudanese orphans care (Re: الطاهر عثمان)

    How we Work:

    first we collect data about orphans in sudan by many means and verify these data is true by actual visit to the orphan..

    after that we classify these data and list it in our link

    meanwhile we are spreading the idea to the expected sponsors through all media type...

    by this we are creating an information pool for orphans and sponsors and we are just coordinating between both with a minimum administrative cost...

    we are not deducting any amount from orphans neither the sponsor

    the estimated monthly amount of the sponsorship is 50 $

Arabic Forum

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