Non Governmental Organizations in Darfur

Non Governmental Organizations in Darfur

09-16-2008, 01:46 PM


Post: #1
Title: Non Governmental Organizations in Darfur
Author: محمد فرح
Date: 09-16-2008, 01:46 PM
Parent: #0

The voluntary work played big role in development of many civilizations and societies through centuries because it provides non-profit services.
The voluntary work takes several of forms from self-serving traditional customs , offering assistance, communal responding during hardship , providing relief, to resolving disputes and reducing effect of poverty.
Volunteers have played significant role in development in the developing countries through their participation in implementation of national and UN programmes on humanitarian aids, boosting human rights, democracy and peace.
They also took part in execution of many projects in the fields of illiteracy, immunization and environment protection.
The voluntary work becomes the base for activities of Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), and civil society organizations..
The role of the voluntary organizations recently increased during the last decade, where its concept expanded to include efforts of local and national voluntary organizations, besides the bilateral and multi-lateral programmes which are known as the Third Sector and NGOs.
The New World Order and the development of political thought have helped NGOs to transcend national borders and provide their assistance to the needy people in any place. In this situation governments have not choice, but to deal with these organizations.
The introduction of NGOs to Sudan dated back to 1980s when drought and famine hit some parts of Sudan.
These international organizations use voluntary work in provision of aid and relief through which they pass their clandestine agendas.
But following the signing of Khartoum Peace Agreement in 1997 and after approval of the constitution, the activities of the civil society organizations in Sudan increased because the government has lifted restrictions from the political parties and all civil society organizations.
Sudan is still in need of voluntary work in fields of relief, disasters, rehabilitation and development.

Post: #2
Title: Re: Non Governmental Organizations in Darfur
Author: محمد فرح
Date: 09-16-2008, 01:49 PM
Parent: #1

The Concept of Voluntary Work and History of Voluntary Organizations in Sudan

The concept of voluntary work and organizations until mid 1980s in the Arab and other parts of the World was restricted to unplanned individual and collective work in cases of disasters and catastrophes till mid 1980s when it developed to indicate to organizations which offer social services to what are called the special groups such fatherless children, and handicapped, blind and deaf people.
The western countries began employing voluntary organizations in implementation of development projects in developing countries, but in 1990s the concept of voluntary work was expanded to have political concept and dimensions such as political participation and good governance.
It is importance to refer emergence of new theories in state-society relationship focusing on what are called the network society or the center less society or the poly center society.
With the definition previously mentioned above , the voluntary work goes beyond charity and assisting the vulnerable groups.

Voluntary Organizations and the civil society
The civil society is defined as set of social institutions relatively independent from the state and work to achieve political , economic and social objectives.
The differences between the native organizations and the civil society organizations are represented in the following five features:-
1- Voluntary
2- Independent, particularly from the state
3- non profit
4- Not serving interests of the organization members
5- Participant in public affair.

So, these organizations were found to serve common interests or to work in specific area or to achieve collective benefits ext.
Concept of Voluntary Work

Definition of Volunteering

Volunteering means efforts based on certain skill or experience being deliberately exerted to meet a social obligation without expecting any financial reward.

Voluntary work

There are two approaches in definition of voluntary work, one based on nature of the voluntary work and its objectives, and the other on concept of voluntary organizations and their relations with the different sectors of the communities. And this comprehensive definition used for definingcivil society organizations which based on four pillars.
1 volunteering and freedom of joining these organizations.
2 Cooperation with the state and the family to fill the gap irrespective of differences
3 inherited.
4 Sound and democratic administration of diversities and differences.

The concept of NGOs used to means social initiatives made for carrying out activities in the fields of social services, charitable assistance, education, health , culture, concern environment, development, vocational training and child and human rights advocacy.

Definition of voluntary work in Sudanese Laws.

The Organization of Humanitarian and Voluntary Work Act , 2006 defines the voluntary work as any voluntary humanitarian non-profit activity carried out by national or foreign voluntary or charity organizations registered in Sudan to provide humanitarian aid or relief or to improve the economic and social standards of living for the beneficiaries.

Civil society organizations

Civil society organizations means organizations which carry out voluntary and humanitarian work for non-profitable purposes and registered in accordance with the provision of this Act.

Charitable organizations
Means organizations which formed by Sudanese citizens, groups or individuals who have financial abilities for continuation of the charitable activities.

National voluntary organizations
The 2006 Act defined the national voluntary organizations, the Sudanese non-governmental organization registered in accordance to the provision of 2006 Act .
Foreign voluntary organization
Means regional and international non-governmental and semi-governmental organizations registered in accordance to provision of 2006 Act or authorized to work in Sudan.

Voluntary work in Islamic Heritage
The religious and social values are deepening the spirit of voluntary work. Islam urges voluntary work in many verses of the Holly Quran and Hadith "speeches of prophet Mohammed (PUH).

The charity in Islam and Islamic state has institutional image in the form of endowments as, the mosques and Khalawis to support mosques and schools
The folklore represents the cultural heritage which consists of high social values for the voluntary work as in the traditional societies.

History of Voluntary Organizations in Sudan

As known, the voluntary organizations started in western countries in the early 1980s to utilize the private voluntary organizations in the developing countries for implementation of development projects. In the mid of the eighties Sahal region witnessed drought and famine that struck the Sahal area, including Sudan.
So, a number of foreign organizations entered the country to carry out relief work which changed later on into various projects in the health, water supply and income-generating fields, besides reconstruction of the environment.
The concept of the voluntary action and voluntary organizations in Sudan had confined at that time for providing social services to the vulnerable groups, which called in the social work (the special group) as illegal children or delinquents, disabled people besides blinds, deaf and dumps.
The responsibility of registration of such association is carried out by the Ministry of Social Welfare which becomes as ministry in May Revolution's era
There are other voluntary organizations besides the charity associations, as well as the cooperative societies, and the trade union, which were registered in the Ministry of Labour, then its registration transferred during the Salvation Revolution to the General Attorney and their activities changed into modern and organizational forms, such as the cultural and sports clubs and charity associations in the 1930s and 1940s for carrying out education by the members of the Graduates' Congress and the natives administration.

The development of voluntary work in Sudan.

1- Education in Sudan:
It started as in the rest of the Islamic world through the religious education which was carried out by voluntary teachers in mosques and Khalwas. In fact there were no fees paid for the teachers, but they depended on the gifts and donations which effort by the parents of the students.
The formal education during the British colonization began by establishment of a number of schools to serve their interests, to qualifying staff and workers for carrying out government tasks, thus, increasing the number of clerks, technicians, officers and administrators who were working in institutions, as well as Sudan Railways , and then became the backbone of the voluntary work and civil society organizations which stood against the economic interest of the colonial state, the movements were organized by those staff through the literary associations which established in Omdurman, Madeni and Port Sudan.
The traditional societies concerned with the voluntary work through some political organizations, and it became clear that during May Revolution's era, by establishment schools and health centers.
2-The Trade Union Organizations
The workers first commenced their activities through clubs, and then they allowed establishing their own clubs in Khartoum and Omdurman. ( Lobour Club)
The trade union played big role with other organizations as the Congress of Graduates.
It is to be noted that the first workers' organization was the worker' affairs organ which was established in 1947, before the establishment of the Federation Trade Union in 1950.

3-The Political Parties:
It began by the members of the Graduates' Congress which included at that time 1180 members
4- Women's organizations:
It began by educated women who concerned with illiteracy and social welfare's issues in big cities as Madeni and Omdurman. Women also played important role through their participation in nurses and teachers' unions, besides sewing classes and private handcrafts classes.
1- Organizations and Voluntary Associations:
In the 1960s of the last century a number of voluntary organizations and organized voluntary work appeared in Sudan, before that some European missionaries carried out voluntary activities in southern Sudan in the twenties, but the national voluntary activity began by the establishment of the Sudanese Red Crescent Society.
The outbreak of the civil war, displacement the massive migration to the cities which resulted in the problem of shanty towns, homelessness and unemployment, besides environmental degradation, for these reasons some voluntary organizations were established to face the issues, through setting up charity, tribal, regional associations in the capital in the beginning of 1970s.
After signing of Addis Ababa peace agreement in 1972 foreign organizations carried out intensively their humanitarian and services works in south Sudan in the refugees and displaced persons' camps.
Nowadays in Darfur region the voluntary organizations are carrying out the same tasks after the war flared up in the region.
The number of foreign organizations in Darfur reached to 70 ones.
The registered associations in Khartoum state amounted to 121 ones in the year of 1997, 35 of them are for the Greater Kordofan state, 15 for the Red Sea, Kassala and Gedarif states, 23 for Nahr Neil and Northern states, 23 for Gezira, Sennar, the White Nile and the Blue Nile states and 11 for southern Sudan states, besides other 23 organizations.
It's to be noted that there are thousands of voluntary organizations as well as the schools' boards, committees of mosques, churches and social and sports clubs, besides housewives and productive families' associations.

Post: #3
Title: Re: Non Governmental Organizations in Darfur
Author: محمد فرح
Date: 09-16-2008, 01:50 PM

Voluntary Work in Sudanese Laws and Development Plans

Developments of Voluntary Work Laws in Sudan

The development of voluntary work internationally affected in the voluntary work in Sudan. So, the government concerned with its acts that governor the voluntary, humanitarian and charity work in Sudan.
The first voluntary work's act was approved in 1975. then the act of the Commission of the Relief and Rehabilitation, which its activity depends on relief, reconstruction, prediction of the natural disasters and early warning system. In 1988 an act for organizing foreign voluntary work in Sudan was issued.
Voluntary work and human rights in Sudan
There is political freedom after the signing of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement between the government and Sudan People's Liberation Movement (SPLM) in 2005 and Abuja peace agreement in 2006 between the government and Sudan Liberation Movement (SLM) and the approval of the constitution which included the basic civil and political rights which represent in freedom of opinion, expression and organization that enable the voluntary organizations to carry out their tasks properly

Post: #4
Title: Re: Non Governmental Organizations in Darfur
Author: محمد فرح
Date: 09-16-2008, 01:52 PM
Parent: #3

Voluntary and National Non-Governmental
Organizations Role in Darfur

The root causes of Darfur problem can be back to the post-Sudan independence era which witnessed waves of drought and desertification and that it was complicated by absence of genuine developmental projects, growing unemployment rate, and spreading of robberies.
The current conflict in Darfur broke out in March ,2003 when armed movements began raising tribal seditions and taking aid and international organizations workers hostages. The rebels started storming villages and towns in the region so that the Sudanese Armed Forces retaliated to these aggressions which resulted in unstable situation that forced thousands of people to flee their homes.

In this situation, the western media began circulating allegations that genocide and ethnic cleansing being committed in Darfur, portraying the situation as conflict between Arab and non-Arabs. The western media campaign fabricated the following allegations:-
- necessity of intervention for ensuring access to humanitarian aid.
-necessity of disarmament of the Arab militia which was known as Janjaweed.
- necessity of stopping of genocide and ethnic cleansing in Darfur .
And necessity of halting human rights abuses in the region.

Humanitarian Organizations
Operating in Darfur:-

The Government gave great concern to facilitation of humanitarian work in Darfur since 2003.The number of national agencies operating there reached 37 versus 79 foreign organizations, but some foreign organizations adopted hostile attitudes such as the Norwegian Refugees Council (NRC) and the International Organization for Immigration(IOI).And in order to avoid humanitarian catastrophes, it made huge efforts for providing humanitarian aid to war-affected people in Darfur.
The Government provided, since the beginning of the crisis till 2005, over 151 billion Sudanese dinar in addition to 300 million dinars for facilitating work of the international organizations.
Moreover, in the framework of government endeavors to alleviate the burden of the severe humanitarian situations in Darfur, a republican decree was issued forming a national committee for development and rehabilitation for Darfur to be under chairmanship of the Sudanese Businessmen’s Union and followed by local initiative of forming the Darfur Peace and Development Network (DPDN) which includes 26 local organizations for boosting social peace.
cast lights on Government efforts it is necessary to indicate to the following facts and figures:-
-civil society organizations provided total assistance of 5000 tons.
-The Strategic Stock Organ provided 10,000 tons.
-Sudanese donors provided 600,000,000 Sudanese dinars.
-The Government and the Sudan Liberation Army(SLA) reached understanding in which the latter committed, in writing, not to attack aid convoys and workers.
- In 2004 the President of the Republic issued political declaration for addressing Situations in Darfur.
On June 29th, 2004, President of the Republic declared through his address to the Sudanese nation that the Government will expire no efforts to relief the war-affected people in Darfur.
-And on July 28, 2004, Minister of Interior Maj.Gen. Abdel-Rahim Mohammed Hussein issued decision for facilitating the movement of trucks carrying humanitarian aid to Darfur.
The food stuff distributed to people of Darfur till December 2003 reached 25,000 tons while the national efforts for supporting Darfur States during 2004-005 can be demonstrated as follows:-
-The Government supported humanitarian work in Darfur with 100 million dollars in 2004.
-The Government provided 30,649,6 tons of dura to Darfur States in the same year.
-30 million dinars from Zakat Chamber.

-5,311 sacks of dura from national voluntary agencies.
-More than 3,2 billion dinars from Sudanese businessmen and corporations.

Plan of National Agencies for Voluntary
Repatriation July-September 2006

The national non-governmental organizations have played significant role in repatriation and provision of services for returnees, especially Al-Zubair Charity Foundation in Abushouk and Zamzam displaced camps , Northern Darfur State and the Islamic Relief Agency in Western Darfur State.
Sudanese Red Crescent Society (SRCS)
-Founded by the Council of Ministers’ decision No. 869 , 1956.The Society was formed to assist the government institutions in peace and war.

SRCS’s Role in Warding Off Disasters.

Sixty percent of humanitarian assistance provided to displaced people in Darfur States and Southern Sudan States with total fund of 150 million dollars was provided by SRCS.
According to statistics conducted by the SRCS in 2006, the total food stuff distributed by the Society to displaced people in the three Darfur states was 76,443 tons with 411,424 beneficiaries.
Health Services in Darfur States:-

Four training sessions on first-aid were held in the three Darfur states in collaboration with UNICEF.
South Darfur State:-
With collaboration with the Saudi Red Crescent Society health services were expanded in Seraif and Draig camps
At the beginning of the year 2006.

-21 cases of diarrhea discovered in May, 2006 in Neyala and Kass.
- A workshop on ‘Treatment of Childhood Diseases” were organized at Draig camp in collaboration with the Federal Health Ministry and World Health Organization(WHO) with 22 volunteers attended the workshop.
Another workshop under the title” The Public Health’ was held in Neyala Hospital.

Western Darfur State:-

-Construction operation for building a health center to serve around two hundreds displaced persons at Makkagar began.
-Cute cases of water diarrhea discovered at Um Khair and Qarsila areas.

Northern Darfur States-

Generally, the overall health situation in the State is stable and no case of fatal diseases found.

Post: #5
Title: Re: Non Governmental Organizations in Darfur
Author: محمد فرح
Date: 09-16-2008, 01:57 PM
Parent: #4

Southern Darfur State :-

• The SRCS and the Saudi Red Crescent Society managed some health centers in the State.
• The State witnessed flow of displaced people from areas of Wad Haggam, Goghana and Buram.

Western Darfur State:-

10000 displaced persons coming from Chad were transported within this year . 376 Chadian refugees arrived at Kulbus area in August.

Efforts of Searching for missing in the three Darfur States

Reunited families Pending message Distributed message Received messages Messages issued State
1 - 194 484 67 W. Darfur
- - 302 532 - N.Darfur
3 - 475 756 67 S.Darfur

Aggressions Against National and International Organizations:-

* Rebels attacked Shaariya town on September 19, 2005.
* Six vehicles owned by American A.R.C were seized from an area, 21km South Neyala.
* A car owned by Al-Zubair Charity Foundation at Abushouk camp was siezed in December 2005 as a SRCS car was attacked by unknown persons at the same camp in which driver Ahmed Hussein was killed so that the Society suspended its activities for one week.

SRCS Activities in Darfur

In collaboration with International Committee for Red Cross, Saudi Red Crescent Society and the Iranian Red Crescent Society, the SRCS organized seminar on health services provision at displaced camps around Genaina town.

It also organized a seminar on “International Humanitarian Law and Information”.

People’s Organization for Construction and Development (POCD)

The People’s Organization for Construction and Development (FOCD) was found to:-
- participated in reconstruction of the war-affected areas,
-distribute relief and aid ,

-conduct studies and researches on different fields of development,
-combat poverty and to contribute to women’s rehabilitation programmes,
-disseminate peace culture.
-and to combat harm traditions.

POCD has conducted survey in 2004 on needs of people of Kass Locality in South Darfur in which the study displayed that the number of displaced at Kass area reached 63558 persons. It also managed to get approval of the State Government to provide Kass with water supply.

National Organizations Operating Under
SCOVA Umbrella

As response to humanitarian situations in Darfur , the Sudanese Council for Voluntary Agency (SCOVA) formed an emergency office from a number of national non-governmental organizations to work in different camps in Darfur :-

1- Islam Agency for Relief(Genaina).
2- African Society for Child Welfare(Zalengai
3- World Health Corporation (Neyala)
4- Humanitarian Aid and Development Organization (Kabkabiya).
5- Sudanese Red Crescent Society(Kutum).
6- Al-Gozoor for Development (Neyala).
7- Um –Al-Moamineen Charity (Neyala).
8- Al-Zubair Charity Foundation (El-Fashir).
9- Al-Masar Organization (N.W and South Darfur).

Assistance provided by national non-governmental organizations

type quantity
Food stuff 662 tons
Medical equipment 138 tons
Workers at Camps 56