Some politics , few stories from the scatrred country

Some politics , few stories from the scatrred country

04-02-2008, 08:04 PM


Post: #1
Title: Some politics , few stories from the scatrred country
Author: Osama Mohammed
Date: 04-02-2008, 08:04 PM
Parent: #0

Hi all,
Many people would say '' is this really his first post?'' but , truly, it is.

I hope up forward you are going to find a smile or a rest in the English discussion board, as i intend to post every other day a new post.

Haja Nafesa is one of thousands who work on the streets making and selling tea to citizens in the capital Khartoum... One day as she started early in the morning making 'Ligiemat' for those early birds who struggle to fulfil a decent life, she heard someone who was crying . She looked at the direction where that sound came and found a teen age girl...... As a mother of three she went to her trying to comfort her ..... the girl explained how scared she was of going to school and that's was because her father couldn't afford the school fees - which was not her fault of course ....Haja Nafesa said to me later after she took the girl to school and spoke to teachers there about the problem '' the poor girl was shaking, imagining the teacher or whoever is going to whip ''punish'' her .......

MY question is
'' Do you think hitting a child encourages him/her to continue education?''
in other from:-

Is it neccessary to hit a pupil to help him understanding a lesson''

Note :-
I have been teaching for 11 years in Sudan and outside ....

scattered is the correct spelling for the word '' scatrrec '' in the above title..
sorry for that

Post: #2
Title: Re: Some politics , few stories from the scatrred country
Author: Klayre Safwan
Date: 04-07-2008, 04:59 PM
Parent: #1

Salaam Osama!

I'm so glad you have something original to write and not forwards [like me :-)]

I was totally shocked reading this, is it really a true story? I can see absolutely no benefit at all in hitting that poor girl and I am astonished that she could believe that teachers would hit her for that. I dread to think the school that she goes to.

As for corporal punishment in general I am undecided.
Teachers were forbidden from hitting pupils in the schools I attended so am unaware of what it is like to be taught in the fear of the cane/ruler/whip etc. However, discipline is important for an effective learning environment and there are so many news stories in the UK about disruptive pupils and the inability of teachers to maintain control that at times I think it is a good idea. I am also concerned though about teachers who may use their power and force in a totally inappropriate manner, and seriously harm or humiliate the child, which would ultimately benfit no-one.

So in answer to your question, I do not believe that hitting pupils either encourages them to continue in education or actually helps them to understand a lesson BUT if this child was disrupting their classmates then it may make the learning environment better for the other pupils!

Post: #3
Title: Re: Some politics , few stories from the scatrred country
Author: Osama Mohammed
Date: 04-09-2008, 00:30 AM

Hi Klayre,

The story is true .... I can write dozens of stories about hitting ..... can you imagine once we were (60 pupils) were hit cllectively by Neem sticks that was because one of us wowed (said waw) when a woman inspector passed our class - she was really beautiful - I was whipped on my bottom by a huge stick 8 times until my short torn really...

Back to topic I did use that way ' hitting when worked as a teacher but I truly regret it was of no use.... If I have to work again as a teacher I won't hit again ....

You can also write about your experiences Klayre , either in Sudan or any where .... Tomorrow I'll ask another question In sha Allah....

It seems that you and me only are busy here ...hehehe