A list of crimes against humanity (20th century)

A list of crimes against humanity (20th century)

04-09-2005, 01:45 PM

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Post: #1
Title: A list of crimes against humanity (20th century)
Author: أحمد أمين
Date: 04-09-2005, 01:45 PM

A list of crimes against humanity (20th century)
(incomplete and subjective: whether an act is defined as crime against humanity may depend on the political view.)

1904: The German colonial power strikes down the uprising of the Herero and Nama in the territory today known as Namibia. Large parts of the Herero and Nama die with thurst; survivors are forced to heavy labour; 25,000 to 100,000 (probably 65,000) Herero and 10,000 Nama die
1915-1918: The use of poison gas in the First World War.
1915-1916: The Turkish genocide on the Armenians; about 1.5 million people die.
1922: The so-called Asia minor catastrophe; Turkish troops destroy Smyrna and kill tens of thousands of Greek civilians.
1937-1945: The Japanese war against China, which involved serious crimes against the Chinese civilian population.
1933-1945: German Nazis kill 6 million Jews, 500,000 Roma and Sinti, homosexuals, social democrats and communists in Europe; see also the Holocaust.
1933-1945: the so-called "Aktion T 4" (euthanasia-program), mass murder of about 80,000 handicapped and chronically ill people. Among them are many children and "foreign workers".
1940: Stalin and other members of the politburo sign an order that begins the Katyn Massacre. Comprised mainly of POWs, 22,000 Polish are executed and buried in mass graves.
1938-1943: German armed forces systematically displace and kill Czech, Polish and Russian people (among others) during the "war of extermination" ("Vernichtungskrieg") in Europe, Africa and Asia; see also Second World War.
1944-1945: Allied forces systematically bomb German residental areas in the Second World War.
1945-1949: Displacement of ethnic Germans from Eastern Prussia and other former German Eastern territories (Bierut-decree) and Czechoslovakia (Beneš-Decree) following the Second World War.
1948-1950: Numerous massacres by the Israeli government against the ethnic Arab Palestinian population that led to the Palestinian Exodus.
1917-1953: Numerous crimes by the communist system in the Soviet Union, installation of extensive penal camps "archipelago GULAG"; see also Stalinism and Kurapaty.
1945: The United States drops nuclear bombs on the Japanese cities of Nagasaki and Hiroshima. A napalm bomb hits Tokyo.
1962-1975: The United States use napalm and other chemical weapons in Vietnam.
1965: The coup government of the new Indonesian government kills approximately 100,000 to 1,000,000 (presumably) partisans of the communist party.
1966: The systematic persecution of African people by the apartheid system in South Africa.
1966-1976: Mao Zedong's "cultural revolution" in China goes hand in hand with political cleansing; several million people die in China and autonomous areas.
1974-1989: The communist government of Romania under the leadership of Nicolae Ceauşescu systematically persecutes political enemies and plans the so-called "village destruction program". He also sets up "death homes" for handicapped, chronically ill and unwanted children. People older than 65 are deprived of medical aid; see also Elena Ceauşescu and Cighid.
1975-1979: Under the leadership of Pol Pot, the Khmer Rouge commit mass murder in Cambodia.
1973-1989: Augusto Pinochet and his military dictatorship assassinate political opponents and torture tens of thousands of people in Chile.
1976-1982: The military dictatorship in Argentina tortures and assassinates political opponents.
1975-1981: Genocide in East Timor; the conflict holds in unrelieved intensity until 1998/1999.
1983-ongoing: Several million black Africans die in a tribal genocide in Sudan.
1988: On March 16th Saddam Hussein launches a poison gas attack against the Kurdish city of Halabdscha in the North of Iraq; about 5,000 people (almost solely civilians) die.
1994: During the civil war in Ruanda between Hutu and Tutsi 800,000 people die.
1991-1999: Various crimes of war during the Bosnian war on each side.
1996-2001: Various violations against human rights by the radical-islamic Taliban-regime in Afghanistan.
1949-present: Various violations against human rights by the People's Republic of China; see Tibet, East Turkestan and Southern Mongolia.