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Doctor of medicine at the house of Abu Sin

03-18-2005, 04:06 PM
Registered: 06-10-2002
Total Posts: 5061

Doctor of medicine at the house of Abu Sin

    Another joke of old generation
    I am sure that your dad's know this joke but they do not say it to you

    It is know that Shiekh Abu Sin once hospitalized for treatment of hemorrhhoidal fistula (Bawasir), after the surgical operation Abu Sin transfered to his home, some of his relatives found a chance to laugh about him, when the treating British Doctor came to visit Shiekh Abu Sin at his home that guy told him Shiekh Abu Sin amused when you speak with him in Arabic, the British Dotor asked this man, then what shall I say if I want to ask him how does he feel?

    Yes !! say: Kieeef Teeezaaak
    the British Doctor impressed and said it directly to Shiekh Abu Sin with long breath phoinex

    Sheikh Abu Sin who stonished at first but realized the joke answered:

    I am Fine but you do not know how to express
    "Ana Tezi Kuwais lakin inta ya khajah ma'indak lafiz"

Arabic Forum

03-18-2005, 11:18 PM
Mohamed A. Salih

Registered: 03-23-2005
Total Posts: 83

Re: Doctor of medicine at the house of Abu Sin (Re: المسافر)

    EL Musafir:
    How are you brother? This joke was Hussien Taha's favorite. His version is: Ana tizi kewayes yel khawaja lakin lafdak aajiz.

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