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Game Is Over......a poem

10-20-2009, 10:13 AM
adil amin
<aadil amin
Registered: 08-01-2002
Total Posts: 37663

Game Is Over......a poem

    In land of braves
    At time of cowered
    Lie a big lie
    Of false mortal religious state
    Of aggression and hate
    Destroying people, animals and plants
    Souls are enslaved
    Under mass graves
    In south and north
    With east and west
    So try your best
    And understand
    Who deserve your vote and election
    Where ever you at exile
    Or in sickle home land and nest
    Because your registration and election
    Will put an end
    For this terrible hell
    Of hunting dogs and well
    Then lively up
    One powerful nation
    Of thoughts and creation

Arabic Forum

Title Author Date
Game Is Over......a poem adil amin10-20-09, 10:13 AM
  Religious gauge Suliman Tibin10-20-09, 02:04 PM
    Re: Religious gauge adil amin10-21-09, 12:29 PM
      Re: Religious gauge adil amin10-22-09, 10:03 AM
        Re: Religious gauge Suliman Tibin10-23-09, 00:47 AM
          Re: Religious gauge adil amin10-23-09, 05:13 PM

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