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Bizarre News from all over the world....

04-14-2008, 11:49 AM
Osama Mohammed
<aOsama Mohammed
Registered: 04-02-2008
Total Posts: 4619

Re: Bizarre News from all over the world.... (Re: Osama Mohammed)

    Mugger captured after toe licking

    A mugger in America was arrested after ignoring rule number 1 of mugging: after robbing your victim, don't stop to lick their toes before making a quick getaway.

    Commander Kevin Casper called the incident, in St. Paul, Minnesota, 'weird sexual behavior.'

    The incident occurred when a 24-year-old woman was leaving work around 1a.m. on Saturday. The suspect, a 27-year-old man, approached her and demanded her keys and phone, according to authorities.

    After that, instead of running away like you're supposed to, he took time out to remove her shoes and licked her toes.
    The woman was not hurt, police said.

    Police arrested the man a few minutes later about four blocks away. The woman identified the suspect, and police were able to recover her keys and phone.

    The man was in custody, but it was not clear whether he had been formally charged.

    Cat saved by oxygen mask

    A stricken cat was resuscitated using a child's oxygen mask after getting caught in a house fire.

    Three cats and a dog were rescued by firefighters after a blaze ripped through the property in Dundee.

    The pets were pulled safely from the fire - but one black and white cat was overcome by smoke and needed oxygen.

    From Metro online

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Title Author Date
Bizarre News from all over the world.... Osama Mohammed04-05-08, 12:46 PM
  Re: Bizarre News from all over the world.... Klayre Safwan04-07-08, 05:02 PM
    Re: Bizarre News from all over the world.... Osama Mohammed04-09-08, 00:15 AM
  Re: Bizarre News from all over the world.... Klayre Safwan04-09-08, 08:40 AM
  Re: Bizarre News from all over the world.... Osama Mohammed04-11-08, 08:21 AM
    Re: Bizarre News from all over the world.... Osama Mohammed04-14-08, 11:49 AM

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