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This post is about NOTHING

07-04-2011, 03:55 PM
النصرى أمين

Registered: 10-17-2005
Total Posts: 9407

This post is about NOTHING

    whatever comes to my mind i will write here

    *****Today I recovering from a nasty cold that kept me home for the last two days.

Arabic Forum

07-04-2011, 06:31 PM
hassan bashir
<ahassan bashir
Registered: 02-17-2006
Total Posts: 1302

Re: This post is about NOTHING (Re: النصرى أمين)

    Dear Al Nasri,

    Hamdilla ala al salama

    Quote: about NOTHING

    This reminds me of a one of the best episodes of Seinfeld :)

Arabic Forum

07-04-2011, 06:55 PM
عبدالرحمن بابكر
<aعبدالرحمن بابكر
Registered: 06-17-2011
Total Posts: 16

Re: This post is about NOTHING (Re: hassan bashir)

    Dear Alnasri!
    1000 Salama! I'm so convinced that you have much to offer to this quite English board!
    I liked it here because people are diligent and quiet; although there is small amount of
    posts but I'm sure everything will be alright as days goes by! Many stuff people can
    discuss right here! Don't work too hard, have fun especially it is summer around here!
    Thanks! Abdul-Rahman Babiker

Arabic Forum

07-04-2011, 11:53 PM
النصرى أمين

Registered: 10-17-2005
Total Posts: 9407

Re: This post is about NOTHING (Re: عبدالرحمن بابكر)

    Salam Hassan
    you're right..it's Seinfeld phrase

    I am still watching that show, and love every minute in it.

    The idea behind that episode is very smart , it's about everybody daily life.
    waking up in the morning , going to work, coming home, shopping , chatting with your neighbour
    talking to your kids , watching TV and glue to computer monitor to follow sudaneseonline.


Arabic Forum

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