The Position of Sudan Liberation Movement/ Army concerning the signed Political Accord between Gene

The Position of Sudan Liberation Movement/ Army concerning the signed Political Accord between Gene

11-23-2021, 08:39 PM


Post: #1
Title: The Position of Sudan Liberation Movement/ Army concerning the signed Political Accord between Gene
Author: حركة تحرير السودان جناح عبد الواحد
Date: 11-23-2021, 08:39 PM

07:39 PM November, 23 2021

Sudanese Online
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The Position of Sudan Liberation Movement/ Army concerning the signed Political Accord between General al Burhan and PM Hamdok

Today; 21st of November 2021, the coup leader of Sudan general Abdul Fattah al Burhan had signed a political accord with Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok and therefore; the Sudan Liberation Movement/Armed chaired by Abdul Wahid Mohammed Ahmed Al Nour would like however, to put on record the following clarification points:-

First : The Sudan Liberation Movement/ Army continued to strife for two decade in order to achieve a comprehensive change and to bring down the Islamic front regime of Sudan and to prosecute its figures for the crimes they committed and therefore build equal citizenship rights state among all Sudanese.
Second: After the depose of al Bashir regime the movement had called for, and further stressed the necessity for convening of an emergency meeting, to include all components of the revolution in order to agree upon a civilian government to be run by independent non- patrician figures according to a national project to be announced from within the sit- in of the army general headquarters in Khartoum, and not to negotiate with the army and give them pseudo legitimacy that will obstruct the revolution from achieving its objectives.
Third: From the outset the Sudan Liberation Movement/ Army had refused to recognize the compromised partnership government which was signed between the Forces of Freedom and Change (FFC) and the generals of al Bashir’s Security Committee. Nonetheless; the movement accepted Dr. Abdella Hamdok as prime minister on the ground that he got support from the peacefully rising street at that time.
Fourth: The movement had stated, on numerous occasion that, it will announce its Comprehensive Peace Initiative ( CPI) inside Sudan and subsequently; conduct the Sudanese- Sudanese dialogue in order to address the root causes of the national crisis, with the participation of all political, civil, popular and military components, except the National Congress Party (NCP) and its undercover organs, and ultimately agree upon a full – fledged civilian government from independent figures that, known to have a track record in opposing the former regime of al Bashir, and not a partisan government based on quotas system. However; the coup d’etat of al Burhan on 25th of October 2021, had cut the way for the announcement of this initiative, which requires availability of a civilian- led government in order to succeed and not a coup government.
Fifth: We vehemently reject the political agreement signed between General al Burhan and Dr. Abdalla Hamdok, and we consider it a legitimization of the coup and regression from the goals and slogans of the glorious December revolution.
Sixth: Dr. Abdalla Hamdok has been delegated by the Sudanese masses to be the prime minister of a transitional program that will lead Sudan towards achieving the goals of the revolution and not to legitimize the coup of al Burhan.
Seventh: The Sudan Liberation Movement/ Army reaffirm its principled unwavering and moral position pertaining to the revolution of our great people, and to resist the coup until toppling it throw peaceful mean, and eventually establish a civil government according to a national project as the glorious December revolution had called for.
Eighth : We appeal to the great Sudanese people, all the Shafatas, the Kandakas, al Jeil al –Raakib Raasou, Resistance Committees and all forces of true revolution, to the importance of unity of purpose, destiny and to work together in order to overthrow and defeat the coup and build Sudan according to an agreed upon national project.

Abdul Wahid Mohammed Ahmed Al Nour
The Chairman of Sudan Liberation Movement and Commander - in - Chief of Sudan Liberation Army.

21st of November 2021.

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