Statement from Sudan Liberation Army regarding Khartoum‘s violation of Cessation of Hostilities

Statement from Sudan Liberation Army regarding Khartoum‘s violation of Cessation of Hostilities

10-30-2018, 01:04 AM


Post: #1
Title: Statement from Sudan Liberation Army regarding Khartoum‘s violation of Cessation of Hostilities
Author: حركة تحرير السودان جناح عبد الواحد
Date: 10-30-2018, 01:04 AM
Parent: #0

01:04 AM October, 29 2018

Sudanese Online
حركة تحرير السودان جناح عبد الواحد-
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On 20 the of September 2018, the Leadership of Sudan Liberation Movement/Army chaired by Abdul Wahid Al- Nur, had declared temporary unilateral Cessation of Hostilities ( CoH) due to the sorely needed humanitarian assistance in the regions of Darfur and Jebel Marra in particular after its areas severly affected by the flash flooding and landslides prompted by the severe downpour of the rainy season. However, Khartoum's forces and its paramilitary troops continue to violate with impunity the ceasefire to gain ground and tactical benefits from it, though SLA suspended military activities for the well being of the civilian population and to allow access. Flagrant and egregious violations were widely reported in most areas of Jebel Marra, and so far the Sudan Liberation Army had documented the following aggressions : -

1- On 26 of September, ten women were gang - raped in Leiba area in South Darfur, East Jebel Marra, the names of rape victims are: -

- Amira Hashim, 25 years old
- Leila Siddiq Abdul Karim, 24 years old
- Hawa Adam Mohamed, 26 years old
- Aisha Khamis Mohamed , 55 years old
- Khadeeja Siddiq Mohamed, 45 years old
- Nafeisa Mohamed Ali, 25 years old
- Arafa Siddiq Mohamed, 18 years old
- Safa Siddiq Mohamed Abaker, 14 years old
- Mariam Adam Mohamed, 27 years old
- Mahasin Haroun Abdul Karim, 25 years old

The women were raped and their farms vandalised while they were working in their farms

2- seven villagers were injured by heavy military shelling in wadi Termal village in South Jebel Marra

3- On 26 of September regime‘s forces committed massacre in Rabkona village in west Jebel Marra, in the outrageous attack Khartoum's forces killed 15 innocent civilians and injured 12 others among them children and aged women.

4- On 26 of October, 2018 Khartoum's forces and its Rapid Support Forces ( RSF) militias raided villages of Aru and Solo in Rokiro, the attackers raped 12 women and robbed more than 200 head of livestock .

5- On 25 of October, Khartoum's Rapid Support Forces ( RSF) militias attacked Eiri village in South Jebel Marra in which they 10 civilians and displaced the entire villagers.

6- wanton shelling of civilians had increased since SLA declared its 90 days interim ceasefire that led to wide displacement of civilians to top hills and caves of Jebel Marra.

7- Khartoum forces attempted several times to force open roads leading to SLA liberated areas in order to wage its planned wide- scale attacks after the end of the rainy season.

The Sudan Liberation Movement/ Army will not be dragged by regime' s provocations to break its commitment and we reafirm our unequivocal commitment to the Cessation of Hostilities ( CoH) comes what may in order to save life, and therefore we will continue observing the interim ceasefire throughout its time frame and will respond decisively to these aggressions in an apportune moment, SLA knows well where to choose the battle place and when.

Abdul gadir Abdulrahman Ibrahim( Gadoura)

The General Commander of Sudan Liberation Army

SLA liberated areas
28 of October 2018