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News and Press ReleasesArab Coalition for Sudan:Conscious Statement of Dr. Amin Makki Madani Sudan
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Arab Coalition for Sudan:Conscious Statement of Dr. Amin Makki Madani Sudan

09-04-2018, 08:39 PM
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Arab Coalition for Sudan:Conscious Statement of Dr. Amin Makki Madani Sudan

    08:39 PM September, 04 2018

    Sudanese Online
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    The Arab Coalition for Sudan Consents the departure of one of the pioneers of the human rights movement, member and founder of the coalition Dr. Amin Makki Madani Sudan is one of the characters of patriotism, its most prominent political leaders, the most noble men, the world's most courageous men, the brilliant legal expert, the judge, the university professor and the leader of the human rights movement in the Sudan and the Arab world Dr. Amin Makki Madani, the lawyer and the UN consultant in various assessment missions, Sudan, which stepped up its pure spirit on the morning of Friday, 31 August 2018, the Sudanese sacked in a majestic procession to its final resting place.
    The late resident Dr. Amin Makki Madani devoted his life to defending freedom and democracy and calling for the promotion of justice and the rule of the rule of law for equality, dignity and humanity.
    He was one of the first to contribute to the dissemination of the teachings and culture of human rights in Sudan and the Arab world until it became a constitutional right and a government obligation.
    His battles with honor and determination to realize his dream of building a state of citizenship based on rights and freedoms, and addressing all forms of discrimination against women and violations of the regime in Sudan for human rights on the basis of race, religion and color by its laws and policies, Religious fanaticism and obscurantism and reactionary ideas that have grown among young people and students and led to the spread of violence and terrorism.
    Dr. Amin Makki Madani, with a large group of Arab and Sudanese activists, adopted in 2007 a global campaign and a humanitarian initiative to stop the war and achieve peace in Darfur under the slogan "Save Darfur before it is too late", which resulted in the formation of the Arab Alliance for Sudan For Darfur ", which was established as a direct response to breaking the state of official Arab silence and non-official on what is happening in Darfur war crimes and crimes against humanity, and to contribute effectively to change the tragic situation in Sudan and provides a model for the role of civil society in defending the rights of individuals Groups, especially , And contributed to the participation of the late thought, knowledge and experience in all events organized by the Arab Coalition for Sudan, and headed the delegation of the coalition, which consists of representatives of conflict areas in periodic meetings between the League of Arab States and joint dialogues with Arab civil society organizations.
    While Dr. Amin Makki Madani was honored by regional and international organizations for his prominent role as a human rights defender, he was subjected to harassment, imprisonment and imprisonment by the ruling regime.
    He was banned from traveling to prevent him from receiving treatment abroad in a manner that defied the most basic rules of humanity. Sudanese ethics and high values. He worked for the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the World Bank and the Arab Fund for Economic Development in Africa. He received the Human Rights Watch Human Rights Watch Award, the American Bar Association Award for Human Rights (1991), and the European Union Award for Human Rights (2013). Minister of Works and Housing of the Transitional Government (1985-86).
    Dr. Amin Makki Madani, in this delicate historical situation and the country in dire need of honest and loyal people, leaving behind a heavy legacy and a great responsibility to the civil society organizations and the reality imposes on them a unified approach to build an alliance for coordination and strategic cooperation to achieve its objectives and accomplish the outstanding tasks and walk on The path of the deceased, taking advantage of his experience and his legacy of struggle and history and his rich knowledge and long experience in this field and without them and documented in several of his writings to remain a lesson for future generations.
    The Secretariat and the members of the Arab Coalition for Sudan, the points of reference and the Executive Office offer the most sincere words of condolences and condolences to his family, friends, colleagues and Sudanese people who are aware of them.
    They lack a brilliant world and an enlightened thinker who has struggled to live in freedom, human dignity and a democratic homeland. Exclusion of one or group on the basis of color, race or religion, may God have mercy on him.
    Dr. Amin lived a noble honorable and died a great honor. You have been well and alive, Dr. Amin You have lived in our hearts alive and dead

    Arab Coalition for Sudan.
    September 2018

Arabic Forum

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