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The Arab Media Network for Crisis condemns the continued confiscation of newspapers and the arrest

08-31-2018, 02:24 AM
SudaneseOnline News
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The Arab Media Network for Crisis condemns the continued confiscation of newspapers and the arrest

    02:24 AM August, 30 2018

    Sudanese Online
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    Cairo, August 30, 2018

    The Arab Media Network for Crisis
    condemns the continued confiscation of newspapers and the arrest and summoning of journalists

    The Sudanese authorities seized two newspapers and the "Al-Jarida and Shaiha Newspapers" after printing on wednesday, August 29, 2018, and as usual without any clear reasons and the confiscation is always done as a "punchment" after the publication. The number of newspaper newspaper confiscations exceeded ten times during August, .
    As a continuation of the policies of repression and intimidation, the Sudanese authorities have arrested Ahmad al-Dhi Bishara since mid-July, who used to criticize the regime's policies. This cost him the loss of his job in a radio station where he worked as an announcer. He has been on hunger strike for a week, He was suffering from stomach germ disease, which endangered his life, and the authorities refused to allow him to meet with his family and his children. This behavior is inhumane and immoral, contrary to Sudanese values and human rights standards. The Arab Media Network for Crisis is responsible for the Sudanese authorities. Of life and safety of the loss.
    On July 30, 2018, an armed group dressed in civilian clothes raided the house of the journalist Mohammed Osman, without revealing their identity, causing panic and panic among the family. They arrested him and took him from a civilian city to the Central Khartoum Police Station. After two days of detention, Kasala in eastern Sudan, on the background of an open communication in the face of it by the National Congress Party in the state of Kassala, under article 17 of the law of information crimes on the background of published press statements to the leaders of the National Conference in the state of Kassala, representing the current opposition and opposition to the party leader and the governor of Kassala Adam Gamaa Blood and spent three days in Kassala Police Department, was released Baaldman Ada.ohzh step describes the exploitation of the use of computer crime law limiting freedom of expression, and the exploitation of influence and power of breaking the law in the style of the raid and detention is contrary to the law.
    He also asked the officials to apologize to the Sudanese people for the crisis they caused and they have to explain to them the real reasons and how to get out of the crisis. And to engage them in a solution rather than a silence.
    The Arab Media Network of Crises condemns the continuation of these violations, which are contrary to Article 19 of the Civil and Political Rights Document contained in the human rights instruments signed and ratified by the Government of the Sudan and included in the Interim Constitution of 2005. However, The Arab Network for Crisis Information expresses its deep concern about the targeting of the security services by journalists, journalists and media professionals, especially Al-Jarida newspapers , which has been subjected to repeated and systematic confiscations. Arbitrary measures of arrests, summonses, The right to freedom of opinion, expression and publication with the aim of silencing voices and silencing voices critical of the policies of the ruling regime, and those measures will not address the crisis has been growing and accumulating daily without solutions.
    The director of the media department of the security apparatus admitted in a meeting with newspaper editors in parliament earlier this month that the confiscation of newspapers after the publication was not governed by criteria and said that they were subject to the security guard's assessment. However, this confession reveals that the confiscation process is "moody" The claim of the security apparatus to protect "the national security and the supreme interests of the country" and that it will not allow the so-called "red lines", but the words "elastic and loose" and are only pretexts to interfere in the press and the imposition of censorship on the press in order to restrict press freedoms and freedom of opinion, And put further restrictions p Z journalists and the practice of the media blackout to ban publication in a number of issues, and the withholding of information from the press and therefore for the citizen.
    The Sudanese press, through its long march of more than 100 years, faces serious challenges at this historic juncture so that it can not perform its supervisory duties as a fourth authority, which is the laws that restrict freedoms. The law of Media crimes restricts the freedom of opinion and expression, Social media or slander, criticizing the ruling authority, and a new press and publication law that is expected to be submitted to the parliament and approved by the Council of Ministers without consultation or participation of journalists will constitute an additional tool of repression for newspapers and journalists and the confiscation of all remaining margins. Freedom, in addition to violations practiced by the security apparatus, which has nothing to do with those repressive laws, it represents authority beyond the laws and the Constitution.
    The Arab Media Network for Crisis renews its call to all journalists, human rights activists, lawyers and those concerned to work together to stop the human rights violations committed by the security apparatus and to respond to repeated and continuous attacks by the security on public freedoms, freedom of opinion, expression and press publication.

    Arab Media Crisis Network
    August / 2018

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