Report Release: Towards a Sudanese Humanitarian Vision on Violent Extremism

Report Release: Towards a Sudanese Humanitarian Vision on Violent Extremism

04-19-2018, 05:41 AM


Post: #1
Title: Report Release: Towards a Sudanese Humanitarian Vision on Violent Extremism
Author: Sudan Democracy First Group
Date: 04-19-2018, 05:41 AM
Parent: #0

05:41 AM April, 18 2018

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Sudanese Initiative for Countering Violent Extremism
Report Release: "Towards a Sudanese Humanitarian Vision on Violent Extremism"

April 2018

Sudan Democracy First Group (SDFG) is pleased to announce the launch of its new initiative, the Sudanese Initiative for Countering Violent Extremism (SICVE), which seeks to formulate a general strategy, based on a humanitarian vision, that address the phenomenon of violent extremism through research, studies, conferences and consultations with and among specialists in the field.

This initiative is the result of numerous consultations and in-depth discussions among members of the Board of Trustees (BoT), the Executive Team and experts and researchers in this field. These discussions concluded that the phenomenon of violent extremism is one of the most important challenges facing Sudan, the region and the whole world. The discussion also realized that the efforts to confront this challenge in Sudan, the region and the world, have focused primarily on security, intelligence and military force entry points, in addition to some intellectual efforts that lack systematic, strategic linkages and trajectory. For all these reasons, SDFG launched the "Sudanese Initiative for Countering Violent Extremism”, with the objective to conduct a gap analysis and thorough researches and studies on the phenomenon, in hope to eventually present strategies with alternative narratives, to counter violent terrorism.

SDFG is also proud to announce the release of the initiative’s first report in English, under the title "Towards a Sudanese Humanitarian Vision on Violent Extremism". This report provides an overview of violent extremism and discusses in depth the roots and the global definitions and of the phenomenon. Furthermore, it highlights its connotation and manifestations in the internal and external policies of Sudan's ruling National Congress Party.

It is worth noting that SDFG has already started some practical steps towards realizing the objectives of the initiative. In last March 2018, SDFG was able to establish the Consultative Advisory Panel (CAP) for the initiative, which brought together Sudanese and non-Sudanese experts from different schools of thoughts, and who are known for their contribution in this field. In mid-March 2018, SDFG was able to convene the first meeting of the CAP to discuss the scope, objectives and the way forward of the initiative.

The report, "Towards a Sudanese Humanitarian Vision on Violent Extremism", concludes with some recommendations that will push forward efforts to address the phenomenon of violent extremism, through addressing and providing honest criticism of its intellectual roots and its political, economic and social interlinkages, in hope to exert greater efforts to come up with strategies which are capable of eradicating sources of violent extremism in Sudan. Here are some of these recommendations:
Raise awareness and sensitivity of Sudanese society to the dangers of terrorism, in consultation and coordination with political parties, youth organizations and initiatives, civil society organizations, academics, innovators and religious leaders;
Hold joint workshops and meetings with the above-mentioned actors to ensure that the issues of addressing violent extremism are at the forefront of their agendas, and to formulate a common charter that will raise the awareness and sensitivity of Sudanese society and demonstrate the commitment of the democratic public sphere to combating terrorism;
Conduct and publish research papers on various aspects of violent extremism in the country, such as a study on Sudanese terrorists (which will include mapping of their presence, backgrounds, social origins and education etc.), the study of the existing educational curriculum and its suitability to combat extremism and to develop the humanitarian aspects of the society, as well as media and religious sermons in mosques and the media;
Motivate artist to produce creative works on the issues through poetry, songs, drama, etc;
Training of religious youths and media leaders on combating violent extremism.