National Dialogue Mechanism stands on arrangements for coming round of negotiations

National Dialogue Mechanism stands on arrangements for coming round of negotiations

02-01-2018, 04:04 AM


Post: #1
Title: National Dialogue Mechanism stands on arrangements for coming round of negotiations
Author: Sudan News Agency
Date: 02-01-2018, 04:04 AM
Parent: #0

03:04 AM January, 31 2018

Sudanese Online
Sudan News Agency-Khartoum-Sudan
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Khartoum, Jan.31(SUNA)-The High Coordinative Mechanism on Follow-Up Implementation of National Dialogue Outcome stood on during its meeting in the Republican Palace arrangements for coming round of negotiations over the Two Areas.

The Government Official Spokesman, Dr Ahmed Bilal Osman said in press statements that the Mechanism reaffirmed importance of the state' strategic trend of achieving comprehensive peace.

He indicated to Government initiative of declaration of ceasefire and release of movements' detainees which , he explained, shows the government good faith towards negotiation and reaching a lasting peace .

Dr Bilal said the government delegation is going to the negotiation to achieve peace without relinquishing the unity and boundaries of territories of the Country, which, he said, is a red line for the government.

Member of Government delegation to the Negotiation, Gumaa Aror said the strategy of delegation is to reach peace without tactics according to the draft of the roadmap.