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Sudanese opposition calls for readmission Darfuri students

08-02-2017, 01:48 AM
Radio Dabanga
<aRadio Dabanga
Registered: 03-30-2014
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Sudanese opposition calls for readmission Darfuri students

    00:48 AM August, 02 2017

    Sudanese Online
    Radio Dabanga-Amsterdam NL
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    August 1 - 2017andnbsp;KHARTOUM
    Darfuri students from the Bakht El Rida University stranded in El Duweim (RD)
    Darfuri students from the Bakht El Rida University stranded in El Duweim (RD)

    A number of Sudanese opposition forces have demanded President Omar Al Bashir to cancel the decisions issued by the University of Bakht El Rida concerning the former Darfuri students at the university.

    In an open letter to the president, the opposition called for the readmission of the Darfuri students by the University of Bakht El Rida University and the release of ten students who were detained on criminal charges.

    The university administration should take measures to end all forms of discrimination against Darfuri students, and provide conditions for a safe and stable environment for all students.

    The letter also urged the establishment of a committee of inquiry to investigate the alleged discriminatory actions by a number of lecturers at the Bakht El Rida University against Darfuri students.


    After a disputed guild election at the Bakht El Rida University in El Duweim in White Nile state, clashes erupted at the campus between student members of the ruling National Congress Party (NCP) and students from Darfur onandnbsp;9 May. When the police violently broke up the fighting, two policemen were killed. Dozens of Darfuri students were detained that day.

    After the more than 1,000 Darfuri students protested the university administration’s “racial targeting”, the detention of ten of their fellow students accused of killing the policemen as well as the expulsion of 14 other students in vain, theyandnbsp;collectively submitted their resignation.

    Last week, Sudanese MPs began collecting signatures to summon Prime Minister Bakri Hassan Saleh over the incidents and the harsh treatment of the students.andnbsp;Members of all political parties joined the campaign, including those from the NCP.


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