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News and Press ReleasesBulgarian, Sudanese FMs discuss strengthening bilateral ties
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Bulgarian, Sudanese FMs discuss strengthening bilateral ties

07-29-2017, 02:21 AM
Xinhua News Agency
<aXinhua News Agency
Registered: 04-03-2014
Total Posts: 14

Bulgarian, Sudanese FMs discuss strengthening bilateral ties

    01:21 AM July, 29 2017

    Sudanese Online
    Xinhua News Agency-
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    SOFIA, July 27 (Xinhua) -- Bulgarian Foreign Minister Ekaterina Zaharieva and her Sudanese counterpart Ibrahim Ghandour here on Thursday discussed strengthening bilateral ties during the first visit of a high-level Sudanese delegation to Bulgaria in decades.
    This visit would open a new chapter in the relations between the two countries, Zaharieva told Ghandour, according to a statement issued by the Bulgarian foreign ministry.
    Zaharieva, who is also Bulgaria's deputy prime minister, said that there is a strong potential for bilateral cooperation, especially in agriculture, mining, food production and information technology.
    Meanwhile, Zaharieva thanked Ghandour for his country's efforts in the fight against terrorism and illegal trafficking of people, the statement said.
    "This is a historic visit that will undoubtedly boost bilateral relations in all spheres," Ghandour said in turn, as quoted by the statement.
    The agricultural sector is a very good area in which Sudan and Bulgaria can cooperate, because the two countries have many years of experience, as well as favorable conditions for agricultural production, Ghandour said.
    During the visit, Bulgaria and Sudan also discussed the intensification of the political dialogue between both countries, organization of joint political consultations and deepening of cooperation in trade and education, the statement said.
    Zaharieva and Ghandour also signed a Memorandum of Understanding between the foreign ministries of Bulgaria and Sudan, and a Memorandum of Cooperation between the diplomatic institutes of the two ministries, the statement added. Enditem

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Bulgarian, Sudanese FMs discuss strengthening bilateral ties Xinhua News Agency07-29-17, 02:21 AM

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