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News and Press ReleasesDarfur’s East Jebel Marra devoid of health services, 30 die of cholera
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Darfur’s East Jebel Marra devoid of health services, 30 die of cholera

07-11-2017, 01:13 AM
Radio Dabanga
<aRadio Dabanga
Registered: 03-30-2014
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Darfur’s East Jebel Marra devoid of health services, 30 die of cholera

    00:13 AM July, 11 2017

    Sudanese Online
    Radio Dabanga-Amsterdam NL
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    July 10 - 2017andnbsp;DARFUR / NORTH KORDOFAN / EASTERN SUDAN
    Cholera patients in Salemeen village in El Gedaref (RD)
    Cholera patients in Salemeen village in El Gedaref (RD)

    Medical sources in South Darfur reported that more than 30 people died of cholera and at least 50 others have been infected in East Jebel Marra locality during the first week of July.

    The disease has spread to Liba, Jasu, Fugouli, Rakona, Dolda, Sawani, Duwo, and Fina, they said.

    The sources confirmed that health services are “entirely absent” large parts of East Jebel Marra, while the government of South Darfur continues to deny medics access to the area.

    They called on the federal health authorities, the international community, especially the World Health Organisation, to act to allow health actors access to the locality to save the lives of people.

    Darfur, Kordofan

    In North Darfur, eight people died of cholera in the Kabkabiya camps for the displaced over the weekend.

    The coordinator of the Kabkabiya camps reported that two children died on Friday, four adults died on Saturday, and two on Sunday.

    He said that there are 16 patients currently being treated in Kabkabiya Hospital. A number of patients recovered and left the hospital.

    The hospital of Ed Daein, capital of East Darfur, is receiving at least five cases of cholera daily. In the area of Labado two cholera cases were reported, a doctor told this station.

    The medical isolation centre of the El Baraka administrative unit in Sheikan locality in North Kordofan received two cholera patients last week. They recovered and were discharged this weekend.

    Eastern Sudan

    Medical sources in El Gedaref reported the death of nine cholera patients and dozens of new cases at Salemeen village on Saturday and Sunday, a health source told Radio Dabanga from El Gedaref.

    “We counted 77 cases of cholera at the village,” he said.

    In the isolation centre of Kassala Hospital four cholera patients are currently being treated, a relative of one of the patients told this station. “One was brought in on Thursday, two on Friday and one on Saturday.”

    Medical sources in Sennar reported that a patient died of cholera at the El Dindir Hospital on Friday. The medical isolation centre in the state capital Sinja recorded five new cases on Saturday.












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