Sudan Appeal leaders, released prisoners meet at symposium

Sudan Appeal leaders, released prisoners meet at symposium

03-20-2017, 04:56 AM


Post: #1
Title: Sudan Appeal leaders, released prisoners meet at symposium
Author: Radio Dabanga
Date: 03-20-2017, 04:56 AM
Parent: #0

03:56 AM March, 20 2017

Sudanese Online
Radio Dabanga-Amsterdam NL
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March 19 - 2017andnbsp;OMDURMAN
Prisoners released from Kober prison on 9 March 2017 (SUNA)
Prisoners released from Kober prison on 9 March 2017 (SUNA)

A symposium was held by the Sudan Appeal forces in Omdurman on Thursday evening to mark the release of 259 rebel fighters in an amnesty on 9 March.

The symposium at the National Umma Party headquarters in was addressed by the released prisoners, Sudan Appeal forces home and abroad, political parties and civil society organisations.

Sultan Ibrahim Abakar Harshim, who addressed the symposium on behalf of the released prisoners and convicts, thanked the heads of political parties, Sudan Appeal forces, political parties and civil society organisations.

He paid tribute to the fallen, and the sacrifices paid by refugees and displaced persons.

He said “Sudan Appeal is the first step in the path of the Sudanese democratic state that provides for freedom, justice and equality”. He said the released fighters believe in conciliation because Sudan is in need of peace, “provided that it will be just and comprehensive peace that transcends all the ills that caused the country’s deterioration”.

He regarded the release of all political prisoners and convicts as a condition and entrance to the achievement of comprehensive peace process.

El Saihoun

Abdelalim Abdelhay, secretary general of El Saihoun initiative outlined the efforts undertaken by the initiative for the release of prisoners and praised the movements’ response to the initiative by the release of the prisoners.

He said the government’s release of prisoners and convicts is a good omen for the country and an important step to reach a comprehensive settlement to be agreed upon by the people of Sudan.

He announced his refusal of partial solutions that have proved failure, and called on the Sudanese government to take additional steps and that the settlement needs great sacrifices.


Imam El Sadig El Mahdi, the President of the National Umma Party (NUP) congratulated the released prisoners and convicts and called them to consider the period they have spent in prisons as a tax for the country. He stressed that their struggle has not been in vain.

He called on them to work with all political forces and activists on removing the oppression set up by the regime in the country so as to set the citizens free to express opinion about their homeland’s fate.

Highlight: ‘The Sudan Appeal forces come as a new balance of powers between the centre and the margin avoiding violence to achieve justice, development, democracy and peace in Sudan…’


‘The Sudan Appeal forces come as a new balance of powers between the centre and the margin avoiding violence to achieve justice, development, democracy and peace in Sudan…’


He said that the Sudan Appeal forces come as a new balance of powers between the centre and the margin avoiding violence to achieve justice, development, democracy and peace in Sudan.

He said there is no place for any bilateral agreements. He pointed out that the forces of Sudan Appeal have two options to achieve the goals of the nation either through dialogue roadmap or well organised and well and well thought uprising.

Baath Party

Yahya Hussein, the Head of the Sudanese Baath Party congratulated the prisoners and convicts on their release, adding that the political forces and the armed movements’ leaders paid a high price for their quest to bring solution to the political crisis by suffering arrests and torture.

He said that the forces of Sudan Appeal represent a new shift quality of political action in and out of the cocoon of the traditional political action which reflects a new approach aiming to move to a new horizon in Sudan.

He said he is looking forward to the establishment of state of institutions, democracy and citizenship.

He added that the regime has lost the elements of continuity and called for the convening of a constitutional conference for all the people of Sudan so as to reach a Constitution consensus.

Hamid Ali, the Secretary General of the Civil Society initiative called on the government to release all the detainees and prisoners of conscience from different forces.

He explained that the released prisoners have chosen to fight the regime and have paid a high price for that. He accused the government of spending and employing the country’s resources in order to stay in power and demanded directing those resources to build the provinces that suffer from historical injustices.

He said that Sudan is suffering from racism and exclusion and considered that as the main reason for the unrest and bearing of arms.

He stressed that civil society initiative opposes all human rights violations and selling of the nation's resources such as lands.


Dr Jibril Ibrahim, the head of the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) thanked everyone who has contributed to the release of prisoners and convicts and congratulated the released for regaining their freedom.

He considered the decision as a step in the right direction and expressed hope that the decision will contribute to softening the atmosphere and creating a climate for national dialogue which would lead to national reconciliation and a comprehensive and serious negotiations to end the war and lead to peace and sustainability.

However, Jibril considered the release decision as incomplete because it did not include all the prisoners of the Justice and Equality and the other armed movements.

He called on the regime to evacuate all prisons from prisoners, convicts and politicians.

He stressed that Sudan Appeal forces are with a just and comprehensive peace that gives rights and lift grievances from the Sudanese people.

He explained that the way to do that is to stick to a roadmap of the African mechanism and work to implement them without delay.


Minni Arko Minawi, the faction head of the Sudan Liberation Movement (SLM-MM) accused the government of eliminating a number of prisoners of the movement; which he considered as a crime for which there is no statute of limitations.

Minawi said that this is the first time that the government has released prisoners from his movement.

He called on the political forces to pressure the government to stop the war and pointed out that the movements took up arms in response to the aggression and defence of the land and honour.

He considered asking the movements to give up their arms just like aiming at stripping the oppressed of the weapon and make it in the hands of the oppressor; which means prolonging the war.

أبرز عناوين سودانيز اون لاين صباح اليوم الموافق 19 مارس 2017

اخبار و بيانات

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  • الإمام الصادق المهدي ينعي الاستاذ الراحل سيد أحمد الحسين
  • الخرطوم تستضيف بعد غد اجتماعات اللجنة العليا السودانية التونسية المشتركة
  • تقنيات جديدة لضبط الغش فى امتحانات الشهادة الثانوية
  • قيادات بحزب الأمة تشترط إعفاء سارة نقد الله لإنجاح لم الشمل
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  • توتر في كاودا ووساطة من سلفاكير لاحتواء الأزمة مجلس التحرير يعزل عرمان ويستبدل وفد التفاوض
  • طلاب يطلقون حملة للحد من الانتحار والأمراض النفسية
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  • مبعوث أوربي: السودانيون مستعدون للحوار بشأن التنوع الديني
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  • الحركه الشعبيه لتحرير السودان شمال تعترف رسمياً باستقالة الحلو
  • والي شمال كردفان أحمد هارون: الترابي لم ينتج فكره لحزب أو جماعة بل لأمة
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  • تفاصيل جديدة فى قضية سيراميك رأس الخيمة
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  • مبارك الفاضل: عدوي الحوار انتقلت إلى جنوب السودان وتشاد
  • مساعدات من جوبا لمعسكرات قطاع الشمال بإيدا والمابان
  • الميرغني ينعى الأمين العام للحزب الاتحادي سيد أحمد الحسبن
  • برلماني يطالب بوقف توقيع عقد طريق لقاوة الفولة
  • تحالف المزارعين ..لن نسلم محصول القمح مالم ترفع الحكومة سعر الجوال الي ٦٠٠ جنيه
  • المهدي..المشروع الحضاري طرشق ونخطط لهجمة بالقوة الناعمة
  • الامام الصادق المهدي: هناك فرصة كبيرة لتحقيق السلام في السودان حال رغبت الحكومة
  • يتضمن معلومات تنشر لأول مرة عن محاكمة الأستاذ محمود محمد طه واللحظات الأخيرة قبل إعدامه..المستشار ح
  • تحالف قوى المعارضة السودانية بالولايات المتحدة ينعى سيداحمد الحسين

    اراء و مقالات

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  • معارض سوداني اربك زيارة الشيخة موزه بفديو بقلم الجيلي عبد الله
  • كاتب وموت وشمعدان بقلم اسعد عبدالله عبدعلي
  • (زينب)تطعم (البطون)الجائعة!! بقلم أحمد دهب
  • المشترك بين أحلام التميمي وأحمد الدقامسة بقلم د. فايز أبو شمالة
  • نهج التكفيريين علا وتفرعن ونال خُبثه؟ صَّدقهم السُنة فافترسوهم وخَّرجوهم..!! بقلم معتضد الزاملي
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  • الشيخة موزا .. الرمزية والعمق بقلم عواطف عبد اللطيف كاتبة واعلامية مقيمة بقطر
  • الحالة الفلسطينية ، المؤثر والمتغير وما بينهما بقلم سميح خلف
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  • ألسنة الإفك!! بقلم الطاهر ساتي
  • والحديث مع البلهاء يستمر بقلم إسحق فضل الله
  • التعاون بين إسرائيل والأبارتايد بقلم د. غازي حسين
  • لا تفرحوا.. بالاستقالة! بقلم عثمان ميرغني
  • توزيع أدوار..! بقلم عبد الله الشيخ
  • انقلاب في الحركة الشعبية..!! بقلم عبدالباقي الظافر
  • أم الدنيا!! بقلم صلاح الدين عووضة
  • أخي علي الحاج ..اعرض عن هذا !! بقلم الطيب مصطفى
  • جُوبا مالِك عليّ
  • المعركة مع الإعلام المصري حقيقية وليست وهمية يا عثمان بقلم كمال الهِدي
  • لصوص البيئة وبيئة اللصوص(2) بقلم حيدر احمد خيرالله
  • شمال كردفان تحت وطأت الجبروت وقوانين الحق الإلهى بقلم ياسرقطيه
  • كوابح التطرف في الحِراك الإبداعي .. !! بقلم هيثم الفضل

    المنبر العام

  • طبقات أُم بناياٌ قش ( 5 )
  • الأمريكان قادمون ... عمر البكري أبوحراز / آخر لحظة
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  • حقيقــــــــــة شكرا ي حكومة الخرطوم الحق يقال(صور)
  • انتبهوا أيها السادة فى مصر وفى السودان هنالك جهات تخطط لزعزعة امنكم وتخريب اوطانكم
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  • دي أول مره أشاهد فيها العاصمة الرياض
  • الى الرفيق الاعلى القطب الاتحادى سيداحمد الحسين عليه الرحمة والرضوان
  • الحكومة تطلق سراح ماتبقى من أسرى العدل والمساواة بعد قليل
  • حلمى الجزار المسؤول المالى عن أموال الجماعه بالخرطوم
  • الهلال ...الى دورى المجموعات..اهداف اللقاء.
  • مجزرة للنخيل بالخرطوم ضحيتها 120 نخلة مثمرة
  • المعركة مع الإعلام المصري حقيقية وليست وهمية يا عثمان ميرغني
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  • ( لَقَدْ خَلَقْنَا الإنْسَانَ فِي أَحْسَنِ تَقْوِيمٍ).
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  • ارقام مخيفة جدا أين نحن منها !؟#
  • الاخباري ليوم 19مارس 2017
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  • أمين اتحاد الصحفيين السودانيين:من المستحيل زعزعة العلاقات المصرية السودانية
  • ناس الباوقة في المنبر زادوا واحد.
  • حقارة المصريين: مصر تطالب السودان بتعويضات لاساءته لسمعة خضرواتها..؟!!!!!
  • الفضائيات السودانية تلزم الصمت إمام استفزازات الإعلام الفرعوني !!