Senegal Justice Minister and ICC President unveil artwork donation to International Criminal Court

Senegal Justice Minister and ICC President unveil artwork donation to International Criminal Court

02-18-2017, 04:56 AM


Post: #1
Title: Senegal Justice Minister and ICC President unveil artwork donation to International Criminal Court
Author: ICC Public Affairs Unit
Date: 02-18-2017, 04:56 AM
Parent: #0

03:56 AM February, 18 2017

Sudanese Online
ICC Public Affairs Unit-Hague- Netherlands.
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Senegal Justice Minister and ICC President unveil artwork donation to International Criminal Court
Left to right: ICC Registrar Herman von Hebel, ICC Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda, ICC President Judge Silvia Fernández de Gurmendi, Minister of Justice of Senegal and President of the Assembly of States Parties H.E. Mr Sidiki Kaba, Senegalese artist Mr Kalidou Kasse and Ambassador of Senegal in The Hague H .E. Mr. Momar Diop, in front of Mr Kasse’s painting, titled "Peace through Justice" ©ICC-CPI

On 16 February 2017, H.E. Mr Sidiki Kaba, Minister of Justice of Senegal and President of the Assembly of States Parties, together with the President of the International Criminal Court (ICC) Judge Silvia Fernández de Gurmendi unveiled an artwork donation from the Government of Senegal to the ICC. The ceremony was held at the seat of the Court in The Hague, The Netherlands, in the presence of H.E. Mr Momar Diop, Ambassador of Senegal in The Hague, ICC Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda and ICC Registrar Herman von Hebel.

The artwork is a painting on canvas entitled "Peace through Justice" created by Mr Kalidou Kasse, a Senegalese artist, painter and sculptor. The work depicts a contemporary world with its differences and constant changes with at its center a universal book symbolizing knowledge sharing between peoples and collective memory needed to meet the challenges of the future.

H.E. Mr Sidiki Kaba said in his speech at the ceremony that this donation represents a call for peace and the freedom of peoples through justice. ‘This artwork unique in its conception and relevant by its message will hopefully contribute to the spread of justice and mark Senegal’s commitment to the principles of peace and justice’.

Expressing the Court's gratitude to the Government of Senegal for this donation, ICC President Fernández stated: “This work of art is particularly remarkable because it has been created specifically for the Court, reflecting the history behind its creation and the values it represents.” The President also recalled that, as the first State Party to the Rome Statute, Senegal, has been “a pillar in the international community's support for the ICC” and has “demonstrated firmness in its defense of the Rome Statute and the principles enshrined therein.”

Since the move to its new permanent premises in December 2015, the ICC received artwork donations from the Governments of Japan, Korea, Liechtenstein, Slovenia and Tunisia, representing their cultural heritage as well as reflecting the mandate of the Court.

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