Joseph Afandi, a journalist with the El Tabeer who was held incommunicado by the South Sudanese

Joseph Afandi, a journalist with the El Tabeer who was held incommunicado by the South Sudanese

02-23-2016, 05:53 PM


Post: #1
Title: Joseph Afandi, a journalist with the El Tabeer who was held incommunicado by the South Sudanese
Author: SudaneseOnline News
Date: 02-23-2016, 05:53 PM
Parent: #0

04:53 PM February, 23 2016

Sudanese Online
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Further information on UA: 22/16 Index: AFR 65/3480/2016 South Sudan Date: 22 February 2016
Joseph Afandi, a journalist with the El Tabeer daily newspaper who was held incommunicado by the South Sudanese National Security Service (NSS) since 29 December 2015 has been released.
Joseph Afandi was arrested by members of the NSS while having tea in Hai Thoura, Juba at around 6pm on 29 December 2015. He was held incommunicado without access to family and a lawyer and without being brought before a judicial authority. Joseph Afandi was released on 19 February without being charged.
His arrest is believed to have been in connection with an article he wrote criticising the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM), the ruling party. The article was published in El Tabeer on 23 December 2015.
El Tabeer ceased publication after verbal orders from the NSS to stop printing until further notice. The paper started publication in November 2015.
No further action is requested of the UA network. Many thanks to those who sent appeals.
This is the first update of UA 22/16. Further information:
Name: Joseph Afandi Gender m/f: m
Further information on UA: 22/16 Index: AFR 65/3480/2016 Issue Date: 22 February 2016

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