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News and Press ReleasesWho is President Salva Kiir Mayardit؟ By Simon Yel Yel and Paanluel Wel, Juba South Sudan
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Who is President Salva Kiir Mayardit؟ By Simon Yel Yel and Paanluel Wel, Juba South Sudan

02-19-2016, 06:32 PM

Re: Who is President Salva Kiir Mayardit؟ By Simon Yel Yel and Paanluel Wel, Ju (Re: Simon Yel Yel)

    ًThanks Mr Simon for writing the biography of Salva Kiir Mayardit, president of the newly born republic of South Sudan, but haven't mention anything about his father moving to Nuhud town of Western Kordofan and lived there as most of Gogirel, Awil and Abyei dinka who used to seasonally migrate north into western Kordofan to cultivate Sudanese ground nut in joint venture with the Arab natives there, and some of such Dinka farmers remain there as any other citizens as Salva's father (Kiir) remained in Nuhud as the Dinka Sheihk who was responsible as a surety for Dinka people who come for the first time to work with the natives.It's said that Sheikh Kiir continued to live in Nuhud until he died there, besides, everyone knows about Sheikh Kiir's family at Nuhud and about his well known daughter working at Nuhud Hospital and who must be Salva's sister at least his alf sister from his father. So we'd be glad if you please comment on this, knowing that the said sister of Salva at Nuhud is married to one Arab guy who is also known for his precious antiquities collections from all parts of the Sudan.

    Thanks once again

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Title Author Date
Who is President Salva Kiir Mayardit؟ By Simon Yel Yel and Paanluel Wel, Juba South Sudan Simon Yel Yel02-19-16, 04:21 PM
  Re: Who is President Salva Kiir Mayardit؟ By Simon Yel Yel and Paanluel Wel, Ju alazhary 02-19-16, 06:32 PM

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