Unofficial Consultations between Government and People's Movement Commence

Unofficial Consultations between Government and People's Movement Commence

01-22-2016, 06:23 PM


Post: #1
Title: Unofficial Consultations between Government and People's Movement Commence
Author: Sudan News Agency
Date: 01-22-2016, 06:23 PM
Parent: #0

05:23 PM Jan, 22 2016

Sudanese Online
Sudan News Agency-Khartoum-Sudan
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Berlin, Jan.22(SUNA)- The sitting of unofficial consultations between the Government and the People's Movement-North Sector began in, Berlin, capital of Germany, Friday where Assistant of President of the Republic and Deputy Chairman of the National Congress, Engineer Ibrahim Mahmoud chaired the Sudanese side while Yassir Arman presided over the side of the People's Movement.

The ASSISTANT OF THE Republic expressed in his speech before the opening sitting , the Government readiness and resolve to go ahead for reaching peaceful settlement , and cessation of war, commending the Germany's role in work for peace .
Yassir Arman underscored the People's Movement desire to work with open heart for reaching understandings to end the war and to work for resolving the differences peacefully.

The Government of Germany welcome holding of unofficial consultations , and hoped that the consultations will lead to fruitful results, stressing Germany's readiness to support peace process in collaboration with the African Union and the other parties.

AU Representative expressed hope that the two parties reach understandings boosting efforts of peaceful settlement and ending of war.

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