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News and Press ReleasesThe dialogue is the only way to protect the country: Sudan’s Vice President
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The dialogue is the only way to protect the country: Sudan’s Vice President

12-19-2014, 04:28 PM
SudaneseOnline News
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Registered: 01-13-2014
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The dialogue is the only way to protect the country: Sudan’s Vice President

    December 19, 2014-Khartoum-SudaneseOnline-Sudan’s Vice President, Hassabo Mohamed Abdul Rahman, reiterated the call for the armed groups to join the national dialogue launched by the president Omer Al-Bashir last January, pointing to the importance of meeting Sudanese people for peaceful transfer of power and solving of the country’s issues
    During his address the celebrations of the 58th anniversary of the Dependence of Sudan on Thursday, Abdul Rahman called on all political forces to unite their political will, stressing the continuation of the national dialogue to achieve its goals
    Sudan’s Vice President pointed out that the dialogue is the only way to protect the gains of independence, stating that the Sudanese people avoided all conspiracies against Sudan, urging all institutions to hold seminars on definition of independence
    Sudanese political parties participating in the dialogue process have criticized the ruling National Congress Party (NCP) holding the latter responsible for the delay of the dialogue process.
    The opposition alliance of the National Consensus Forces (NCF) also refused to participate and instead called for removing restrictions on freedoms, releasing political prisoners and establishing a transitional government.
    Political parties which agreed to participate in the national dialogue failed to make any breakthrough on issues under discussion including governance, economy, foreign relations and national identity.

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