Sudan’s Government and Darfur rebel movements refer their disputes to African mediation

Sudan’s Government and Darfur rebel movements refer their disputes to African mediation

11-29-2014, 03:51 PM


Post: #1
Title: Sudan’s Government and Darfur rebel movements refer their disputes to African mediation
Author: SudaneseOnline News
Date: 11-29-2014, 03:51 PM
Parent: #0

Khartoum-SudaneseOnline-The delegations of Sudan’s Government and the rebel two Darfur groups of Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) and Sudan Liberation Movement-Minni Minawi (SLM-MM) referred their dispute over the negotiations agenda to African mediation to decide on it
The head of Sudan’s Government delegation to Darfur negotiations, Dr. Amin Hassan Omer, said that his delegation came to Addis Ababa with full powers to discuss the themes of the round which include, in accordance with the invitation of the African Union, a comprehensive ceasefire in Darfur or cessation of hostilities which leads directly to the ceasefire.
Omer pointed out that the other party considers that Doha Document for Peace in Darfur (DDPD) , which adopted by the African Union, the United Nations and the people of Darfur is unacceptable and want to talk about a new declaration of principles and a negotiating process without DDPD, adding that they had explained to the delegations of the two Darfur movements that DDPD is bound for Sudan and its a moral and legal obligation.
For his part, the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM), Jibreel Ibrahim said that they are waiting for the mediation ability in bridge the gap with the Government delegation, stressing that Darfur movements did not withdraw or leave Addis Ababa
"I'm optimistic instead of difficulties and obstacles, and at the end people Sudan will come to peace." Ibrahim confirmed
Since 23 November, Sudanese government delegations and representatives of two rebel groups, the Justice and Equality Movement and the Minnawi faction of the Sudan Liberation Movement, (SLM-MM) are engaged in talks on a cessation of hostilities and security arrangements in Darfur.
The process comes in implementation of a roadmap endorsed by the Peace and Security Council providing to hold one process in two tracks to include the rebel groups in the national dialogue process.