Gimir prospectors held at Sudan-Chad border

Gimir prospectors held at Sudan-Chad border

08-31-2014, 09:03 PM


Post: #1
Title: Gimir prospectors held at Sudan-Chad border
Author: Radio Dabanga
Date: 08-31-2014, 09:03 PM



31 Aug

.) -

The Chadian authorities detained 18 gold seekers of the Gimir tribe, when they were crossing the Chadian-Sudanese border on their way back from Niger to Kulbus in West Darfur more than two weeks ago.

Abakar El Tom, the spokesmen for the Gimir tribe told Radio Dabanga from Kulbus that the Chadian authorities arrested 18 tribesmen, and confiscated their seven Land Cruisers, 113 gold mining tools, and 14 kg of gold in the second week of August. The group had prospected the gold in Niger.

“The Gimir, led by El Doma Adam Abdel Rahman, are still being held in custody in the prisons of Fia Largo and Harba in eastern Chad.”

El Tom added that more tribesmen are held in various prisons in Chad. “We are still searching for them.” He described the conditions in the Chadian prisons as “very hard and tragic”.

File photo: Sudanese gold-miners (Mohamed Nureldin Abdallah/Reuters)