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News and Press ReleasesGovernor of Khartoum state describes Saudi investments as the biggest in his state
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Governor of Khartoum state describes Saudi investments as the biggest in his state

04-20-2014, 07:30 PM
SudaneseOnline News
<aSudaneseOnline News
Registered: 01-13-2014
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Governor of Khartoum state describes Saudi investments as the biggest in his state

    Khartoum--The governor of Khartoum state Abdelrahman Al-Khidir has said the size of the Saudi investments in Khartoum state is estimated to be at 305 of the total investments, saying he is looking forward to its growth by 5% during this year.
    He said they included agriculture, mining, real estates and infrastructure.

    Speaking to Al-sharq Al-awsat by phone from Al-Riyadh, Al-Khidir said that the Saudi investments are the biggest comparing to other Arab investments..

    The Sudanese official revealed an agreement with the Saudi Fund for Development to reactivate the relations between Sudan and the Fund. The Sudanese official said that the Fund has agreed, in principle, to fund a number of projects, saying that the Saudi investments are constantly growing in his state in particular and in Sudan in general.

    The governor of Khartoum state expects that his recent talks with Emir Khalid Bin Bandar, the prince of Riyadh, would change the architecture of the Sudanese capital.

    The governor said that the Emir of Riyadh has offered us 10 training opportunities each year in the framework of the exchange of experiences to benefit from it in developing the Sudanese capital.

    He also revealed initial agreement to find material and in-kind support in field of wastes transport.

    He added that they discussed the twining between the two capitals as part of consolidation of the joint relations between the two countries.

    He said that Sudan owns 95% of the poultry industry and produces 95% of the fodder.

    He said that the state has put strategy to push the investment in Khartoum ahead.

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Governor of Khartoum state describes Saudi investments as the biggest in his state SudaneseOnline News04-20-14, 07:30 PM

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