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News and Press ReleasesThe Arab Media Network for Crisis rejects the violations of the Military Council and warns against
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The Arab Media Network for Crisis rejects the violations of the Military Council and warns against

06-16-2019, 05:25 PM
SudaneseOnline News
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The Arab Media Network for Crisis rejects the violations of the Military Council and warns against

    05:25 PM June, 16 2019

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    The Arab Media Network for Crisis
    rejects the violations of the Military Council and warns against the returnd of the security services

    The Arab Media Network for Crisis noted the unfortunate statements made by the Chairman of the Political Committee and the Spokesman of the Military Council, Shamseddine Kabbashi, in which he explicitly stated that the Internet service would not be returned as a threat to national security in the greatest violation of the inherent right to human rights. freedom of expression.
    It is one of the most important necessities such as electricity, water and other services. Its sources confiscate the right to freedom of opinion and expression, freedom of voice, video and electronic communication, and a failed attempt by the military junta to impose media blackouts. As he did to close the Al Jazeera office in Khartoum and withdraw its license and put off reporters.
    Disconnecting the Internet on the pretext that it threatens national security is a pretext that is no different from the deception of the military junta, which makes it insist not to transfer power to a civilian government on the grounds that it is the guarantor of the security of the country. Under this curtain, members of the military junta declare any decision and prohibit any activity on the pretext of maintaining national security, although the Sudanese abroad dealt with this problem and offered the alternative that thwarted the military junta's plan that banned social networking sites that launched intensive anti-secession campaigns. This will not change the attitude of the revolutionaries of the Council, who are the first to be accused of the massacre of the sit-in. June 3 this month, even if the service is resumed, which lasted for two weeks, may be interrupted service under the pretext of maintaining national security.
    The disruption of the Internet service may have affected a large number of institutions in the public and private sectors, media companies and various telecommunications companies and contributed to the general collapse of the law. The law guarantees that all those affected by this service will be sued by the Military Council and its members for violating an inherent human right.
    The Arab Media Network for Crises condemns the return of arbitrary dismissal and displacement from the service used by the former regime under the banner of public interest. The director of state television was released days after his appointment with 24 other media workers without reasons and re-enabling elements of the former regime and the arms of the security apparatus to broadcast negative media messages and rumors about the fabrication of false information and news. In parallel, a group of "Tenants" is active in the trumpets of the former regime in inciting sedition and provoking them in order to thwart the revolution.
    The Arab Media Network for Crisis expresses its condemnation of the invitation of journalist Rachid Oouchi, a correspondent for Al Watan newspaper in the White Nile State, and was interrogated for long hours without any reason. The call by Oshi is a dangerous indicator of the return of the security apparatus once again to the practice of repression and repression.
    Journalist Ammar Mohammed Adam was also interrogated by the Janjawid militia, a dangerous development, to target the "infiltrating" militias known for their crimes in all of Sudan. Their contact with journalists means trying to intimidate, terrorize and silence their mouths.
    The Arab Media Network for Crises calls on journalists, human rights activists and civil society organizations to gather Sudanese professionals to unite and protect journalists, defend freedom of the press and freedom of expression, and preserve the gains of the revolution.

    The Arab Media Network for Crisis
    June 2019

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The Arab Media Network for Crisis rejects the violations of the Military Council and warns against SudaneseOnline News06-16-19, 05:25 PM

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