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News and Press ReleasesSUDANESE PROFESSORS IN AMERICAN UNIVERSITIES:Statement Condemning Atrocities Against Sudanese Peopl
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SUDANESE PROFESSORS IN AMERICAN UNIVERSITIES:Statement Condemning Atrocities Against Sudanese Peopl

03-01-2019, 03:56 PM
SudaneseOnline Press Release
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SUDANESE PROFESSORS IN AMERICAN UNIVERSITIES:Statement Condemning Atrocities Against Sudanese Peopl

    02:56 PM March, 01 2019

    Sudanese Online
    SudaneseOnline Press Release-USA
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    Beating, humiliation and murder of innocent peaceful Sudanese who
    express their legitimate aspirations for the basic elements of decent
    living using peaceful methods provided for in the constitution, are not
    merely serious violations of Sudanese values and traditions, but are, as
    we clearly see, blatant violations and breaches of international laws and
    conventions. These acts defy the most basic criteria of the century’s
    human existence, rights and development.
    We, the Sudanese professors in American universities, strongly condemn
    the atrocities committed by the Sudanese regime and its forces against
    students, professors and employees of academic and research
    institutions in Sudan. We, in expressing our complete rejection of such
    practices, hold the Sudanese Government fully responsible for these
    crimes. We also remind administrators of universities and academic
    institutions complicit in these unjustifiable acts of their ethical and moral
    obligations as professionals, academics, and mentors. Their primary
    obligation should be the welfare and protection of students, instructors,
    and researchers in their educational institutions.
    We also strongly condemn the flagrant insult to science, scientists and
    professors, including unjustified detentions, arrests and torture of
    honorable citizens who demand their legitimate rights guaranteed by the
    Sudanese Professors at American Universities
    28 February, 2019 Page 2 of 5
    1 Professor Abdullah Eljack Tuskegee University
    2 Professor Elfatih Eltahir Massachusetts Institute of Technology
    3 Professor Ahmed H. Eltom University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
    4 Professor Amir M. H. Ibrahim Texas AandM University
    5 Professor Mahjoub Mohamed Elnimeiri Illinois Institue of Technology
    6 Professor Khalaf Bushara University Of Minnesota
    7 Professor Nimir O. Elbashir Texas AandM University
    8 Professor Asim B. Abdel-Mageed Tulane University, New Orleans
    9 Professor Yasmin Abusamra South West College of Naturopathic Medicine
    10 Professor Mahmoud Mansour Auburn University
    11 Professor Abdullahi Ahmed An-Na'im Emory University
    12 Professor Sakina E. Eltom, Meharry Medical College
    13 Professor Taha El Tahir Taha John Hopkins University
    14 Professor Yassir AbdelRazig Florida State University
    15 Professor Yousif Abdelrahim Al-Hindi East Tennessee State University
    16 Professor Abdullahi Gallab Arizona State University
    17 Professor Alawia Suliman Penn State College of Medicine
    18 Professor Abdelrahman Shuaib Arizona State University
    19 Professor Dia-Eldin Ahmed Elnaiem University of Maryland Eastern Shore
    20 Professor Hamid Eltahir Eltigani South West College of Naturopathic Medicine
    21 Professor Ibrahim O. Farah Jackson State University
    22 Professor Abdelfattah Y.M. Nour Purdue University
    23 Professor Malik Balla Oakland University
    24 Professor Osman Suliman Millersville University
    25 Professor Osman M. Bannaga Miles College
    26 Professor Suad Tagelsir Ali Arizona State University
    27 Professor Osama O. Awadelkarim The Pennsylvania State University
    28 Professor Mohamed Mubasher Morehouse School of Medicine
    29 Professor Ahmed Alsayem University of Texas
    30 Professor Montasir Mahgoub Abbas Virginia Polytec. Institute and State University
    Sudanese Professors at American Universities
    28 February, 2019 Page 3 of 5
    31 Professor Mohammed K. Khalil University Of South Carolina
    32 Professor Arif Gamal College Of Marin, California
    33 Professor Hussni O. Mohammed Cornell University
    34 Professor Mahmoud A. Manzoul Jackson State University
    35 Proofessor Mohammad Ziada Sati Mischiagan State University
    36 Professor Elamin A Osman Howard University
    37 Professor Beckry M. Abdel-Magid Winona State University
    Professor Mahmoud Abdelrahim M.
    Ahmed New York University
    39 Professor Eiman O. Zein-Elabin Franklin and Marshall College
    40 Dr. Abdelrahman Karrar University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
    41 Dr. Faroug Y. M. Suliman University of Michigan
    42 Dr. Aladin A. Siddig University of Charleston
    43 Dr. Ali A. Sultan Weill Cornell Medicine
    44 Dr. Raga Ahmed University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
    45 Dr. Moawia Elfaki Eldow Huston-Tillotson University
    46 Dr. Mohamed Osman Abdalla Tuskegee University
    47 Dr. Aymen Elsheikh Texas AandM University
    48 Dr. Ghada Ahmed Yousif Abusin University of Michigan
    49 Dr. Abdelrahaman Mohamed Tuskegee University
    Dr. Maha Elsheikh Abdelrahman
    Elhassan Wayne State University
    51 Dr. Mai Mahmoud Weill Cornell Medicine
    52 Dr. Mohamed Abdalla Abdalla Tuskegee University
    53 Dr. Nada A. Fadul University of Nebraska
    54 Dr. Amged Daffala Tuskegee University
    55 Dr. Noman Saied Chattanooga State University
    56 Dr. Siddieg O. Elsiddieg Xavier University of Louisiana
    57 Dr. Eltayeb Eltahir Mohamedelhassan Lakehead University (Canada)
    58 Dr. Ahmed Mekky Old Dominion University
    59 Dr. Elfatih Seedahmed Michigan State University
    Sudanese Professors at American Universities
    28 February, 2019 Page 4 of 5
    60 Dr. Samia Ahmed Suliman Penn State University
    61 Dr. Tarig B. Higazi Ohio University
    62 Dr. Tayseer Gasim Haroun Duke University Medical Center
    63 Dr. Yahya Malik Wayne State University
    64 Dr. Hythem Ahmed Abdalla Ahmed IBM and Dubuque University
    65 Dr. Adil Gismalkhalig Ibrahim University of Wisconsin-Madison
    66 Dr. Ahmed Abdalla Louisiana State University
    67 Dr. Abdel-Rahim A. Hamad Johns Hopkins University
    68 Dr. Nuha Elzein M. Bakheet Rice University - Texas
    69 Dr. Ehsan Abdalla Tuskegee University
    70 Dr. Raga Badr Elmaarif Sirror Northern Ontario School of Medicine
    71 Dr. Ahmed Badi Bethune-Cookman University
    72 Dr. Ebrahiem Babiker Mississippi State University
    73 Dr. Nada O Eissa Georgetown University, Washington
    74 Ms. Malaz Elgemiabby Kent State University
    75 Dr. Mohammed Babiker Ibrahim City University of New York
    76 Dr. Khansa Hassan Sidahmed Harvard University
    77 Dr. Mohammed Elfatih H. Bashir University of Chicago
    78 Dr. Eiman Abdelrahim Mukhtar Cornell University
    79 Dr. Mohamed Imad El Hag University of Pittsburgh
    Dr. Mohammed Abdalla
    Mohammedali Elmufti George Mason University
    81 Dr. Ezzeldin Saleh Southern Illinois University
    82 Dr. Amira Ahmed Mohamed Northeastern university
    83 Dr. Adil Abdelhameed Hamza University of Maryland Eastern Shore
    84 Dr. Seif Omer Malik Southern California Health Institute
    85 Dr. Anwar Elsiddig Ahmed Strayer University
    86 Mr. Magdi Elobeid University of Maryland Eastren Shore
    87 Dr. Malik Beshir Malik University of Maryland Eastern Shore
    88 Amb. Dr. Babiker Ali Khalifa Leadership Global Institute
    89 Dr. Maha Abdalla Mohamed University of Wisconsin
    Sudanese Professors at American Universities
    28 February, 2019 Page 5 of 5
    90 Dr. Mai Omer Osman Hassan University of Michigan
    91 Mr. Elsawi Mohamed Hamid University of Maryland Eastern Shore
    92 Dr. Neamat Hassan Abubakr Hassan University of Nevada, Las Vegas
    93 Dr. Asma Mohamed Abdel Halim University of Toledo
    94 Dr. Nafisa Sirelkhatim North Carolina AandT State University
    95 Dr. Mona Barakat Musa Santa Clara University
    96 Dr. Ahmed Abubakr Michigan State University
    97 Dr. Abdelrazig Suliman Texas Tech University - Amarillo
    98 Dr. Sara Elhadi University Illinois at Chicago
    99 Dr. Ashraf Ahmed University Illinois at Chicago
    100 Dr. Nadir Galal Abdelrahman Michigan State University
    101 Dr. Adil Abdalla Creighton University
    102 Dr. Fawatih Yousif Mohamed Abouh University of Connecticut
    103 Dr. Hassan Mahmoud Ziada University of Nevada
    104 Dr. Amani Eljack University of Massachusetts Boston
    105 Dr. Adil Sharag-eldin Kent State University
    106 Dr. Alaaeddin Musaad M. Elzubeir University of Colorado Denver
    107 Dr. Mohamed Fikri M. Osman The University of Toledo

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SUDANESE PROFESSORS IN AMERICAN UNIVERSITIES:Statement Condemning Atrocities Against Sudanese Peopl SudaneseOnline Press Release03-01-19, 03:56 PM

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